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Anonymous No. 908092

Why makes people so nostalgic and wistful for this old piece of software?

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Anonymous No. 908093

which one, XSI or SI3D?
You probably don't even know SI3D, zoomer twat.

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Anonymous No. 908110

ice ice baby

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Anonymous No. 908133

Aside from the simplicity at the time it had the best UV, modeling, and arguably even animation feature while Maya was(and still is) bloatware. The reason it's still popular it's because it's just so goddamn intuitive with modeling to this day especially once you add shortcuts. Also a lot of the Gen X'ers and Millennials who first started to learn most likely started with Softimage

Anonymous No. 908134

Dubs of truth

The Autodesk Jews knew it was the industry standard for a reason as it was objectively the best 3D software ever created so they bought it, poached it for their other programs, and then discontinued it.

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Anonymous No. 908151

Are you telling me that since the 90's, Soft Image (if it was still available) would still roll on the current 3D softwares? I honestly can't believe that a software can be 20 years in advance compared to the competition. And if it was, I can't believe that said competition didn't straight up copy the feature of this program. What the fuck are they waiting for then ?

Anonymous No. 908156

A lot of top 3D artists like Vitaly and even studios like Capcom still use Softimage for some of their games. The last release of SI was in 2014 and you have to be a nigger to think new means better because muh new add-ons especially in a subscription based Jew market

Anonymous No. 908171

I'm not thinking new means better but come on, it's a software we're talking about and people are talking about it like it doesn't even compare to the current available ones.
> 2014
Is it still possible to install XSI today in 2022? I'd like to try it for myself and see the all the fuss is about. Cause like you said, I see a lot of big companies still using it.

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Anonymous No. 908287

So you've never tried Softimage? There's a free trial version of it's last one(Softimage 2015) on the autodesk website but unfortunately you can't buy it anymore. I believe you can torrent it though but most artists still use their old licenses. Anyways here's a link if you wanna try Softimage for yourself