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Anonymous No. 907689

>good enough for hobbyists who have no plans to do 3dcg professionally
>not good enough for people who plan to do 3dcg professionally
I mean, outside of small studios that are relatively new (founded in the last 5 years or so), it'll be difficult to find work while only knowing Blender.
>"b-but studios have trainers to teach new hires how to use their software!"
This is true, though this only applies to studios large enough to hire trainers. At a point where a studio is large enough to have trainers, I'm sure they get a shit ton of job applications every day. An applicant who only knows Blender would need a kickass portfolio in order to be competitive with those who learned on Autodesk software, for example. It still rings in hiring managers' minds that Blender is nothing more than a hobby-grade program, whether you like that or not.
>"ok so if I git gud at blender, I might have a shot in the big leagues?"
It's possible to start a career with Blender and slowly making your way to senior positions, even at well-known studios. If you begin working for a studio that uses Blender and learn Maya or whatever in your free time, you can rapidly decrease the time needed to work in a higher position that pays well. If your mentality is "go blender or go home", you will be stuck in small studios-- it's no wonder so many new studios have opened up. Their founders struggled to move up in their careers, so they all said "fuck it" and opened their own businesses.
>"so i can learn blender and work at a small studio and be happy right? that means i made it as a professional!"
Whoa now, easy there. Sure you'll have your fancy-pants professional job that nearly all of /3/ wants, but bear in mind that small studios are highly unstable. A "Blender-sized" studio could go under if a project is unsuccessful, and that means you're out of a job. The bigger the studio is, the more stable their positions are. Unfortunately that also means the applicant pool is more competitive.

Anonymous No. 907913

When you get good at Blender, it's trivial to move to something else anyway, so who gives a shit? Get good at sculpting, modeling, retopo, whatever else, then switching to Maya or Zbrush or anything takes a day of learning tops.
Learning the specifics of the software package is significantly less important than the software-agnostic skills, techniques, and fundamentals that apply to everything.

Blender is free, the resources are plentiful, and it has tons of generalist capabilities making it a one-stop shop. It might not be the best at everything else, but it is probably the best for learning, and that's the biggest advantage available to people who are learning.

You're more likely to get a job if you know Blender and also know all your fundamentals than if you know Maya and can't sculpt or model or topo. That knowledge is the very most important thing. /3/ spends so much fucking time complaining and arguing about the most inconsequential things.

Anonymous No. 907951


Anonymous No. 907953

>When you get good at Blender, it's trivial to move to something else anyway, so who gives a shit? Get good at sculpting, modeling, retopo, whatever else, then switching to Maya or Zbrush or anything takes a day of learning tops.
maya isnt a modelling or retopo program, dingus

Anonymous No. 907954

Big studios don't hire pure blendlets unless you apply for ubishit.

Anonymous No. 907984

>creates asset browser
>cant even save assets on the fly after years of development

Anonymous No. 908017

The problem with learning on Blender is that it makes you lazy because of all the shortcuts and add ons.

Anonymous No. 908064

It falls into the "whatever else" category, donut.

Anonymous No. 908101

>Big studios don't hire pure blendlets
wrong, it happens all the time...
it just depends on what they'll get hired for.
Blender has taking over a nice percentage of previz and concept art jobs.

Anonymous No. 908122

you forgot to add that its destroying the industry

Anonymous No. 908159

>the program does it all for you
Uh isn't that the point?

Anonymous No. 908276

blender sucks at everything but the basic modeling that every program had since the 2000s. You are giving blender and the developers behind it too much credit for what the main founder only set to do is make movies in 3d, not the good kind either since this is still in the 2000s and we know how that went.

Anonymous No. 908361

>maya isnt a modelling or retopo program, dingus