

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 908299

Indies are the only ones innovating with 3D animation.

Anonymous No. 908300

Southpark did that 20 years ago, nice innovation.

Anonymous No. 908301

They sure are innovating new ways to spread their mediocrity

Anonymous No. 908302

but south park is not pixel art.

I think is original to see cut out pixel art.

Anonymous No. 908308

There is literally nothing innovative about this, and it's not 3D either. Fuck you.

Anonymous No. 908311


Anonymous No. 908347

it aint fucking pixel art, pixel art is locked to a grid
it's just basic fucking puppet animation

Anonymous No. 908363

Can we get over pixel art already? It was a Minecraft-inspired zoomer fad, but it's time to move on. I suggest we switch to the low-poly fad for a change.



Anonymous No. 908365

>the major style of videogames for 30 years is le bad because is old

Anonymous No. 908375

That's not 3d.
Looks exactly like how Scribblenauts does it, and it looks terrible.



Anonymous No. 908392

yeah op what the fuck are you smoking that you're in such a haze that you haven't seen games using this shit style? I can think of a few off of the top of my head without even checking steam. roguelands was announced in 2015 and while it's not pretty it also doesn't make me want to kill myself like the video you posted.

Anonymous No. 908393

>Proceeds to post a generic bottom boring stuff.

Anonymous No. 908395

Why dont we turn this shit ass thread in an actual interesting one, post innovative or interesting eclectic styles.


Anonymous No. 908412

They're still so talentless with 2d/3d they have to asspull even more ways of using pixelshit instead of coming up with an interesting style.



Anonymous No. 908414

it's literally scribblenauts

Anonymous No. 908631

Get your scribblenauts looking ass outta here, cris.

Anonymous No. 908644

Is it cris? The OP sounds like one of his schizo posts but the sprite seems too complex for something cris could make. Plus it has moonrunes (cris does seem to use google translate or something for moon runes tho)

Anonymous No. 908647

It actually is a thread by Cris. He didn't make the video but he retweeted it on Twitter. I'm surprised he managed to make a thread without any of his signature stink.