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scrapped princess....png

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 907357

I now have defined my unique 3D pixel art gamedev style chuds.


Anonymous No. 907362

Aw, I was actually enjoying the time you weren't around actively shitting everything up.
Now, on topic: learn to make your "art" consistent.

Anonymous No. 907365

is that a game where you spot the diffrent artstyles?

Anonymous No. 907367

Ignore the nomodelers, pretty goop OP

Anonymous No. 907382

Is called mixed media and it has existed since the first animated movie, my new friends without art history knowledge.

Anonymous No. 907391

>mixed media
some parts are blurry, some parts are pixelated some are voxels
this doesn't look pleasing to me and i doubt this scene has a deeper meaning and a message

Anonymous No. 907393

looks like minecraft, neat!

Anonymous No. 907394



Why don't you fuck off then if that's what you to do? Stop shitting the board with your low poly quarter-baked 3d models. You are jumping the ship 11 years too late anyway.

Anonymous No. 907395

not him, but gamedev is 3dcg, you toolbag. There's even an unreal general on this very board with hundreds of posts.

Anonymous No. 907404

Is part of the schizo look.

those are 3D models, cope.

Anonymous No. 907424

Dude WTF, mixels, non-nearest neighbor, AND shitty unity graphics, this has to be the greatest unity pixel-art game of the century

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Anonymous No. 907436

shut up

Anonymous No. 907441

It's called shit and it has existed since intestines

Anonymous No. 907455

yes, packaging human feces is a 50 year old art piece in art history.

anything new?

Anonymous No. 907463

No Cris, your work does not look like Minecraft. Not even close.
It's also literal shit in a can. Being an artsy-fartsy wanker doesn't change that.

Anonymous No. 907467

yes, people literally masturbate and pay to view webms of women defecating on 4K.

so what's your point?

Anonymous No. 907471

Art is in the eye of the beholder, and I, the beholder, have decided that OP's work is not art. It's an eyesore.

Anonymous No. 907499

That looks nice

Anonymous No. 907504

what programming language you using my guy?

Anonymous No. 907518

probably c# since he was able to actually get something done

Anonymous No. 907529

It doesn't look like a schizo made it, it looks like a lazy child made it.

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Anonymous No. 907606

>art history knowledge
knowing about art history does not guarantee you to have good taste in art. You should worry about knowing about art direction.

Anonymous No. 907614


Love scrapped princess! what sort of game are you making for it?

Anonymous No. 907615

needs a lot of polish and refinement to make everything look more cohesive, but this has potential.

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Anonymous No. 907708

3chuds eternally btfo

Anonymous No. 907729


Anonymous No. 907786

It's part of the lazy child schizo aesthetic, retard

Anonymous No. 909173

Cris uses Godot, newfag. Only the finest FOSS is worthy of his presence.

Anonymous No. 909293

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 909374

Let's go Cris! Whooop!

Anonymous No. 909384

>godot games be like:

Anonymous No. 909561

OP is modelling more than any of you faggots are. Feel free to shit on it, but first pyw

Anonymous No. 909712

Let's fucking go, Cris.

Anonymous No. 910197

there are gamedev generals on /v/ and /vg/, too.

Anonymous No. 910201

Looking good, don't forget to fix those animations

Anonymous No. 910202

Shitty mixed media, it needs guidance

Anonymous No. 910342

>some guy copied harvest moon 1:1 several years ago, miraculously didn't get sued like crazy and his shitty indie game made him millions
>what game should I make?
i mean... you're doing something at least, that's already more than most people here. just don't delude yourself into thinking anyone except for you will give a shit.