

🧵 You're welcome!

Anonymous No. 906840

I made a thread here some months ago about how Cycles Principled shader ruins realism.
Everything tends to get this weird "halo" around it when you enable specular.
Everyone here were like "It's just how lighting works breh"
I noticed it because I was trying to recreate the look from photos and from how my eyes actually see things IRL.

- Turns out Disney messed it up because they wanted cartoony looks and now Blender refuses to fix it lol.




Anonymous No. 906849

just use multi-scatter GGX. Are you stupid? Why make this thread?

Anonymous No. 906850

I wish I had enough autism to see such details you offline rendering VFX guys are able to. I'm focused on realtime game art so UE5 already looks pretty damn good to me and I can't see any issues with any path tracer, except for different ease of use. In Unreal you usually don't even bother with things such as specular and it is recommended to keep it as is.

Anonymous No. 906853

Unfortunately, that actually doesn't fix it.
- Only workarounds are what's in the video. Or use a different renderer. Or stick to diffuse or metallic BSDF.
This is for achieving realistic renders using Cycles. Other render engines don't have this problem.

Anonymous No. 906859

I mean, it's not exactly a secret that Cycles isn't physically-correct. Take a look at the design goals in Blender's official documentation (https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Source/Render/Cycles/DesignGoals):
>"We do not intend to make a physically correct render engine per se, but we do think that a physically based shading system is much easier to use."
Use something like LuxCore for realism instead. Cycles only uses PBR because it's easier to create materials compared to traditional means. Just because a renderer has PBR doesn't mean it's physically correct.

Anonymous No. 906861

it fixes it. Whats your problem, guy?

>Essentially, the improvement is that unlike classical GGX, which only models single scattering and sets the contribution of multiple bounces to zero, this new model performs a random walk on the microsurface until the ray leaves it again, which ensures perfect energy conservation. In practice, this means that the "darkening problem" - GGX materials becoming darker with increasing roughness - is solved in a physically correct and efficient way.

Anonymous No. 906864

I've been fighting with Cycles for over two years. I'll actually give another renderer a go. Installing Lux Core now. Thanks for the tip.
If you go through the stuff I posted, you'd see others have already tested that. It doesn't actually resolve these issues. I'm done with cycles for now.
- But for anons using Cycles the info in OP could help them. This isn't very known.

Anonymous No. 906865

enabling multiscatter ggx can drastically change the look of your render. Are you calling Brecht a liar?



Anonymous No. 906866

Principled v2 just dropped. Life is sometimes weird with synchronicities like this.
I think it looks fixed now, but I need to do some more tests...


Principledv2 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 906867

Yes, but it seems he agreed with me about himself and now fixed this after all these years ;) No more stupid specular slider.

Anonymous No. 906869

report any bug here



Anonymous No. 906870


Anonymous No. 906873

I also have the SSS bug already reported there. Model turns black when scaling.

Anonymous No. 906874


sounds unusable

Anonymous No. 906877

So are you saying we should use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgORQ5tMe2I for now?

Anonymous No. 906878

Subsurface scattering is broken in this build.
But the issues I complained about in the OP have been fixed. And I'm now wondering if normal maps look better also. Everything looks so "crisp"
But might just be the lack of Subsurface scattering *<:o)

Anonymous No. 906879

I guess so lol

Anonymous No. 906882

As a blender user I haven't used principled in literal years, messes up my shades and it's really constrained.

Anonymous No. 906883

what do you use, senpai. Dont say luxcore, because i will hide you

Anonymous No. 906885

I use literally any other actual shader, principled isn't a rendering engine?

LuxCore is a real renderer, problem is that it's only good use is for rendering blank modern rooms and people only use it because "oh look this isn't cycles"

Anonymous No. 906887

Were you not using multiscatter ggx, anon? Fess up.

Anonymous No. 906888

Stop telling me how to do things the shit way. I combine shaders and use math like it's actually supposed to be used, not just slap a single big shader on it, it's not because of how it looks.

Anonymous No. 906889

heres something for you to chew on : you can make front row, rank #1 of artstation and blender artists with the "old" principled, v1. Have you done this? No? Why you talk so much shit?


cycles caustics.png

Anonymous No. 906890

LuxCore is arguably more "correct" than Cycles, but aside from a few small lighting effects (reflective caustics and thin film iridescence for example), they're practically the same. Unless you decide to render the same scene in both Cycles and LuxCore and compare the results, you likely won't notice a difference.

Anonymous No. 906892

I'd still use cycles
The one major thing lux has that's above cycles is that it actually has a coherent UI without all the hidden random tab shit that cycles has

wtf are you on about?

Anonymous No. 906894

Fair point. Lux is definitely more straightforward.

Anonymous No. 906910

i'm going to go ahead and assume most of you don't have more than a single gpu, in which case, why aren't you using octane?

Anonymous No. 906915

Im invested in cycles, from a time spent learning standpoint and a money standpoint

Anonymous No. 906917

>This is for achieving realistic renders using Cycles. Other render engines don't have this problem.
I never noticed such things he mentioned in the video, but does Unreal really do it better than Cycles in this case?

Anonymous No. 906918

Octane for a single GPU is free though.

Anonymous No. 906922

This is telling me to ignore blender+cycles and just stick to good ol Maya+Arnold.

Anonymous No. 906929

how? do you mean just the trial?

Anonymous No. 906948

Octane looks like sterile trash though. It's got a fucking LOOK to it. I used to think it looked good, but now I think it looks awful.

Anonymous No. 906993

No, it’s literally free, has been for years. Why don’t you check their website or google blender octane render?



