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๐Ÿงต Is Blender good for hobbyist endeavors

Anonymous No. 908544

This is more a subjective question.
After spending 2 years learning Maya at my university but pretty much failing rigging and lighting and barely passing animation, modeling and texturing, I pretty much have seen that I have a horribly flat learning curve. My college advisor recommend I go into the general field of my major, which is more tuned to design and vis dev art. I wanna experiment with 3D for other things rather than as a pro, as my college experience taught me my weak points. After scrolling through this board, it seems like anons have a disdain for Blender. But it all seems to be towards the Professional/Versatility aspect. But is Blender good for just side projects, experiments?

Anonymous No. 908547

A lot of students like yourself end up bitter about Blender because they spent years and sometimes a lot of money to learn Maya, but you can absolutely work professionally with Blender these days.
I have a full-time job making commercial product visualisations and we only use Blender (for 3D - we use Adobe for 2D stuff and Nuke for more advanced grading jobs). It's a small company, so kind of anectodal, but there are many companies like ours now, and the larger game studios have long since begun adding Blender to their lists on applications.

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Anonymous No. 908548

Sure if you want to stagnate along with the community. Example, the blender discord is run by right-wing purists and their quality of work is subpar compared to other communities like exp points, zbrush, polycount, etc. Pic related is from blenderguru blog.


Anonymous No. 908552

sorry to hear you've been struggling a little, op.
blender's fine. is it the best at anything? not really (except for maybe polymodelling). will it get you most of the way there for most things you want to do? sure.

t. not a blender user.

if you want to get industry-serious about a particular discipline (e.g. rigging/sculpting/fx) then migrate to a different package.

Anonymous No. 908554

Opinion discarded.
Also, Blenderguru should probably spend more time on art forums in general, that talentless hack.

Anonymous No. 908556

>blender discord is run by right-wing
what's wrong with this? what does it even mean? do they model ovens 24/7 or something?

Anonymous No. 908559

Which one of you motherbitches is mister t. away

Anonymous No. 908564

Blender is good enough for pro work if you know what you are doing. Plenty of poorfag studios/corpos who have jewish BDs/PMs use it.
However, you don't know what you are doing, evident by your failure to succeed in 3d at even a uni level (which is, frankly, embarassingly easy). I would recommend you not waste time """experimenting""" with blender or 3d, and instead focus on making yourself employable with whatever actual strengths you have, and only come back to 3d after you get a job. Put food on the table first, uni is fucking expensive and you shouldnt be playing around.

Anonymous No. 908653

I tried learning Maya and found the rigging buggy as hell, I can't believe it's an industry standard. I've moved on to blender completely and I found it a lot better at many things including rigging, at least the rigs I attempt to do aren't going crazy half the time like Maya did.

Anonymous No. 908655

>he doesnt know how to key with the relationship editor
You're the one who's not industry standard... ngmi

Anonymous No. 909014

>blender discord is run by right-wing purists
blender truly is the white man's tool

Anonymous No. 909017

>However, you don't know what you are doing, evident by your failure to succeed in 3d at even a uni level (which is, frankly, embarassingly easy). I would recommend you not waste time """experimenting""" with blender
you dont know what you are talking about. 3d has only just become viable for the individual user in the past 10 or so years, and even then, that is usually just static models which are to be quite frank - worthless.

Anonymous No. 909022

>the blender discord is run by right-wing purists
I'm switching to Blender right now.