

๐Ÿงต Need to figure out a program pipeline to learn and use

Anonymous No. 907414

I know a bit of C4D and a bit of Blender, and some After Effects.

I haven't touch either of them in years, so I'm starting fresh here. I want to get the easiest/best software sollution going for making 3D VFX / Animation / Particles / Mograph.

I thought of pirating C4D again but available X Particles is for R14 online still, and I hear how the render is SLOW and the program is outdated and clunky now.
And Blender now has "geometry nodes" which can basically do what C4D Mograph does, and it has a particle engine by the creators of x-particles.

So I'm thinking of diving into Blender as my main general purpose software.
then adding these on to learn to supplement it:

Blender (Modeling)
Substance Painter (texturing)
Zbrush (sculping)

How is the UV unwrapping in blender? Does it suck? Should I tr RIZOMUV or Unwrap3d instead?
Unwrap3d / RizomUV (UV Unwrapping)
I don't see any alternatives to animation so I guess I'll go
Blender (Animation)
Blender (Motion Graphics)
Blender (Particles VFX)

I also need to decide on a software to put everything together in. I'm not sure I want to use blender's Evee or Cycles for this, so I was thinking either
NUKE / After Effects (to composite everything together and color correct, add addition fx)
UE5 (For putting together all the 3D Stuff, and additional Particle FX, and their amazing realtime render engine)

I'd of added Houdini for FX but fuck too complicated

What do you guys think? I need a pipeline to learn here
Zbrush / Blender / Substance / Unwrap3D / UE5 / NUKE / AE
seems like a good amount to learn, anything unncessary here or better out there?

I wouldn't consider Maya as it seems too convoluted to learn. 3DS MAX seems cool but autodesk will probably trash it like they did softimage XSI soon also the available pirateable plugins are outdated and again blender cycles is a lot faster to preview things.

What do you guys use?

Anonymous No. 907416

What's your goal with all this shit? Just to make 3D renders for videos?



Anonymous No. 907418

Do yourself a favor and get an edu license of Maya.
You want true geometry nodes download houdini apprentice.
Literally free software and better than blender. Now don't be a kike anon. gogogo

Anonymous No. 907420

>houdini apprentice.
You can't export

Anonymous No. 907923

also i heard you can enter bogus info about yourself to get a student autodesk account
then go to cgpersia or cgpeers

Anonymous No. 907933

>cgpersia or cgpeers
What's the difference? I'm on cgpeers but is persia better?
Also I wondered how it works, can you use the pirate version until you start selling and then buy the enterprise version to make it legit?

Anonymous No. 907942

on cgpersia you find non-torrent downloads (that are incredibly slow to download)
>can you use the pirate version until you start selling
i havent heard anyone getting in trouble for pirating autodesk software. of course, buy it when you can afford such price so you have peace of mind