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🧵 I Quit

Anonymous No. 908312

I am quitting the industry, i have been a 3d modeler/sculptor for 10+ years, i've worked on many games making characters, tv/movie production making props, sometimes creatures, i've also worked for some time as an animator, I know all the major pipelines. for a major part of those 10 years i have worked as a freelancer and have never had a month with a client, even now that i am writing this i have two clients waiting for their characters to be completed and i cant take it anymore...
its not that i don't like 3d, hell its my hobby, i entered the industry with love for sculpting, its my passion. but i cant take it anymore.
i hate that i spend to much time sitting in front of a computer and i hate that i just go from fat to thin and back again for long periods of my life.
i am quitting and don't know exactly what i am going to do for my future. good bye bros, i hope you don't fall for the same trap i did. 3d should be just a hobby that its to monetize for a bit of time, and not a life career

Anonymous No. 908314

How do I get a job in the industry?

Anonymous No. 908316

make a portfolio with at least 12 really good pieces showcasing your expertise, mine was stylized characters and gory monsters, poste them all over social media, have a resume and make a competent webpage for upper class clients.

there is a google sheets floating around for jobs in vfx and animation industry with updates every week or so, if i find it ill post it here. i used that to send my stuff and ask for employment.

Anonymous No. 908317

Thank you very much for the articulate and honest answer. If you can find the Google sheets, please post it if you can.

Anonymous No. 908318

don't make this a life choice, i know you love 3d games or animation, but you will soon get frustrated by it, specially how the industry has gone down hill, make this a hobby, monetize it for several years and learn something else that will help you feel fulfilled in your life.*aQRtb2WrF0EHyxpA6YpUxQ#

Anonymous No. 908325

Thanks for the insight and the pdf anon; I'd like to hear more on your take on the industry. I'm an ex-webdev who got into all this to do some gamedev for a while and now I have to get back to wageslaving.
I was thinking of making 3D my main job opposed to getting back to webdev.

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Anonymous No. 908329

i cant help but to notice that i cant find any job requiring blender on that google sheet

Anonymous No. 908330

>what is Ctrl+F
There's 138 listings for Blender.

Anonymous No. 908331

oh shit, i was getting worried for a bit blender bro

Anonymous No. 908333

Thanks for the advice

Anonymous No. 908345

I've also been a freelancer in this industry, but only for a 2-2.5 years. I feel like I'll get in a same situation sooner or later, I can't see myself grinding props for many more years. I also work as a supervisor / management role partially so it's not as boring though.

Have you considered putting some effort into making some content for Unreal marketplace for some passive income? Just quitting without knowing what else to do doesn't seem reasonable t b h.

And I'd say even 1 portfolio piece is good enough if it covers a lot of areas, e.g. a relatively complex environment with some hero props.

Anonymous No. 908356

Pyw if you are quitting. I want to see the work of someone 10 years into the industy.

Anonymous No. 908357

im going to assume that he doesnt want to dox himself on 4chan

Anonymous No. 908359

show your work then

Anonymous No. 908368

Speaking of portfolios...

Have you guys noticed how some YT channels change their thumbnails on the same video after a few days? I assume the goal is to get you to click it again thinking it's a new video or make you notice it if you haven't noticed it for the first time.

Does that shit work on ArtStation? I assume it's possible to change thumbnails later there as well.

So what if you get to a trending and then after 2 days you change the thumbnail while still at trending? Would that increase your view counts even more?

Anonymous No. 908369

maybe, i guess that kind of thing works to get the attention of terminal scrollers, I've managed to get snagged by a few videos like that
it could be about gaming the yt algorithm and not necessarily just about the psychological aspect though

Anonymous No. 908371

Yep, that's also possible. I definitely got "baited" with that kind of stuff as well. It also feels a bit scummy, but I'd bet it's a successful strategy. I might try doing this once on ArtStation.

Anonymous No. 908374

Just work fewer hours, retard

Anonymous No. 908427

>Just don't make enough money per month bro
>Just get marked as the uncooperative guy by the industry bro
>"Fewer hours eh? How about no hours until you do as many hours as you are told" bro

Fewer hours, in another job.
Something that pays better, like burger flipping.

