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Anonymous No. 907869

>zoomers aren't good at 3D modeli--

Anonymous No. 907874

What am I even looking at? Also, nobody says that.

Anonymous No. 907878

Looks like some rig model

Anonymous No. 907888

looks like a live2d rig
too bad op is a giant faggot and won't post the final product from whatever twitter account he got this from

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Anonymous No. 907903

>more triangle means gooder

Zoomers dont understand topology

Anonymous No. 908055

wtf is this mess?

Anonymous No. 908099

live2d rig will all layers visible, all those dots are just verticies since you need to tesselate the 2d image to deform it

Anonymous No. 908610

OP, you misheard the actual saying. It's everyone isn't good at 3D modeling

Anonymous No. 909164

We're in a time where some people think spending money and time on stupid models is a good idea so that they can post stupid videos on jewtube using their stupid model to interact with talmudic jews and their useful idiot shabbot goyim on the internet

This isn't specifically a generational problem