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🧵 Do you remember, /3/?

Anonymous No. 907294

Anonymous No. 907296

Cringe at the power of Blendturds.

Anonymous No. 907299


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Anonymous No. 907548


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Anonymous No. 907609

>that triplanar texture not locked

Anonymous No. 907611


Anonymous No. 907622

Cute! I love this bitch.

Anonymous No. 907623

ah goddamn it whyd you have to point that out

Anonymous No. 907667

Haha I though it was like an overlay done in post.

Anonymous No. 907684

I can't unsee it

Anonymous No. 907858

Damn you for pointing this out.

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Anonymous No. 907863

i thought i was going fucking insane

Anonymous No. 907915

I just assumed it was a stylistic choice. Didn't even consider that it might be an accident, because what artist wouldn't immediately notice that?

Anonymous No. 908056

looks bizarre as hell

Anonymous No. 908263

It's a stylistic choice you spergs, and it looks neat & original
>watch 20,000 twitter "artists" copy it

Anonymous No. 908265

Claymation doesn’t look like that and it looks weird as a result. She’s never going to fuck you, by the way.

Anonymous No. 908309

it doesn't look right man, in claymation the fingerprints don't glide across the model, they spaz out all over the place.

Anonymous No. 908326

This. It's just MGTOW retards nitpicking and "hatin'" because savannah is "rollin'" . They "tryna" catch her "ridin' dirty" .

Anonymous No. 908346

it's not a stylistic choice, it just takes less work than either randomising the triplanar each frame or tracking the projection

Anonymous No. 908458

I would wife her in a heartbeat.

Anonymous No. 908461

You don't know anything about her. She's probably ugly irl.
Or actually made of clay.

Anonymous No. 908465

>she has a kid
lmao cuck

Anonymous No. 908469

Take your stupid fetish elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 908471

>defending his mommy fetish
ok retard

Anonymous No. 908543

I already fucked her
It's not supposed to "look right", it's just a different taste. If every artist strived for bland photorealism art would have a very boring.
And I suppose Wallace and Gromit is just Aardman being too lazy to sculpt Wallace's muscles and Gromit's fur

Anonymous No. 908550

if aardman knew what they were doing they would be using muscle sims for their animation

Anonymous No. 908573

>dude style
It's fine to have the fingerprints discretely randomized, but floating across the texture projection plane isn't a style, it's a mistake. Alright meme though i guess.

Anonymous No. 908698

>And I suppose Wallace and Gromit is just Aardman being too lazy to sculpt Wallace's muscles and Gromit's fur
you are basically missing the whole point



🗑️ Anonymous No. 908726

My touhhts exactly

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Anonymous No. 908962

why so crude?

Anonymous No. 912033

>throw it up on twitter and we'll call it stylized

Anonymous No. 912038

It's nicely done but it's a bit lame, there's so many likes because it's a girl (female) doing blender, and that's literally it.

Anonymous No. 912627

true, it has a "cutesy" vibe to it as well. It's non-offensive dribble. I really dislike it when women artists make this cutesy inoffensive, non-risk taking pieces of artwork. It's displayed in such an immature way to deter criticism but I see exactly what's being done here. It's safe, pointless and on par with motel art.

Anonymous No. 912660

This, same with tiktok 3d art category. The shit I’ve seen there…

Anonymous No. 912662

>using tiktok
You brought it on yourself.

Anonymous No. 912663

It was for 5 minutes to see what kind of shit gets posted there and it was just like I imagined it. Also tiktok has a website as well, you don’t need to create an acc.

Anonymous No. 912664

>using tiktok, even through a web
Once again.

Anonymous No. 912676

>imagine wanting to "win" every discussion you get involved in on the internet

Anonymous No. 912677

>why would you ever eat shit?
>hey, I ate it with a spoon

Anonymous No. 912679

>he did it again

Anonymous No. 912680

calmer than you are

Anonymous No. 912681

Yes you're better, smarter, more superior in every way. Your reply has to be the last, that means you have won the argument. Good for you, bro. Now reply with "yes" and a chad image.

Anonymous No. 912682

Calmer than you are

Anonymous No. 912698

both of you are incredibly gay

Anonymous No. 912702

hating on tiktok is more cringe than actually using.
>Imagine not utilizing every powerful social media tool in your capacity to increase views to your art.

Anonymous No. 912703

You sound like one of those pua faggots who sincerely believe that if they button their shirt certain way, women will go wild after them.

Anonymous No. 912713

>if they button their shirt certain way, women will go wild after them
woah, are you saying button magic doesn't work?

Anonymous No. 912718

what does she look like in real life?
I want to judge her harshly.
based Rust Cohle

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Anonymous No. 912752

>Texture painting hasn't changed
Actually it has because starting with 2.8 you can no longer paint 1x1 pixels because they broke the brush behavior.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 912765

Kill yourself, if a guy did this is would be onions as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 912779

>what does she look like in real life?
Supposedly cute. Also has kids.

Anonymous No. 912783

What does this mean? Can u explain pls I'm a beginner

Anonymous No. 912790

google it you fuck

Anonymous No. 912801

Hey I actually like this

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Anonymous No. 912856

>tfw no qt3.14 3d artist gf to make your indie game with.
why live bros?

Anonymous No. 912864

Nose too big wouldn't bang.

Anonymous No. 912865

Do you think she browses /3/?

Anonymous No. 912948

I've dated graphic design girls, they are nearly as bad as horse girls.

Anonymous No. 912951

What do they have in common besides a wealthy family subsidizing their "job"/hobby?

Anonymous No. 912954

BPD and other mental/personality disorders on way greater scale than regular woman population.

Anonymous No. 912956

Oh, yeah, can confirm.

Anonymous No. 912969

are they white?

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Anonymous No. 912970


Anonymous No. 912978

one girl i know told me she browses and posts on this board a lot. she is super nice but unfortunately i don't think i can be her bf. i always wanted an 3d artist gf to be honest

Anonymous No. 912983

>a female may have read my posts
I feel violated

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Anonymous No. 912985


Anonymous No. 913079

>>I want a qt 3d artist to cuddle with while watching tutorials

I'm not asking for the world here

Anonymous No. 913086

2.7s hotkey focused UI was so much better than 2.8+. Anyone that disagrees doesn't value their time as an artist.

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Anonymous No. 913087

i mean there's probably nothing wrong with that if you can handle her ways of thinking. just don't have kids because you'd be running the chance of your children inheriting the same disorders, which would be MUCH more difficult dealing with than with an adult. maybe it would be easier to live with her disorders if you yourself have something similar, but other than that, just be careful with whoever 3dcg woman you're dating

Anonymous No. 913118

Probably? Kek, sure if you're into cuckoldry. BPD women are vindictive over the tiniest things and extremely loose, only sharia law could keep them in check.

Anonymous No. 913120


Anonymous No. 913124

A small price to pay for cuddles

Anonymous No. 913125


Anonymous No. 913126