Anonymous No. 908428

Yea I'm sure it is absolutely impossible to work 20 hour weeks in 3D, it is completely possible in any other profession but not in this one. And if you can't live on 1 500 - 2 000 USD, you have serious spending issues.

Anonymous No. 908429

I am not OP but I feel the same way. I've spent 3+ years on blender and not once have I made anything worthy of a portfolio. Lighting and composition is so hard to get right and I can't even accomplish them with the basic tutorials. I cannot imagine myself actually making 3D into a full time career if all I know is blender, not even pointing out that there are so many more people with way more experience who know how to draw, and even they are having a hard time

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Anonymous No. 908438

>dox yourself

Anonymous No. 908443

>And if you can't live on 1 500 - 2 000 USD, you have serious spending issues.
I assume you dont live in California or any other of the top 10 most expensive states as well as you being unfamiliar with recent inflation

Anonymous No. 908445

he must live in africa, india or the worst parts of south america



🗑️ Anonymous No. 908446

I ate the UX/UI pill and I am currently working 15 - 25 hrs/w and earning 3000$ m, basically I do GUI's for AR/VR and I live happily

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Anonymous No. 908447

I ate the UX/UI pill and I am currently working 15 - 25 hrs/w and earning 3000$ m, basically I do GUI's for AR/VR and I live happily

Anonymous No. 908485

Well youre qutting anyway, so whats the big deal?

Anonymous No. 908491

i am sure op will do it right after you post all your information

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Anonymous No. 908492

Newfag here. Any reason to learn Blender over Maya if I easily can get a cracked version?

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Anonymous No. 908493

>your personal life ends after you quit 3d

Anonymous No. 908495

go into that google sheets file and ctl+f blender and then ctrl+f maya, look at the diference in numbers and tell me what would be the app that would get you the most opportunities in the industry.

Anonymous No. 908496

>There's 138 listings for Blender.
>There's 885 listings for Maya.
blender bros i don't feel so good.

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Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 908498


Anonymous No. 908499

nice, now, go eat up everything form these guys
if you have cgpeers, theres an elementza full maya course, pretty good, it touches on hardsurface concepting in zbrush and cleaning up good geo on maya, so go get it.

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Anonymous No. 908500

I'll check it out, thanks buddy

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Anonymous No. 908501


Anonymous No. 908504

please share those knowledge
make tutorial videos

and taking break might change your mind

Anonymous No. 908505

I heard some repacks of earlier versions are already bundled with a shit ton of plugins

Anonymous No. 908507

be careful with that, downlaod only from reputable pirates, i.e. monkrus, diptera, etc, most of those repacks with plugins have malware

Anonymous No. 908508

You can live on 2 000 USD in Switzerland
Spending issue

Anonymous No. 908509

sure thing pajeet

Anonymous No. 908511

The answer is 1 google search away, retard

Anonymous No. 908514

This, these people are either clueless or trolling. There are plenty of countries in EU as well where that’s a good salary. Why would I even want to live in a shithole like LA in the first place?

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Anonymous No. 908515

>trust google
faggot zoomers like you think that if you can live in a fucking pod being an incel, literally everybody can and should not complain
you cannot fathom that anybody could have more expenses

Anonymous No. 908520

>i just go from fat to thin and back again for long periods of my life.
that's more of a health lifestyle issue than anything. Hit the gym, eat healthy, take breaks, move enough, etc. Many office jobs are low energy, so it's not that unique of a problem. If anything, being healthy should be nr1 priority after work.

Why not 3D a career thing? Art is endlessly deep and you can't ever get enough although the dysentery lifestyle does seem shitty, but again, that can be compensated with a healthy lifestyle.

Anonymous No. 908578

one of the problems that this industry is facing is shrinking delivery times, every one from big corporations as big as disney, to small indie game developers are asking for less turn around times, if you really have been paying attention, you can see the shift, if you wont spend 12 hour days in the office your job might be sent to a chinese or indian farm, if you don't spend make a fully rigged character in 1 week you are not worth any developers time, maybe they respect the top artists on instagram/twiter/artstation but not mid to low level guys, that means that you have to spend more time in front of the computer then you had to 3 years ago.
of course you can do everything you can to stay fit, i have bought so many gym memberships that work at first, but then comes a client that wants their half naked character for yesterday that i decided to buy home equipment instead.
anyway its really a fine balance between working enough to make all your expenses and staying fit on a stationary job, and the industry leans heavily to spending as much crunch time in front if the computer because their deadlines are fucking unreal.

