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Anonymous No. 908863

Name one thing Maya can do that Blender (without add-ons) can't.

Anonymous No. 908864

Make models that don't look like complete garbage.

Anonymous No. 908865

Land you a job that pays.

Anonymous No. 908867

playing your animated rig with 60+ FPS without dropping frames.

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Anonymous No. 908868

>Blender (without add-ons)
What's the point? Blender with proper retopo/UV addons is actually fun to work with, at least for modeling.

Anonymous No. 908869

I think OP wants to give the illusion of a "fair comparison".
I agree btw, that's why I am using Blender, but the same does not apply if you want to rig and animate, no matter if you use addons or not.
See >>908867

Anonymous No. 908871

Yeah, I agree that rigging/animating (and sculpting/texturing, but OP talked about Maya so we can skip that here) don't come close even with addons. Can't have everything I guess.

Anonymous No. 908873

AFAIK no other DCC has GPU accelerated deformers and rigs that run multithreaded - so its not just Blender that can't keep up with Maya - its everybody.
The fact that nobody even tries tells me that it isn't a trivial problem to solve.

Anonymous No. 908875

Fuck blender.
Next month I'm getting maya back. fuck this piece of shit software.

Anonymous No. 908884

Show me blender can handle 500k tri+ retopo and Uving then I will take you seriously. I rather make maya crash and recover my files than blender closing itself eithout warning.

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Anonymous No. 908886

Support BLM with your money.

Anonymous No. 908889

wtf I love Blender now

Anonymous No. 908890

>retopo/UV addons
what are good retopo/UV addons for blender?

Anonymous No. 908894

Retopoflow, QuadRemesher
ZenUV, UVPackMaster

Anonymous No. 909013

based Autodesk dabbing on blender white supremacists