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Anonymous No. 906743

What do you think the 3DCG software landscape will look like in 10 years? What kinds of features etc would you expect to be widespread in that time?

Anonymous No. 906747

Every retard who starts out will use blender
so will some new studios

>Blender has a fake rendering engine
>Should've worked off of lux, devs insisted to use a custom one because "muh from scratch"
>Blender has a shitty realtime rendering engine,
>Stripped ability to run on every pc for a flat ui
>Can't overlay re-renders
>Horrible viewport display options
>Devs spend more time on giant massive things rather than actual quality features that'll improve the flow of working
>Closes whenever I change workspace tabs after moving an object
>Sometimes breaks for no reason
>Have to navigate to even find basic objects
>Can't even preview node images
>Basic options are hidden in nodes and other tabs (light groups are in a different tab, and half of the lighting options are hidden, lux actually shows you all of this shit)
>Unreliable grid system (might have changed)
>Horrible measuring system that you have to actively think about to use (this costed me 2 years)

Anonymous No. 906753

Game engines will largely take the place of a dcc like Max or Blender. People will just export high poly sculpts into game engines, and you won't need Normal maps or AO due to raytracing.

Anonymous No. 906759

Problem is that storage space is still an issue.

Anonymous No. 906767

> Blender will become huge because of the sheer number of people learning it.
> Unreal Engine's blender import functionality will become a priority
> Everything will be rendered in Unreal engine.

Anonymous No. 906790

I think AI-assisted tools are going to shape a lot of creative fields and even do most of the technical stuff



Anonymous No. 906793


Anonymous No. 906795

I expect most softwares to have auto generated material nodes and layering systems both PBR and whatever style you can think of based of photo input and box selected area, which is a feature myself have been working on, it works pretty well and easy to use but not yet finished for release or production use, will be compatible for Blender and sbs files but in this slow development rate I need another 6 months since I also work fulltime.

Anonymous No. 906796

Good art direction and TECHNOLOGY will take another hit due to corporations trying to "streamline" and dumb down everything in order to be able to continue underpaying pajeets with no experience to do mediocre work.

Anonymous No. 907012

This. We're currently enjoying the pinnacle of the 3D world and technology in general.

Anonymous No. 907123

There'll be more AI blackboxes akin to Photoshop Neural filters that you just layer on top of geometry. We'll see more AI-as-a-service payment models and software that requires a constant internet connection, both from escalation between DRM and pirates and reliance on the cloud for AI shit. Image generators like Dall-E will at least revolutionize post-processing and at most kill some niches like stock photos and reduce options for freelancers.