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Anonymous No. 908584

>Art is endlessly deep
i understand this, and to a level i feel and think that also, but being realistic to what actual life needs are, bring my art to a second level of importance, i need to survive first, and then i can make art.
in all honesty i will never stop making art, this 3d thing started as my hobby that turned into a job for years, but life changes and you have to change with it or be crushed by it.
fortunately i am not as close minded as i might seem, i am open to learning something new, so maybe i can find something that will take advantage of my already acquired knowledge.
been thinking about picrel for some time now desu.

Anonymous No. 908607

Living and working in Germany has its advantages. Overwork certainly isn't something unheard of here, but "forcing" people to work too much hours per week is illegal.
People have tried to gaslight me into working on Saturdays as this increase the max number of hours per week allowed, but I always give them a solid reason why they better don't want me.
I am just ice-cold and as much of an manipulator as they are. I told my boss that I suffer from narcolepsy and I take medication for it, once it stops working I need to go to bed soon and I ABSOLUTELY need my sleep.
Truth is I have ADHD and I take stimulant drugs...
I am not spending more time on an computer, I spent less time and I also I shove in side-gigs that give me passive income. Sometimes on company time.

Anonymous No. 908642

YouTube channels change the thumbnail because they get realtime analytics about the click rate and think that an even gayer image with open mouths and red arrows could potentially appeal to retards better and garner more clicks than they get now

Anonymous No. 908648

>Have you guys noticed how some YT channels change their thumbnails on the same video after a few days?
some of them have been getting notifications from the owner of the art they used, so they need to replace it before they get a strike or something like that, that thing happened to stylized station and others, they where stealing art without asking for permission for use.

Anonymous No. 908666

What are you even talking about? I said in EU in a lot of places 2k USD monthly is a very good salary, I know expenses in US are much higher. By immediately laughing at it, saying it’s a third world country salary and that we’re living in shitty conditions just shows how clueless you are.

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Anonymous No. 908668

>no u

Anonymous No. 908670

Nice arguments lol

Anonymous No. 909235

grow a spine im working from home with fewer hours, seems like you need to take a long break
nvm this is the future you chose

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Anonymous No. 909242

Post your work and credit card number
If true

Anonymous No. 909246

Nice get but again, 1 dollar = 1 euro

Anonymous No. 909252

The global depression will snap your spine in half, boomer. It's already layoff time in the tech and game sector.

Anonymous No. 909256


Anonymous No. 909267

Fucking android, cant download it because reasons, cant open it cuz don't have goggle shits installed, thanks anyway tho

Anonymous No. 909268

yeah imagine living in commiefornia

Anonymous No. 909291

But a cost of living is still different. 2k euros here is above average and a salary of a mid developer. Not saying it’s an amazing money, but it’s far from poverty… At least for now. Can you say the same for US?

Anonymous No. 909563

Thanks for link m8, got me self a student license for maya, going to speedrun these projects

Anonymous No. 909564

Take a breather, do it as a hobby, maybe join some niche online communities again, perhaps even the smut art stuff.

Anonymous No. 909596

I live in south America and would not even consider applying for a job that pays less than 3000 USD. I make more than that doing archviz.

Anonymous No. 909598

Get a load of this fucking loser, westcoast is so fucked I made an oath to never step there ever in my miserable life, even as a tourist, you get what you fucking deserve, chucklenuts

Anonymous No. 909599

Damn bro I'm from SA too but at trainee level, and I can't stop coomin' at the fact I'm on my way to make 100k usd while like 80% of my family is making 15k usd early. Fuck I might need some better perspective of things.

Anonymous No. 909867


Anonymous No. 909870

>i hate that i spend to much time sitting in front of a computer and i hate that i just go from fat to thin and back again for long periods of my life.
i am quitting and don't know exactly what i am going to do for my future. good bye bros, i hope you don't fall for the same trap i did. 3d should be just a hobby that its to monetize for a bit of time, and not a life career


Anonymous No. 909921

Those other jobs at least pay better. For less hours too.

