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๐Ÿงต Epic Games releases official Unreal Engine 5 binaries for Linux

Anonymous No. 909244

Finally, the age of having to compile Unreal Engine to use it in Linux has officially come to an end.

Anonymous No. 909274

Tell me when it works on Iris Xe graphics
t. tried it back in prerelease

Anonymous No. 909281

sweet can't wait to spend more time working on bugs with the engine than my actual product.

Anonymous No. 909299

every time you make a change to the engine with c++ you have to recompile everything, even on windows. This is the worst engine imaginable.

Anonymous No. 910508

Is it legal to make a Flatpak package of it?

Anonymous No. 910557

the worst that can happen is they'll tell you to stop
And they probably won't as long as you aren't pretending it's official or anything

Anonymous No. 911332

when are they releasing apple silicon build?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 911520

The same Apple that banned Epic?

Anonymous No. 911522

Things aren't really good between Epic and Apple right now. I'm not sure Epic is in any hurry to support it anytime soon considering it already works through Rosetta 2. If they do, that would be pretty great, but I wouldn't hold my breath expecting it in the immediate future.

Anonymous No. 911929

>Using proprietary software on Linux willingly

Anonymous No. 912313

Considering the Flatpak will probably just link to their site, not really.

Anonymous No. 912314

What's the point? If you use closed source proprietary software in Linux, you're missing the point.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 912344

it's like the guys that seethe that the iphone is "lock down" platform, but have a nintendo switch. no, no, it's different when the japanese do it!

Anonymous No. 912347

>using software willingly

Anonymous No. 914912

Who cares? linux is garbage anyways

Anonymous No. 914919

I thought Linux is a serious platform for working professionals, not an autist sandbox?

Anonymous No. 915086

It's both, but the autists are more vocal

Anonymous No. 915092

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure 100% of the UE source code is available without any binary blobs, it's just released with a proprietary license.

Anonymous No. 916065

Good luck finding a FOSS equivalent to UE5.

Anonymous No. 916421

I mean, the community could have been doing this a loooong time ago. Just make a fork of Unreal, it will inherit the same permissions (require Epic linked account to access), make builds every few months and release them on github. You're just lazy fucks.

Anonymous No. 916422

Try making engine changes on Unity and come back.

Anonymous No. 916427

You're not supposed to and you dont have access to the source unless you pay