

🧵 Promo material for selling assets on stores?

Anonymous No. 906656

Do I need to be autistic about making promo pics like pic related for selling assets on Unity store/Unreal/Blendermarket and other places? Or should I just half ass it?
Also how would you rate my composition, I'm still learning.

Anonymous No. 906658

Theres something therapeutic about this pic. It looks really comfy. Can someone explain why?

Anonymous No. 906660

Maybe it's because of the white tables?

Anonymous No. 906664

Are your trolling? I'm morbidly curious to see what a "half assed" picture would look like.

Anonymous No. 906675

>Are your trolling? I'm morbidly curious to see what a "half assed" picture would look like.
I'm not. I'm really new to monetizing 3D stuff? Half assed picture as in just taking four or five screenshots and posting it instead of making promotional looking photos.

Anonymous No. 906677

This is a decent writeup even though it's an advertisement
You're going to need to make some really niche stuff or improve a lot before then, though

Anonymous No. 906678

I was hoping to sell it at 50 USD :( Wouldnt people pay that much for a furniture pack with 20-25 objects AND 4k textures? I don't wanna lowball like him and sell it a 30 USD...



Anonymous No. 906687

Do you guys think making "info posters" like this actually is worth it if I'm trying to sell my models? Like I think it is because I can show them what you can do if you had some eye for colors + composition. I'm just scared they'll negatively review it if they can't recreate the same thing with the pieces.

Anonymous No. 906688

Looks like a poster ad companies like Nike or Adidas put out. Really well done. You have an eye for scene composition.

But here's the thing, you're a 3D artist. You're supposed to improve....you know...your 3D art. It's pretty basic at the moment. Work on that for now.

Anonymous No. 906689

4k textures doesn't mean jack shit when it's a grunge map and some simple geometric patterns, lmao you can't sell that crap at 50 USD
you admitted yourself you're a beginner, no one would look at your assets and say "yes, I need to buy these" when an actual professional artist was "lowballing" at 30 USD

Anonymous No. 906693

Thank you for your inputs.

Anonymous No. 906696

Yw don't let the other anon get your hopes down. You could still sell it for 10 or 15 bucks most which is fine.

Anonymous No. 906703

Your pack is worth $5-$10 at the very most, the texturing looks bad and the modeling is very basic.

Anonymous No. 906713

this dude really needs to charge more for his work (3d artists should in general imo).

>The Forging Fantasy scene was made as a commission for 70 USD with a permission to resale. If the models were exclusive, they would cost a commissioner 160 USD.
those numbers are ridiculous and he should be charging at least 5x for that much work.

Anonymous No. 906721

Would anybody even buy it at that price? Perhaps, it's a humble brag. What sets are even worth 500$ on a game store? lmao

Anonymous No. 906722

Nah not on store prices - those are the rates he charges for commissions. 160 for all that work for a single sale is insane.

Anonymous No. 906723

even the store prices though
> It started rough—I tried selling 54 meshes for 50 USD. I got a few angry reviews from people complaining about pricing. I added some new models and lowered the price, and kept on doing so for over a year until the pack was 130 models and 30 USD.

Anonymous No. 906724

So what even is the right price anymore on official stores? I mean people like him need to make a living too and we're on the brink of an inflation.

Anonymous No. 906825

the reality is that prices have been driven down by artists from countries with low cost of living and there's not much anyone can do about it.

the right price is the price that sells and the only way to work that out is to look at the markets, look at the prices on there currently for similar items (popular and new) and make an honest assessment about your own work's quality and the ballpark price it should be at.