Anonymous No. 910021

I found 2 jobs in my country, which i never knew about, but those are outsourcing companies and the pay probably is shit compared to first world countries. BIG SAD

Anonymous No. 910022

Well depends where you're from, anything at 15usd an hour or above in developing nations or below developing make you top 1-5% earner bracket of said nations,

Anonymous No. 910228

>"2k euros here is above average and a salary of a mid developer"

Where is "here", Portugal?. I'm Romanian, dev/coding Jobs start at 1300€, by mid dev you're at 2500€pm, a senior makes 52000€ a year.

Anonymous No. 910232

Moldova, the max pay is 1000$ if ur lucky... and 500$ a month as a standard. Basically slaving urself.

Anonymous No. 910233

Gross or net?

Anonymous No. 910235

The nu-nation.
That's really fucking good pay anon, considering your nation doesn't even properly exist, same pay in the shithole I'm from too

Anonymous No. 910239

>oh shit he posted on 4chan his life is over...
this is your life on blender

Anonymous No. 910240

>There's 885 listings for Maya.

Yes, rigging and animation. The only thing s Maya is good for.

Anonymous No. 910242

>if you want to wage in the industry you must use wagie software

Anonymous No. 910243

Believe me, u don't know how much they lie to ppl, those vacancies would have been filled in already... Every job i took, since 2010, either didn't have money to pay me after 2 months or they were putting u to do the job of someone else, no breaks etc... they pay u the minimum but expect u to give them all ur life. Fuck that shit...

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Anonymous No. 910244

Net, but senior devs don't actually get "hired", they're contractors (PFA, owner-operated companies).

Same labour laws as France, if you understand what I mean.

Anonymous No. 910248

That's fucked up, but not really unexpected from slav emplyers

Anonymous No. 910250


You forgot to mention that for 400$ a month you can rent an apartment which is the equivalent for a 2000$/month rental in the US.

This is the eternal issue Americans and Eastern Europeans don't understand. When Eastern Europeans hear 2000$/month they think that your average person lives like a king in the US. When Americans hear 2000$/month they think the average Eastern European lives in abject poverty.

I tried explaining this before on this board. Money is not an objective metric for actual value. These large discrepancies are artificial and are there to funnel energy (work) from the people of the more expensive nation. For instance I, as a corporation, I can pay an average wage to home turf employees in order to manufacture X-product. Or I can manufacture X-product by outsourcing it at a fraction of the cost. The market price of X-product will not change however and I will make a fortune by selling it at home.

Your Gucci, Armani, Prada, whatever, their stuff is manufactured in places like Eastern Europe. A Gucci bag costs 1000$ in the US but in Romania it costs less than 100$ to make. I can go buy a shirt at a clothing factory for less than 1$ (not joking) but you Americans will need to spend 30$ for it. When an Eastern European hears 30$ he's like "that's like 30 shirts! America must be such a rich nation!". And this is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

If you're living in Western nations and are working for the industry then you have zero chance of ever advancing beyond wageslave level.

CD Projekt RED spent 86 mil $ for Witcher 3 in 3 years with 1500 people and sold +40 mil copies.
Rockstar spent 265 mil $ for GTA 5 in 5 years using 1000 people and sold +160 mil copies.

Numbers do not lie. Outsourcing is the future. You want a comfortable life doing 3D then move to Eastern Europe.

Anonymous No. 910257

Americunt's population/youth is too fucking snotty to accept the same pay rate the rest of the developing world accepts. While at the same time being just as snotty to not haggle overpriced consumer products down to their actual production worth.

+Anon being based as about moving to eastern europe, indeed, I'm learning russkiy and japanese, I'm getting the fuck away from the west the first chance I got

Anonymous No. 910258

>>if you want to wage in the industry you must use wagie software
i dont know in what kind of brain does this stupid argument makes sense, it is literally numbers, if you focus on learning blender you wont have as many literal opportunities to get hired, if you learn maya, you literally would have more opportunities, if you learn both then you own the market. FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR BUSSY

Anonymous No. 910259

What's the avrg pay rate for indian/chinese or otherwise any other 3rd world or developing nation outsorcing the 3DCG market right now?

