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๐Ÿงต ITT: We share unpopular takes

Anonymous No. 908401

I'll start

>Blender is unironically better than Maya

Anonymous No. 908402

>your mom love my cock more than your dad

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908405

My dad was a sociopath retard who took nude photos of me as a kid and then had his legs amputated right before he died of diabetes and heart failure. You think this insults me, how?

Anonymous No. 908406

Why do you Pajeets always use Maya? Does it give you a false sense of superiority knowing you're using "top 3d software" even though you torrented it? It's pathetic.

Anonymous No. 908407


Anonymous No. 908408

>Anime pic

Anonymous No. 908410

This website was literally created to post qt anime girls you disgusting Pajeet

Anonymous No. 908528

seethe blendlets

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Anonymous No. 908529


Only if you are asian genes.

Anonymous No. 908542

It's a shame I can't port my project to any platform that actually matters.

Anonymous No. 908640

>Blender is unironically better than Maya
Wooow very stunning and brave! truly an unpopular opinion redditbro, take my updoot!

Anonymous No. 908723

You think that's good? Have a look at the hands. You're just getting tricked by the post processing.

Anonymous No. 908724


Anonymous No. 908727


Asians get VIP treatment. You don't. Stop projecting blendlet.

Anonymous No. 908744

gay is not okay

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Anonymous No. 909424

>hands not good
why don't you message him directly and tell him that, idiot.

Anonymous No. 909435

>rig 3D model in blender
>bones randomly are hidden
>model is stretched when bones are moved for animation
>REE and give up
help anons..

Anonymous No. 909439

why is that so hot
I didn't grow up on Pixar cartoons, I don't understand

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Anonymous No. 909559

Unpopular takes? Let's go:
>Neither Blender nor Maya is inherently bad- you just blame your tools for your lack of skill
>Using expensive software WON'T make you any better, but it WILL give you more room to show off your skills
>Most people aren't naturally untalented at 3D, they just give up before they start.
>The subject of art is twice as important as the technical skill involved. (See: NFTs)
>If you use the above as an excuse to not learn fundamentals, you're a bitch
>The whole "blue-haired lesbian" phase of gaming made character designs more interesting as a whole

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Anonymous No. 909688

Houdini is easy.

Anonymous No. 909699

Acceptable takes except for the last one.
Everyone knows white womxn dyke or not, are the bane of western society and should be excommunicated from existence in sight. Eastern women in the other hand are still worthy their salt

Anonymous No. 909705

>Everyone knows white womxn dyke or not, are the bane of western society
What do you mean by this?

Anonymous No. 909710

Go look for kitchen table voter issues for any demographic, then look at kitchen table issues for white women, it's fucking hilarious. the world would be a much better place without these useless things

Anonymous No. 909789

sure, what's his email?

Anonymous No. 909794

Blender does suck tho

Anonymous No. 909815


ZBrush is intuitive once you understand how the fundamental UI works.

Anonymous No. 909816


Use a second to last newest version of blender. I have found some inexplicable bugs doing things like switching task modes, makes a object group unselectable.

Anonymous No. 909823

>Zoom in and out by releasing the ALT key

I'm aware you can make shortcut keys but it's still inconve if you're sculpting with a tablet

Anonymous No. 909824

what about the superfluous UI?

Anonymous No. 909916

Blender is better than Maya in
>perfomance and managing of complex assets

Maya is the animators, riggers and retopoers best friend.

Anonymous No. 909961

What about older versions of Maya? Does Blender win in that case?

Anonymous No. 911743

>>Maya is unironically better than Blender if you know already know maya.
>the artist is the thing that makes a work great or bad and not amount of good software will change that unless he seeks to improve.

Anonymous No. 911747

Yet Blender limits the artist's greatness. Unironically.

Anonymous No. 911771

for box modeling, its more or less equal
for sculpting it has a ways to go, but is decent for playing around
for animation, everything sucks but everything else is better because of in house tools

about the only place blender is clearly lacking is pipeline integration, for an individual user, there is little reason to use anything other than blender after modo got bought by the foundry, if you are sculpting things in a high enough fidelity that zbrush makes sense, you are no longer hobby level.

Anonymous No. 911773

zbrush is intuitive once you forget how computers function, the program was quite literally designed in a way that if you use a computer, its harder to use, it's only the major sculpting program due to how fucking efficient it is.

Anonymous No. 911774

You Pajeet faggots always say this but can NEVER EXPLAIN how.

Anonymous No. 911775

blender only looses if you use in house tools for maya, at that point maya is fucking amazing, but as someone who will never work at those studios, maya is as clunky as blender.

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Anonymous No. 911864

Back to low poly modelling that cube, Rameesh

Anonymous No. 911865

>absolutely zero arguments or explanations offered
As expected

Anonymous No. 911893

sirs, blender is white man's choice!

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Anonymous No. 911913

fuck maya
*corrupts entire workfolder*
*corrupts your profile*