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Anonymous No. 906991

What should I study if I want to sculpt and make anime figures for a living?

Anonymous No. 907000

Learn to draw

Anonymous No. 907008

You don't have to learn to draw, but it certainly helps. You have to learn anatomy, you have to learn how to use references and how to take good observations from them, and how to copy them.

90% of art is learning how to look at something and replicate it. Once you can do that, you can do anything.

It doesn't really matter whether you're using blender or zbrush. Learning the software is the easy part. Learning the art skills is the hard part.

Ic getting worse- good No. 907011

Post it on /b theyll help you fs.

Anonymous No. 907065

Nobody sculpts in blender seriously unless they are third world europoor or seanigger.

Anonymous No. 907070

Observation, learn to read volumes, study anatomy to know when to push or pull your geometry, but dont go too much into it, you dont need to be a master at anatomy to do stylized stuff.

Anonymous No. 907168


Anonymous No. 907174


OP said he wanted to make anime figures.

Guess where they make the anime figures?

Anonymous No. 907215

Study/sculpt anime figures that you like
bonus points: grab the ref that they use for it

Anonymous No. 908634

how to use google