Anonymous No. 907005

I tried the white furnace test in LuxCore and the disney material does the same thing, although it's only noticeable at roughness values near the extremes.
The effect is still there with Bidir but it's way more subtle.



Anonymous No. 907006

Bidir for reference

Anonymous No. 907022

its free as in beer, not as in freedom, anon. If I can't view the source code, I'm not going to be using it.

Anonymous No. 907044

I watched the video linked by OP (https://youtu.be/kgORQ5tMe2I), and at around 16:25, he talks about clearcoat mixing being a broken mess in the OG principled shader. Is clearcoat also fixed in the new principled v2 shader?

Anonymous No. 907050

AAAANNNNDDD!!!!! This is why we say, Don't use Blender!

Just kek

Anonymous No. 907096

holy shit finally someone noticed something was off about cycles. i've done hundreds of hours of research and i have my own folder of tests - it's much more than you mention but it's a start (stuff like micro roughness is also missing and much, much more). in the end, i just fucked off to octane render because cycles is god fucking awful. yeah, if i want it fast, i'll do it in cycles but final renders are now always in octane. it's like the same gimps who say everything needs scratches for added realism (even though im doing a fucking studio product rendering) so yes, I would say you're a based and autistic default cube user.

Anonymous No. 907097

why are you so aggressive while stating that you use a paid product while we can collectively farm our renders much much faster than you with sheep it?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 907103

Then WTF is the "good" renderer then?

Anonymous No. 907173

because if there is one thing in 3d that lives rent-free in my head, it's blender users and their undying love that it can do no wrong. i've been trying to explain to people for close to 3 years there is something off with cycles from BA forums to reddit to YT and each time i'm "corrected" by some beeple clone.

i mentioned i pay to use octane because the look that comes out is 1. (actually) physically accurate 2. far greater feature set (displacement is worth it alone) 3. better default renders but with tweaks, they are on par with the industry if you actually have a trained eye.

i also mentioned that if i want it quick and dirty, i will use cycles but all final images will be done in octane because it is superior. instead most blender users have their tongue so far up tons socialist ass they can't see it's dependence on corporate donations fuelled by capitalism. i could angrily rant about blender for hours so i'll save you the time and say yes, i'm angry, yes i hate blender but it's free and i use it to model product shots for a living and thats about it.

Anonymous No. 907177

Most Blender users unironically think PBR = physically correct. That's why you might have come across one who got defensive after being told Cycles isn't accurate to real-world shading.

Anonymous No. 907180

>i mentioned i pay to use octane because the look that comes out is 1. (actually) physically accurate 2. far greater feature set (displacement is worth it alone) 3. better default renders but with tweaks, they are on par with the industry if you actually have a trained eye.
this will be the final take :

look at any of the open movies by BF. They all hold up. Individual renders dont sell product, a good story and animations do. You could say that the new film "Lightyear" for example, using all the latest and greatest rendering tricks should be an instant mega hit, but it was not. It flopped. People dont care if something is pbr or realistic or not. They want a good story. They want cool. Cycles is great with sheep it and newer features like light groups. If you cant realize this, you have your head in the sand. Principled v2 is great, simple as.

Anonymous No. 907194

while i agree that's a reason, 95% of blender users are uninformed and the stuff they are informed about comes from a bad feedback loop of youtubers who have never been in the industry. post a pic on reddit of a commerial product shot and the first 5 comments will be "nice but needs more scratches and dirt to look realistic" - you know how I know that? I did it.

why are you bringing up sheep it all the time? do you lack reading comprehension? i never even claimed half the shit you are rambling on about. my point was that people are so invested in blender that every feature set is revolutionary but quite literally, 99% of the shit coming out is either garbage beeple eevee tier or box cutter hops robotic thingy with awful topology. the whole point of the movies is to showcase FEATURES being worked on AND that it can be used in a production environment but its extremely limited use case scenarios. it simply doesn't hold up in actual commercial rendering (we've needed better displacement, shaders and glass/caustics for ages). there is a reason v-ray and now redshift are used in major blockbusters and why maya is still the animators choice and zbrush for sculpting. i'm a blender user to save money which i use on octane and it's still cheaper than my old C4D licence but C4D is by far the better package in terms of feature set. if your trained eye doesn't notice any different between octane/cycles then you got to stop watching blenderguru bro.

Anonymous No. 907195

i dont watch blenderguru. I watch open movies. They hold up. Sprite fright, agent 47, tears. They hold up. Again, things using the latest tech like i mentioned, Lightyear, people didnt care for. Your bullet point features dont matter, interesting stories do.

Anonymous No. 907207

stories. stories. stories. what is it with you people that always talk about story? story literally doesn't matter. if you had half a brain to critically inspect the driving force behind early pixar and the blender short movies you would know that emotion is the most important thing. this is why you will never be in the industry.

Anonymous No. 907209

ive been in and out of the industry for years. You keep defending the latest rendering features and ill keep proving to you that the audience just simply does not care

Anonymous No. 907210

okay you clearly lack reading comprehension and probably why you are in and out of the ever-revolving door of the industry because you are the first to be gotten rid of each time a project finishes. not once did i talk about the latest rendering features - when BASIC features are broken and have been broken for multiple years like the shader mentioned in this post and instead they are tied up in development hell with the LATEST features of geo nodes (literally nobody in a professional setting will use this lol) but im done talking to you - go share your stories in the metaverse you rtard.

Anonymous No. 907211

No basic features were broken. The irony is that you are telling me that _I_ lack reading comprehension while cycles was always PBR aka _based_ in physical rendering. Go away now.