Anonymous No. 910268

I'm Romanian. I work freelance. Last actual job I had was last year and I still have plenty of money in the bank.
Rule of thumb for Romania (can't talk for other countries): salary in USA times 2/3 = buy value in Romania.

So a 2000$/month salary in Romania is the equivalent of a 4000$/month (or 6000$/month) salary in the USA. Plus there's the whole "issue" with less violent crime, better housing, everything is in walking distance, homogenous society, healthier food, actual sugar cane sugar.

Ukraine before the war was even crazier. It was like the wild west of economies complete with shootouts (maybe still is, I don't know). I heard that they wouldn't even prosecute you if you made 200 000$ per year and paid no taxes. Complete shadow economy. When refugees came pouring in a week later we had a meme of "refugee woman with suitcase full of cash". Some of them had suitcases full of millions of $. 5 star hotels are fully booked now because of them lol.

Anonymous No. 910272

What's your hourly rate? Actually I'm not sure I want to hear that, I may get sick to my stomach if I hear it. But mine is around 25 USD average (working for a few studios, one is american). Unforunately it seems like they tuned the amount to my location with some extra %, so it's a very good salary for my area but still pathetic objectively speaking.

Idk if and when can I ask for a raise if I'm a freelance contractor who isn't working fulltime for them (there have been times where I was working for one of them very irregularly) and I'm kinda afraid to do it to somehow not ruin relationships or get less new projects (never asked for a raise before). But they may never bother increasing my rate if I don't ask... Almost everything is perfect for me in those studios, it's just the rate that is the issue. Those are basically rates I got as a complete beginner in this industry, but it has been a few years and it's still the same and I'm definitely much more skilled at this point.

Anonymous No. 910274

Not pathetic anon, the bottom of the barrel for this market is 15-17usd, and top is 30-35+ So cheer up a bit you are doing well for now, could be better in the future

Anonymous No. 910275

>You want a comfortable life doing 3D then move to Eastern Europe.

Why "move to eastern europe" when Nebraska exists?, you're practically in Poland or Romania by living in an American flyover state.

You overestimate how poor eastern europe is and overestimate how rich the US as a country is. There are states in the US with cheaper housing than Poland/Romania/Hungary, both to buy and to rent.

Anonymous No. 910319

Here in Moldova ppl usually live with their parents until they have enough money to move out, in very rare cases they have issues with their parents are they have to move out.. in most cases its alcoholism and other shit.. anyway,, u can pay at least the bills if ur living with ur parents and for some food, 200 euros is enough, but its still very slow to buy ur own place, 1 room apartment in the new buildings costs around 31k euros, plus u need 10k euros to put stuff inside. so around 41k... and there is no way u can make that kind of money here.. in around 5 years you might buy ur own place, and if ur lucky u might find a proper wife.

Anonymous No. 910321

25$ is wage for a simple construction worker in Detroit and Chicago. i have friend that works there.

The problem i find in ur case is that you are freelance.. ask urself this, can they replace me if they refuse to rise my wage, dunno if u will quit or if they will fire you for asking more pay. if they can't replace u then go for it. Have a safety option in case they turn to be scumbags... usually HR department is very snobby and retarded.

Anonymous No. 910322

That's how it works anon... in every country.. u don't even know how many ppl are doing dodgy shit.. and when shit hits the fan the "Merchant" flees with money easily and the poor remains to die.. Since ancient fucking times my friend..

Anonymous No. 910333

Hourly rate is an American thing.

I make money by showing what I can do and how much it will cost. It doesn't work out for most of the time because, as you probably already know, there are a lot of people out there just starting and with no real knowledge of how much something will cost or why it costs that much or why they need it.

I got contacted by a guy who wanted to create a comic book. It was a vanity project. The guy wrote several novels with no clear understanding about publishing or what a target audience even is. From being very enthusiastic he went completely silent after I explained to him how the whole endeavor will cost him tens of thousands of dollars and had a very small chance of breaking even.

