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Anonymous No. 906700

How different is the work flow between Maya and blender

Anonymous No. 906705


>I draw a dick with my mouse and shits out commands.
>Can do everything Blender Can't
>QWERAltCtrlMouse masterrace

>Wtf fucking piece of shit shortcuts are giving me carpal tunnel
>Equivalent to Macfaggotry Option Command to Windows Alt Ctrl
>Can't do anything Maya can
>Nobody uses it except for Ubicrap and lmao Tangent Animation RIP

Anonymous No. 906707

Just works
Just works

>b-b-but X is le bad!!
Filtered. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 906717

nice cat

Anonymous No. 906729

I love this cat, so cute, I've got a similar one and her name is Senjou.

Anonymous No. 906749


Anonymous No. 906752

modelling feels slower than blender, requiring multiple clicks or switching tools even for basic things like creating faces or merging verts. I only use it for retopo and uv nowadays.

Anonymous No. 906812

maya is animation and rigging software

Anonymous No. 907238

I started with AHOY'd! Maya, it was quite difficult but I managed to get some decent results by that time, Blender 2.7x was just impossible for me to learn, then came Blender 2.8 and I never went back to Maya.



Anonymous No. 907243

The painful truth.

3DS Max > Blender > Maya

Just use maya for animation and rigging, use Maya for anything else is being a clown.

Anonymous No. 907432

Other than what the "if it's popular and free it's bad!!" tard will tell you, blender is actually a good software if you're just getting into personal work.
The only real problems it has is that it's UI isn't coherent or great. (basic fucking options being in different tabs and nodes)
And it's renderer is... meh, but overall it's a great start for anyone trying to get into 3D, just don't expect the move to other software to be easy in the slightest.

Anonymous No. 907454

>do this
>do that
>do this that this

Anonymous No. 907577

Blender -

Hard to learn UI, slow untill you learn hotkeys, very versatile due to the huge amount addons and functions the base program has, feels like you need to do 2-3x the click to do the same thing maya does in 1 click.
Most people that i have seen that use blender use heavily modded versions of it for 2-3 parts of their workflow to compliment the other programs they use.

Maya- Has a tendency to crash or have weird issues if you do to many operations without deleting history. While there are addons for it, it is a lot less moddable than blender unless you learn MEL or the other programing language it uses, Easier to understand UI and overall the skill floor is a lot easier to get the basics down and do basic shit than blender.

I use both of them, each for specific things
Poly Modeling, UV mapping and retopology is a lot easier for me in maya
while due to addons i prefer to Rig and animate in blender

TL;DR just git gud and use both, each has their own strenghts and weaknesses, but both can fit into your workflow to speed up or simplify certain things. Using one software for everything is a bad meme that needs to die, learn the basics and most skills are transferable between the software.

Anonymous No. 907579

>while due to addons i prefer to Rig and animate in blender
What addons are you using?

Anonymous No. 907583

Auto rig pro, FreeIK, Rigify and Rigui

Anonymous No. 907610

> Poly Modeling, UV mapping and retopology is a lot easier for me in maya
while due to addons i prefer to Rig and animate in blender
What a weirdo

Anonymous No. 907640

Hello kibbity

Anonymous No. 907655

I dunno but can you post more kity



Anonymous No. 907837

>it is a lot less moddable than blender
I thought that maya was better in this aspect since at least it has a c++ api and addons are not cramped in a tiny n-panel.