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๐Ÿงต Is the Donut tutorial the biggest 3D modeling meme?

Anonymous No. 907693

As a Blender user I feel like I learned more about fundementals by watching other software tutorials than any Blender Donut tutorial that seems to focus more on rendering.

Anonymous No. 907716

yes it is

Anonymous No. 907717

I guess Andrew thinks Blender users overlook rendering and compositing to the point that basically the second half of the series is all about them. As a whole, it's an ok tutorial. It's more or less a "tour of Blender" rather than something in-depth. The one he made back when 2.8 came out did a much better job at teaching fundamentals than the current one.

Anonymous No. 907720

its good for showing you the basic controls and how shit functions
the rest is on you to actually specialize in what you want to use blender for
I dont give a fuck about rendering and animation for example
I just need it to make cosplay pieces to make money off nerds

Anonymous No. 907721

Fuckin post-covid zoomers. I made my first model spaceship with lightwave 1 decade back when you zoomers were still crying for lunch money.

Anonymous No. 907733

Which programs are you using by any chance?

Anonymous No. 907735

blender for organic shit
solidworks for when I want shit to be accurate and fit together correctly without trial and error (use it for my job anyways)
Cura for 3d printing

a lot of people use meshixer to cut models into pieces to fit them on a 3d printer but I hate doing it and usually plan in advance how to seperate the model itself when im modeling it to keep things tidy and not have ugly lines in the final product

Anonymous No. 907736

I mean it taught me how to use Blender (functionality, hotkeys and the basics) and you can always do the other tutorials after so what's the issue?

Anonymous No. 907755

Show some of the stuff you've made!

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Anonymous No. 907770

one of the progress pics while I was making it, picked up blender a few months ago and started selling cosplay shit. This shit had me up the fucking wall when it came to mesh shit, you dont want to see it in edit mode. now I actually put more effort into the mesh
before that I was doing custom upper and lower for workshops doing those boomer ''haha full auto says liberal tears'' guns and other modeling

Anonymous No. 907846

50 videos for one donut. The man has a nose for shekels

Anonymous No. 907847

Sounds like a nice side gig. How did you manage to find clientele when first starting out?

Anonymous No. 907887

>>As a Blender user
a thread died for this shit

Anonymous No. 907934

You can't really teach people to model well. It comes from trying and failing repeatedly.

The doughnut series accurately covers how much time you will spend in each stage when creating 3D art.

Anonymous No. 907936

literally cant finish any of those long ass tutorial playlists
i always get bored
donnut tut is boring
the grant tut is also boring

Anonymous No. 907950

>NFT shill

Anonymous No. 908014

my dad and I have this little ar building project on the side of a CNC business. We go to gunshows, shooting weekends and since the gun community in my country is rather small everybody knows eachother, show up with some funs and people are interested quickly trough word of mouth.
for cosplay shit I got out there trough my now ex gf, she was super into cosplay and I helped make some costumes and again word of mouth spreads when you help a few here and there. thats where I learned that nerds have stupid money and are willing to throw it around

Anonymous No. 908016

Yea I never understood how nerds especially furry degenerates are so wealthy

Anonymous No. 908033

half the shit in his tutorials never works

Anonymous No. 908732

Blender tutorials are all dogshit. Just watch some Max stuff and apply to Blender.

Anonymous No. 908805

When you want something, you strive for it. Other than that, it's only excuses

Anonymous No. 908809

Lots of them work in IT, often doing fairly specialized work for a nice money. That combined with a fact they usually have no other hobbies, let alone expensive hobbies, (outside of again writing code) makes them often very rich.
One of the guys I know, he makes eight to ten times the median wage in my country. Every month for nearly a decade now. All that time he also lives in a small cheap apartment along with a roommate. By every estimate, he is probably a millionaire now. Shelling out some cash towards their favorite smut or content creator is literally not even on their radar.
t. project manager

Anonymous No. 908939

The Donut tutorial fucking sucks. It's not a Blender tutorial it's as the name says a Donut Tutorial. You learn how to make a donut and thats it. It's constantly recommended to people that want to start learning Blender and no one that finishes the tutorial can redo the steps and make a donut by themselves. Fuck the donut tutorial.

Anonymous No. 908946

say shit again

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Anonymous No. 908948

I wait for the 1 billion shlongs tutorial.

Anonymous No. 908949

the main function of the donut tutorial is to get to grips with how to even use blender. it takes you trough the stages of making a model from start to finish and how the process works for a complete beginner
so when you actually move to your own projects you arent bogged down by how the basics work but how to apply them to a specific problem

Anonymous No. 908950


Anonymous No. 909131

what a horrible advice