The trick is finding a way to communicate with the right people. If the project is serious it's pretty hard to send your stuff to the right person. But once you get your foot in the door you can start building a rapport so they know you're someone they can rely on. If it's a vanity project it's probably very easy to get in touch with the main guy himself but if you're not planning on learning some software package on their own dime then you're probably just wasting your time. Vanity projects always fail.

Anonymous No. 910336

I know. I'm Romanian myself.

"Moving out of your parent's home" thing is USA boomer propaganda created to pump up the housing market. Not joking. In Japan for instance, one of the top most developed countries and economies in the world, people are expected to live with their parents until they die. Even if you're not leeching off of them, if you have enough money you are expected to provide housing and resources for them.

People who moved out look at people who never moved out (or live with their parents) and think that they have it easy. If you have a family, grandparents are the greatest thing ever: they're at your beck and call with anything relating to your kids, they're free, and they have nothing but free time.

Plus even if you move out, it's still not "moving out" by American standards. Europe is not like the US when it comes with distances. A 10 min ride is typical for going two and from your parents' house. In the US a 10 min ride is typical for going to a convenience store. "Moving out" for an american means going to the other side of the continent.

Anonymous No. 910352

This part about being replaceable is my problem as a freelancer as well. I think I’m above average and clients told me they always love my work, but ultimately I feel it doesn’t matter so much because other coworkers are good enough as well + a lot of them live in asia so there’s a chance they are also cheaper. So basically all of this always makes me uncertain of my future because yes, I do feel there are plenty of cheaper artists who could fill my spot even if my skills are better. This is the main problem I have with freelancing. Even though it never happened and they feel like genuinely good guys that make sure I get enough work, I can’t escape the feeling of instability.

Anonymous No. 910359

We live with our choices, in my opinion freelance is for people who want to make money but still have free time for their own projects, some succeed and most of them fail.

And this song is for everyone working in any field. Stay Strong my friend... don't give up.
>We all are gonna make it!!!

Anonymous No. 910800

lol you think we get to haggle in america

Anonymous No. 910888

what's the pay like?

I can't imagine having to make a bunch of gayass cringe characters for furfags and (((media))) clients

Anonymous No. 910904

3dcg avrgs between 15 usd up to 35+ usd per hr

Anonymous No. 910910

wow that SUCKS for the amount of work it takes

Anonymous No. 910997

That's nice, now can you tell me how to become employable?
I met a girl recently and it got me thinking, maybe I can't raise a family on anime vtuber and vrchat model.
Is realistic stuff on demand?

Anonymous No. 911004

Don't tell me you're californian too?!
Because in my shithole nation 35usd per hour makes me top 1%

Anonymous No. 911005

That sounds pretty low, are you sure that's true? Which location?

Anonymous No. 911007

I'm in a poorer part of EU, 35 is definitely very nice, but it doesn't feel right. I expect it to be maybe around that in western EU, and in USA much more. Is that not true? Maybe it's different for freelance. Wouldn't you be offered a yearly salary instead of being paid by an hour if you're properly employed fulltime though?

Anonymous No. 911013

If you become a senior 3D generalist you can get up to 43-47usd per hour max

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Anonymous No. 911018

>40$ per hour cad for senior in canada
>20$ per hour cad for junior in canada

Ok I give up breaking into the industry. I make more than $45 bucks an hour in my day job working 9 days every 2 weeks and 4 weeks vacation a year plus 5 days paid sick leave federal government mandated. It's boring as fuck but I cannot justify starting THAT low as a junior. I'll just make assets to sell online then.

Anonymous No. 911023

Based self-employed 3dcger.

But also bbye then, cuz 70-80% of ppl here in SA make less than 5usd an hour while top 5% bracked makes from 12usd to the moon.
If I don't break into the 3D industry I'll have to join those 80%, I'll gladly take that 20 you don't want and work my way up to 40 :'D

Anonymous No. 911024

It's all about perspective maple bro, you guys have had it so good for so long you can't even fathom what the gutter really looks like


t.SA Brokie

Anonymous No. 911026

And this right here is why the third world takes all your jobs away fellas
I hope you make it anon, but go fuck yourself too
Kindly ofc~

Anonymous No. 911032

Wahhhhh! Then fucking quit and stfu. All your doing is trying to appease your massive ego. "I couldn't make it, so nobody else should either. I got an idea! I'll rage quit on 4chan and hopefully discourage anybody else trying to be a modeler!"

