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๐Ÿงต Andrew Price: 3DCG's first eceleb?

Anonymous No. 908738

>says that his "coworkers" work on scenes for him, see pic related and the end of the abandoned house tutorial
>presumably he only teaches what's given to him, and doesn't actually create anything himself
>tries to pad his channel out with podcasts and other talks to make himself sound like a sophisticated industry veteran
>effectively sold himself out after buying into the nft meme
For how much Andrew talks about "the industry" and LARPs about being a seasoned professional, he seems to not care for Blender anymore and instead heavily eyes the money made from his videos. Is he the first person in 3DCG who can be filed as "eceleb trash"?



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908740

I don't want to turn it into yet another software war thread (I think Blender is a pretty good modeling tool), but I have yet to see a single good blender artist that makes me go 'woah' when I see their work.
This one is pretty nice, I guess:

Anonymous No. 908749

for what purpose

Anonymous No. 908750

>caring so much about ecelebs that you even have to make one on fucking /3/ of all places

Anonymous No. 908751

so he gets his post removed quicker

Anonymous No. 908756


I've learned a lot from his videos, I download them and slowed them down so they are watchable.

Anonymous No. 908777

I think he has imposter syndrome, but it is great that he is playing with his strengths as opposed to his weakness.

Anonymous No. 909328

Holy checked

Anonymous No. 909346

>Blenderguru is trash
this is SHOCKING news.
on a serious note: reply to me with the most impressive thing he has ever made. i am convinced he has never created a single asset that could actually land someone a job. he's probably not even intermediate level.

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Anonymous No. 912641


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Anonymous No. 912665


Anonymous No. 912709

I failed

Anonymous No. 912711

>guy on youtube only marginally has a clue what he's talking about
wow, that's unexpected.

Anonymous No. 912761

Just watched one of his "tutorials" today and the lesson was "go buy this service I'm shilling", wtf? this guy is so onions and a total hack.

Anonymous No. 912762

Which "tutorial" did you watch?

Anonymous No. 912763

literally just shilling poliigon. he gives you one texture for free but obviously that's totally shit for anything practical.

Anonymous No. 912773

He doesn't like blacks or Jews. Therefore he's a good guy.

Of course he's going to shill Poligon, he owns it.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 912775

Okay? "Here's how to make tiles: buy my service"
total fucking kike move