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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 908028

why use textures when i can just procedural shading the shit out of blender?

Anonymous No. 908031


Anonymous No. 908098

why eat a hamburger and fries when I can eat some unflavored oatmeal

Anonymous No. 908425

nobody is telling you to do otherwise.
if it works for you do it.

Anonymous No. 908947

Can you even import those same shadings to other formats and engines?

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Anonymous No. 909562

>why use textures when i can just procedural shading the shit out of blender?
Why not both?

Anonymous No. 909592

Procedural shit looks precisely like shit, texturing needs intention to look good.

Anonymous No. 909895

texture painting = SOVL
procedural generating = SOVLESS

Anonymous No. 909959

amerimutt detected

Anonymous No. 909966

>why use textures
is this board as shitty as it gets? I challenge anyone to link to a worse 3d-modeling-related board. I don't think it can be done.

Anonymous No. 909968

you're right, this board is for people who dont 3d model, /ic/ is for people who dont draw. whole website is shit, as expected

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Anonymous No. 910991

Use Substance