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๐Ÿงต Unity merging with known malware vendor???

Anonymous No. 908136


Anonymous No. 908140

>still can't be bothered upgrading my version of Unity from 2017
Not my problem

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Anonymous No. 908141

This is why you learn c and c++

Anonymous No. 908144

who cares? 99.99% of software is practically malware anway as it tracks everything you do. if you own a smartphone you can't complain about this

privacy is dead and the services that claim to be private are ran by feds or grifting corporations who switch their stance after hitting their market cap value

Anonymous No. 908145

Timmy ALWAYS wins

Anonymous No. 908147

I'm really looking forward to them showing the results of the 1.6 billion dollar acquisition of Weta and having it be completely worthless.

Anonymous No. 908148

How did they did it?
Are Unity managers retarded?

Anonymous No. 908152

>who cares?
people with brains

Anonymous No. 908158

>do nothing against competition
he learned from the chinese overlords

Anonymous No. 908164

They're run by the old EA CEO from the early 2010's where it was having its nonstop speedrun of "worst company in america" awards

Anonymous No. 908173

Unity has been declining for years, they can't keep up, they've been laying off staff and bleeding money. This is the managers' exit.

Anonymous No. 908174

unity is the new macromedia
I'm glad I switched to unreal

Anonymous No. 908176

it hasnt been in decline. Its so far ahead its incredible. With ureal you cant do jack shit and good lord the compile times even on a i9 12900k and 3080 for a simple scene. Holy fucking GOD what a disgrace that engine is.

Anonymous No. 908177

With unreal you can make your scene look pretty
With unity you're the asset stores bitch because they won't put basic features in the engine that have been in unreal for decades

Anonymous No. 908178

>people with brains
The same people who do 3d/game dev, use social media and own/use any hardware/software past 2005?

You've already accepted millions of corporations and people performing unprecented anti-privacy/malware-like measures for decades, yet you think it'll make a huge difference if you oppose just this one time.

Anonymous No. 908179

my game looks fine and you can raytrace with it with rtx and also use dlss and it looks just fine, and guess what, you can compile more than once a day.

Anonymous No. 908180

>With ureal you cant do jack shit and good lord the compile times even on a i9 12900k and 3080 for a simple scene.
I have been trying to learn Unlua, there's little documentation and it has a high initial compile time, but it has higher performance than blueprints. It has been used by corporations in Chinese mobile games like vid related for a while:

Anonymous No. 908181

ewww look at those tree textures.

thats literally shovelware, anon. Disgusting

Anonymous No. 908182

looks good for a 3gb mobile game ngl

Anonymous No. 908183

so it'll drain your battery in 15 minutes and or overheat your phone while you swipe with your thumb like an idiot? Looks like he's playing with a m&k fwiw and recording it tbqhwyf

Anonymous No. 908184

>so it'll drain your battery in 15 minutes and or overheat your phone while you swipe with your thumb like an idiot?
that's the thing, it doesn't. mobile games interest me more than indie stuff for that reason on a technical level

indie is about copying old media with little-to-no constraints, whereas (chinese) mobileshit tries to copy AAA media the best it could under the limitations of app stores and hardware

Anonymous No. 908185

sell me that bridge, anon.

Anonymous No. 908186

post work to prove youre not a low poly tranny

Anonymous No. 908187

mass quoting is strictly prohibited

Anonymous No. 908188

>We're proud to announce that we're joining the x family :)

This is the shit why we need everything open sourced.

Anonymous No. 908189

that would be extremely dangerous and hurt the economy you idiot

Anonymous No. 908190

im selling u fax, mobile games are pushing the limits of this generation

Their monetization sucks ass, but seeing the way people trim and translate 100gb+ games into 1-20gb+ ones with limited inputs while looking nearly identical is an amazing feat. It takes a lot of skill and time to do that

Anonymous No. 908192

you play a mobile game, you drain your battery extremely quick, you are either forced into 30fps or below to combat this, your controls are shit, you are paywalled immediately, your controls are cramped af and on top of that you have to touch a hot screen with your hands constantly, getting you hot. Mobile horrible

Anonymous No. 908193

There are perfectly working business models around open source projects. It just takes effort which most are unwilling to do.

Anonymous No. 908194

they dont generate nearly enough income. You might as well burn your money

Anonymous No. 908208

Opinion discarded and into the trash it goes.

Anonymous No. 908223

Furfags > Tel Aviv juden

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Anonymous No. 908224

Post nose

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Anonymous No. 908238

This is you and how you miserably spend your life with (((3D)))

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908240

it was a gay foreplay, anon...

Anonymous No. 908241

they were having a gay foreplay, anon...

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the message.png

Anonymous No. 908245

We have a job to do , bros ...

Anonymous No. 908247

>Tfw this board is filled with furries
[spoiler]join us owo[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 908255

join you in what ...

Anonymous No. 908260


making clean anthro vidya

Anonymous No. 908270

>entire HDRP pipeline
yes they are.

Anonymous No. 908273

not caring what other people think if you aren't hurting others

Anonymous No. 908277

speak for yourself

do you even realize that you basically make the arguement "you got raped in the past why do you protest me wanting to rape you?"

Anonymous No. 908278

You know that the government can look at your activity any time you connect to the internet, right? Hell, i bet you think this website is anonymous

Anonymous No. 908280

nigga you're getting gangbanged 24/7, have some israeli dick as well

Anonymous No. 908672




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Anonymous No. 908782

Creating 3d porn of your favorite characters.

Anonymous No. 908800

Uhhh... Frikken based ... ?

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Anonymous No. 908834