I swear 4chan is filled with assholes. And then they cry about how everybody is an asshole and cant take anymorez

Anonymous No. 911082

Holy shit I checked ILM average salary and that amounts to around 33-34 USD hourly.

I don't know what's real anymore, I know of a junior guy with no exp in the industry who recently graduated and got a freelance gig at 40+ USD. I myself asked for 28-30 USD when I was starting out as a freelancer. Ended up with low 20s and am around mid 20s atm. But I thought that asking even for 30 as a freelancer is reasonable for a beginner, now it seems like even after multiple years of experience I would still have a hard time to get to 30? WTF. But it's freelancing with no benefits, surely hourly for that type of work is higher. The question is, how much?

Anonymous No. 911092

no I just want to afford to eat non-onions non-poison non-vegan food

Anonymous No. 911099

Every market has it's anomalies.
I think Anon is describing averages for overall companies, which include a a lot who are not in the stock market, nor have a high amount external investment

Anonymous No. 911107

That's good anon, keep sucking dick but only suck dick if it gets you to where you want to go then you slowly fade away in the background and keep your head down.

Or, keep sucking dick until you get a manager title and start firing the people you hate at your job.

Anonymous No. 911113

What's wrong with onions?

Anonymous No. 911117

>a literal fucking idiot

Anonymous No. 911119

You prick, completely out of touch for chastising those who'd choose slightly less then optimal.
Peace and prosperity and societal union is an anomaly you ungrateful cunt, pain and impoverished despair is the gods intended state of things.
You're an Eloi, blind to the cogs that move the machines of the overworld, Oblivious of the dreadful existence of the Murlocks upkeeping it below you.

Only an oblivious prick could come up with such assertion as to compare the desperate survival of the third world to fellatious cowardice.

Don't be an Eloi Anon

Anonymous No. 911132

what do you do now?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 911133

they have onions

Anonymous No. 911134

they have søy

Anonymous No. 911186

I think I am starting to come to a non-resentful acceptance that this will not turn into a sustainable living and that I should try to limit myself from 3D to really nail in that fact.

I have always attributed part of my lack of professional quality work to my Computer. It is slow and cannot handle things like cycles, complex animations, fluid simulations, hair simulations, so I have never really pushed myself to make a 3D scene. While I do think that this does indeed hinder me, I know that there are 3D artists who have worked with less and produced much more.

I have yet to model with industry standard software. Maya feels like it aims to be purposely terrible at modeling and the only reason it is on my computer is because it has the best retopology tools I have seen.

Anonymous No. 911198

You might want to focus on props then, that doesn't require very strong PC, unless you want to model for VFX with high subd counts or make Nanite assets. For games it should be fine.

If you're serious about this, definitely join good discord communities and learn from other people. At this point there are plenty of (free even) courses on how to make AAA props. Try to get a CGPeers account as well.

If you already know blender, it's more than good enough, focus on your modeling skills first and also learn substance painter (and later zbrush).

Anonymous No. 911203

He needs to join 10k/hours on facebook if he doesn't mind doxxing himself. If you join there stop posting on 4chin because you will be surrounded by professionals now.

Anonymous No. 911207

Yep, same for some discord communities like dinusty, exp, 021, fasttrack etc. You can learn a ton there. There are plenty of students, but also lots of pros working in the industry you can ask for some feedback.

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Anonymous No. 911249

Go for the 176k+,can%20go%20up%20to%20%24105%2C945.

Anonymous No. 911251

176k+ top in glassdoor for 3d modeler, make 3d stuffs = easy money

Anonymous No. 911280

Chads eat raw onion, s¤y eats cooked version.

Anonymous No. 911317

Are these salaries gross or net btw? I’m fascinated to learn I actually have almost the same hourly as the state my studio is located in, which would mean I might not actually be underpaid (I’m from EU). But I’m a freelance contractor without benefits so it’s surely still cheaper to them. Can any american explain this? My mind is blown away with these salary ranges, hourly wages seem much lower than what I thought.