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🧵 Eat shit, foliage nigger garbage artists in your faggot shit games.

Anonymous No. 908453

I'm fucking angry now watching grass in videogames.

>only yellow and shadow very simple stereotypes of hot weather grass usually as short leaves grasslands
>only a single type of the long bamboo type of grass in post apocalyptic games
>no bermuda type of grass
>no tall fern grass
>no buffalo grass sprouts
>no bryophytes on the stones
>no small bushes
>no weed flowers
>no zoyzia clumbs of grass
>no grass seeds or leaves

Playing videogames now physically trigger my grass and moss autism.
I want to physically murder now AAA game level artists.

Anonymous No. 908454

post your grass scene then frogposter

Anonymous No. 908462

I thought Kingdom Come Deliverance had some really nice woodlands. Some parts of it felt like actual run of the mill woods I've actually been in. It looked mundane in the best possible way.
It's been a few years since I've played though.

Anonymous No. 908585

post your grass

Anonymous No. 908641

What's the state of the art in realtime grass bros?

Anonymous No. 908645

Is this the grasspill?

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Anonymous No. 908646

Personally I don't get how you could be so angry at grass. It's good and important.

And here you go op, you need this

Anonymous No. 908665

generally this is because studios have an existing foliage asset pack they just copy paste for everything. i'm sure they could go and put together more, but i doubt they even realise the details they are missing. i'm sure memory usage is a factor here as well.

i believe 'Arma Reforged' does the foliage well, it's all procedurally scattered and it's got a load of different variations and types.

Anonymous No. 908669

Horizon forbidden west

Anonymous No. 908671

The question is - is being mundane a good thing in this case? Is that really what we want from art? I still prefer something like Horizon that has a unique style even if it isn’t as photorealistic.

Anonymous No. 908757

I think in terms of that specific game, mundane was exactly the right way to go. It's a medieval simulator set in the real world and based on an actual time period and history (Henry probably wasn't there though). I think to present anything other than what you'd probably see irl would clash with the tone of the game. The direction they went in with the woodlands was a good one, and it honestly kind of surprised me to see when I was walking through them a few times.

So I think tone and style beats perfect realism any time. It just so happened that KCD had a decent merging of those 2 that I liked.

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Anonymous No. 908761

>mfw I played kof 2002
>my fucking face when I see the nigger artist drawing japanese garden bushes using a fucking crown ball type while drawing them like the crown type of a clonal type of forest, in a fucking bush
>nigger retard also draws the trees using the same gymnosperm type of leaves with a fucking angyosperm kind of tree anatomy
>nigger can only draw the same type of single tree anatomy and the same type of leaves for everything in the game

ok, now this is personal.
I'm now angry.

Anonymous No. 908792

same but with clothes
>"futuristic" clothes lazily made in MD that are just a bunch of patches of different materials with their shrink warp weft turned up
>no eye for design or larger forms, everything is covered in nonsensical wrinkles as a cheap way to make it look more detailed
>wrinkles don't move when the there's a movement, they don't even attempt to mask it (the only game where this doesn't happen is
Yakuza Kiwami 2)
>everything looks like it's made from the same plastic-y material

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plate armor.jpg

Anonymous No. 908796

Nah, you know what's 10x worse than that?
Armor in video games.
EVERY FUCKING TIME they have a mother fucker wearing plate mail or some kind of rigid armor and they bend over, the plate mail just collapses and deforms like it's a piece of leather. If you're wearing plate armor, your torso ain't bending, unless somehow you're able to bend fucking metal with your rib cage.
Like it shouldn't be such a problem, literally just lock the rotation on the top few spine bones any time a character is wearing plate armor. Or even better, if the game has mo-cap, and it's a character that's wearing it 100% of the time, just have the actor actually wear something rigid to keep that shit from happening.

Seriously, seeing that shit bend pisses me off to no end. It's beyond fucking lazy, it's borderline incompetent.
Should be a simple concept, if you're wearing plate armor that doesn't have any kind of segmentation for bending, you bend at the hips and nowhere else.

Anonymous No. 908797

Also, apart from my rant about vidya armor, MGSV had really nice clothing that took wrinkles into account. Pretty sure it was just blending between normal maps, but it was pretty nice if you look at it.
Unless I'm misremembering it.

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Anonymous No. 908833

never thought I'd see someone get this mad @ grass in videogames ever, beautiful anon, thanks for posting it

Anonymous No. 908859

Whats even more infuriating is the fact that this has been solved like 20 years ago.
I have seen PS2 games who got this right...

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Anonymous No. 908926

After spending almost two days watching videos about botanics talking about grass, I took my dog to dump a shit in the park.

I'm not a professional, and clearly some layman faggot understanding off grass.

But I clearly counted.

13 species of just grass on the lawn areas.
7 species of diclotiledoins that look like grass and 4-5 were flowering.
1 species of red diclotiledoin that were entirely red, really pretty as fuck.
1 species of fern which looked like bonsai trees.
7 species of tall grass on the areas that weren't lawnmowed in the park.
5 species of diclotiledoins that were on the unlawmowed part of the park.
at least 1 giant as fuck grass species.

Today was a great day.

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Anonymous No. 908942

woah, bro, same

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Anonymous No. 908945


>touched grass
>sought nature
>the finest

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Anonymous No. 908953

When I told you to touch grass, I did not know what I would bring upon this board.

Anonymous No. 908957

based grass enjoyer

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Anonymous No. 908990

Did you know that the fucking grasses are actually five different families, which are the fucking gramineas (which are cereals, bamboo, guaduas), fucking forbians (which are the little plants that have leaves and flowers that look like grass), the cyperales (which are like the gramineas but have a flower like a star and other differences), the fucking rushes (which are like grass but have a reddish cotton-like flower that bounces like pollen), besides the totoros (which are like the cliche image of a swamp like in Canada that have that sausage on their sticks).

Yes, now you know that grass is autistic shit.

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Anonymous No. 909028

man, here, my fucking sketch of just GRASS.

not bushes, not trees, JUST FUCKING GRASS.