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Anonymous No. 909007

How important is the monitor when it comes to making good looking CG? Obviously a need for speed fat screen is gonna be worse than some basic 1080p monitor from 2018 and up. But is there really a difference? I have a widescreen monitor that I bought for good looking games and stuff like that so I wonder if I should use it for rendering and stuff

Anonymous No. 909121

If you don't know modeling the most expensive equipment will not fix it

Now get tf away from 4chan and go work on your current project instead of looking for excuses why you art looks like shit

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Anonymous No. 909137

Man I was just asking if a good monitor is worth using for making things, if I tried to make an render with a white and black monitor it would look like shit on colored monitors. I was only wondering if the generic person will actually care for a color difference when the 2 images are compared side by side or if it is only autists who are going to rip me a new asshole for not color-matching according to their IPS 4k 1000:1000 NIT blacker black and whiter white pixel ultra-color with LED-backlight monitor

Anonymous No. 911028

nice cat image fucker, downdooted

Anonymous No. 911030

Nigga why does it really matter if your shit isn't 100% color calibrated?
All the retards with subhuman IQ's looking at your shit on their phones won't have color calibrated screens.
Get a monitor that works for your needs or what you like.
Make it look good on your screen, and if you have doubts, look at it on another one and average it out.

Anonymous No. 911066

Just use an full ACES workflow and you're fine. Avoid tech memes like 4k, 60fps, HDR etc... That shit is all consoomer garbage for normie fuckwits

Anonymous No. 911069

EXTREMELY. you should buy a 5500$ apple proart display if you even want to stand a chance of making a good looking donut.

Anonymous No. 911467

The fuck you mean 60fps is a tech meme? I would understand if you said 144hz, but 60fps is the bare minimum you can find even on the shittiest monitors out there.

A ~100โ‚ฌ 1080p 60fps monitor with good color range (and preferably no reflections) is all you need for professional work. You can get something better if you want but it won't affect, in any way, the quality of your outputs.

A second monitor to look at references can speed up some of your work, but that's about it.