

🧵 Can you make this with 70000 tris?

Anonymous No. 906953



Anonymous No. 906954




Anonymous No. 906955


Anonymous No. 906956

I see a lot tris on the body that would have been better spent on that sad cloak.



Anonymous No. 906957


...the creator of this character is apparently not able to do it just with 70000!!

Anonymous No. 906958

he over did it with 234 more tris!!!!!!
How dare he!!!
Anyway Iam impressed, really, 70k tris is nothing, I have seen mobile games models with more. And I too have seen PC game models that look like dog shit with 3 million tris. (strange in paradise)

Anonymous No. 906959

Like pic related, lol mobile game, 100k tris, but no where near this level of quality.
Iam impressed with this guy's mastery. And there are a lot of them in the industry?
Why dont more game devs do this? Hire them and make a bunch of very high quality but low tris models for their games?
Too expensive? Too time consuming?



Anonymous No. 906960


Anonymous No. 907021

ummm wheres her hair?

Anonymous No. 907068

Up your fucking ass. But yeah good question.

Anonymous No. 907075

>vag in/out
anon that's clearly been modified to make shitty porn, the game version is probably a subdivision level less than that

Anonymous No. 907079

Most of the cretin on this board get horrible modified / carelessly retargeted and reweighted kitbash nightmares off shitty porn sites.

Anonymous No. 907087

Not sure how he did the fur on the hood but copious abuse of parallax occlusion mapping would be excellent here

Anonymous No. 907125

>look, only 70k, perfectly viable for real time
>meanwhile has 6x 8k texture sets
I want this meme to fucking die

Anonymous No. 907127

Downsampling textures is trivial. Retopo deforming mesh is far from trivial.

Anonymous No. 907128

It is, but a model that relies so heavily on texture fidelity is going to lose a lot of appeal. They also usually use copious amounts of texture sets, and that's not really viable to downscale.

Anonymous No. 907129

Artiom looks like he's been squinting for life

Anonymous No. 907233

Looks like more than 70k
the render clearly has tesselation or some shader shit bumping up polycount

anyway 70k is nothing, been ripping some games recently, AAA models are 100-400k those days, most i saw was 1,2 milion animated poly and the game ran 60fps on consoles
i guess those crazy polycounts is why we dont see multiple real time shadows in a lot of games recently, rendering that twice is too expensive, so you get one shadowmap again like its 2005

Anonymous No. 907246

if youre not a normal maplet then yes. infact you could probably do with a lot less

Anonymous No. 907253

fucking kek, do it with 10K or you don’t deserve to call yourself a modeler

Anonymous No. 907890

>using league models as an example to ask why studios won't make higher quality models
holy shit you're legitimately clueless

Anonymous No. 907892

it is league mobile model, the high quality one used for showcase, not the actual one used in real match.