

๐Ÿงต Where do I even sell my game assets?

Anonymous No. 907496

Pic related isn't mine. But I'm in a really long queue on the Unity and Unreal store. What are some other places I can make a quick buck selling assets? How do you guys make money off this?

Anonymous No. 907497

Just make wasteful models like picture realated
I'd say cgpersia is good place to start

Anonymous No. 907498

*don't make

Anonymous No. 907501

That's not mine. But what should I make then? What kinda stuff sells?

Anonymous No. 907519

>How do you guys make money off this?
We don't.
If you find a way please come back and make a post about it.

Anonymous No. 907574

got to the unity,Unreal,Turbosquid and other sites and look at the asset packs they sell.
See where there is a gap in the market and how they price everything
Make those types of models so you can remove a lot of the competition and guarantee you are one of the only(or on top of) search results.
(For gods sake dont make standard military weapons or standard medieval weapons, that is beyond saturated)
Realistic models are probably easier to sell, or stylized models with a "bland" aesthetic so they can fit into more art styles.
The more "unique" your models and texture style, the harder it will be to sell, but you can also increase the price since it will be something more visually distinct.

Anonymous No. 907601

waisting that amount on resources on chair leg nobs, dafuq

Anonymous No. 907626

I tried selling stuff on tubrosquit, but if u scroll most of the places that sell 3d models, the most successful ones are those who sell packs, single models don't sell too well, because the companies want to store as much shit as they can even if they wont use all of ur assets at that moment, they can always go trough shit they bought and just modify and re-texture them... all in all, u will make some money but not much, make something unique and fill the package with garbage, they will have to buy all the package for that 1-3 unique models.

Anonymous No. 907650

From your analysis, is there a shortage of genshin impact style assets? Some retarded amateur gamedev might actually make the next anime game for zoomers.

Anonymous No. 907654

You're seriously calling other people retards while asking to be spoonfed market analysis pertaining to some autistic weebshit only you care about? Kek



Anonymous No. 907676

>Let me put 4x200 polygons on each chair foot that will never be viewed up close

Anonymous No. 907749

I guess u can sell Vr shit for degenerates, lolis,furry shit etc.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 907830

Thank goodness for Nanite.



Anonymous No. 907831

Thank goodness for Nanite.