

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907047


How do Industry cucks even compete with this level of SOVL?


I dont know how t....png

Anonymous No. 907051

normalfags and their retarded darkmode meme are seriously the dumbest fucking cattle

Anonymous No. 907059

Holy shit I can't believe it's been nearly 2 years since Pablo broke texture painting.

Anonymous No. 907063


Anonymous No. 907084

I lol'd
I'll be the last to admit that blender has come an extremely long way since getting shat on non-stop for it's UI, but I gotta say, they need to like, hide features that beginners probably don't need
Workspaces or some shit



Anonymous No. 907115

>tfw no 3dcg gf
I don't even care if she likes Blender, god it feels lonely to not have someone to talk 3dcg all day with

Anonymous No. 907133

portfolio still better than the garbage this board can shit out

Anonymous No. 907147

Cute and funny

Anonymous No. 907167

It seems to me like you cherrypicked a bad example just to make a bait post. What's strange is that everything else in her portfolio is actually good, and better than most of this board. I don't know why she uses that globohomo-looking thing as her avatar.

Anonymous No. 907185

We need more gatekeeping.

Anonymous No. 907268

Visual design girls are usually nearly as horrible as horse girls or nurses. Stay away.
t. went to school with them

Anonymous No. 907553

oh great theres a new.. composting update. but the texture paint tool is still completely unusable, meaning you need to either go without it or shell out for substance painter

Anonymous No. 907592

Is there even any in effect apart from actively enabling retardation

Anonymous No. 907603

spotted the pedo