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Anonymous No. 907354

Is it better to sculpt figurines in pose or tpose first?

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Anonymous No. 907360

>Is it better
Better for what, dummy?

you know what your end result is going to be before you start and don't want to change pose later, also you probably have clay/stone experience
you want the flexibility to make several different poses or you just like the workflow (symmetrical sculpting, easy access to hard to reach areas on model, etc)

Anonymous No. 907364

I'm guessing do as much as you can in t-pose, then things like hair and drapery while posed

Anonymous No. 907397

if you sculpt in posed, it will not be symmetrical, meaning you will not be able to rig it or skin it very well, and if you have to make any changes to the model, you will have major problems as well

Anonymous No. 909535


Anonymous No. 909656

t pose to get everything basic laid in, then when you pose, resculpt areas to better fit the pose.

Anonymous No. 910773

What the fuck are you bumping it for? You already got an answer.

Anonymous No. 910775

Anon... Do you have any idea of anything?

Anonymous No. 911930

Sculpt in pose if you don't plan to animate it (or only animate it subtly), as you can just sculpt the muscles directly instead of having to do shape keys and that sort of stuff. Also saves you time on the rig.

Sculpt in T pose if you plan to animate, or want multiple poses. If it's just poses, you can just sculpt muscles once you're happy with the pose.

Anonymous No. 913487

wat about A pose!?

Anonymous No. 913509

Oh wow genuine advice on /3/....

Anonymous No. 913517

I sculpt in T-pose, pose, then touch up the sculpt some more to correct whatever errors the rigging introduced.

Anonymous No. 913528

Sculpting in T-pose also allows you to try different poses which might work better than what you originally envisioned.

Anonymous No. 913804

T-pose if you will rig and make multiple uses or better yet, made with animation in mind.
Inpose if it will be a single use only, that way you dedicate extra time on the model details instead of rigging and animating. Better for figurines.

Anonymous No. 913934

t pose get all the general / semi specific forms down, then pose it, then sculpt the deformation details

Anonymous No. 914088

The toes aren’t long enough, many such cases