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Anonymous No. 907653

Why do Blendlets unironically give bad advice? I've been modeling since High School(autodesk fag) and finally transitioned to Blender to realize the entire community is filled with absolute nonces who don't even know what a lattice is

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Anonymous No. 907656

oh ho ho ho ho

Anonymous No. 907661

As opposed of giving bad advice ironically

Anonymous No. 907663

What advice do you give to people, anon?

Anonymous No. 907666

And additionally, what is the bad advice in question?

Anonymous No. 907678

>why do people with no formal education know less than people with formal education?

Shame high school taught you 3D instead of common sense.

Anonymous No. 907679

I actually refused to learn it in High School and only started to take classes in College

Anonymous No. 907759

>finally transitioned to Blender
Literally why? You should not transition for no reason.

Anonymous No. 907778

If you pay attention all the famous blenderfags are not from the west and where their currency is heavily devalued against the dollar. Blender is perfect for OP

Anonymous No. 907779

it is unfortunate and I think it is a blight on otherwise perfectly fine package. being free is a huge bonus but it also means you have a huge community of mouthbreathers following slightly louder mouthbreathers. solid advice is drowned in retards. nothing you can do about it.
try finding and interacting with people who use blender in any professional capacity i.e. those who make money with this software.

Anonymous No. 907818

I'm convinced Blender is a tool created by top 3D companies to keep the market from becoming over saturated of actual talented modelers. I won't be surprised if Blender becomes a glorified inflate AI generator in the next 5 years

Anonymous No. 908142

dnt ned lacite, we sculpt. get with the times

Anonymous No. 908157

I bet you don't even use topography and just decimate your meshes like the Blendlet you are

Anonymous No. 908172

That is what you get from hanging out on communitys, get your own circle of people and push each others limits and move forward together as a team and learn from each other. Best way IMO.

Anonymous No. 908200

Can't stand blenderfags which is why I do all my modeling, animation and rendering in Rhino.

Anonymous No. 908203

So, what is a lattice? I thought Blender had those but maybe we're thinking of something different.

Anonymous No. 908205

Blendlets are the trannies of the 3D world.

Anonymous No. 908250

Well I heard OP talk about us
Well I heard OP put us down
Well I hope OP will remember
A blender user don't need him around anyhow

Anonymous No. 908353

cause its free
Its perfectly fine for modeling, and if you're a linux cuckold or lazy, you also have a sculpting tool built into it so you wont need to export-import that shizzle.

For an amateur, Animating tools do the job for what it is, but this is a free modeling software first and foremost, everything else is icing on the cake

Anonymous No. 908583

>So, what is a lattice?

I'm convinced there's only 2-3 actual 3D modelers in this slow board

Anonymous No. 908611

... move ... click ... move ... click ... move ... click ... move ... click ... move ... click ... oh *back* ... move ... click ... move ... click

ctrl + w

Anonymous No. 908612

ctrl + w does absolutely nothing in blender you imbecile

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Anonymous No. 908618

This board really is full of confident idiots.