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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909447

How does one import .mesh files to Blender? The SINGLE good rip of a model I'm after is in that accursed format and I have no idea how to import it. Google-fu is failing me. For the record I just want to import it so I can use it as a reference model. All I want is it standing T-posing with the weapons to one side as opposed to awkwardly fused to its hands.

Anonymous No. 909453

first of all: go kill yourself
second: don't make a whole new goddamn thread for a simple question
third: use XPSTools to import .mesh, they are usually XNALara models

Anonymous No. 909454

>Kill yourself
Believe me I've been considering it for years but my desire to make people who would benefit from my demise suffer by not doing so always wins out.
>Don't make a whole new thread
Yeah, sorry about that, bit a of a newfag on /3/. Didn't see the QTDDTOT thread until it was too late.
>XPS tools
Thanks anon, I shall look into that.

Anonymous No. 909472

A bit of an advice... ignore the negative parts and take only the useful information, use catalog, hide idiotic threads and u will have somewhat of a nice time here.

Anonymous No. 909532

At least you aren't Cris or another dumb frogposter. You're doing better than some already.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909574

yeah, I'm gonna need to see some feet

Anonymous No. 909753

Thank you, anon. I'm all too aware with the frogposter problem- is Cris the one that keeps posting WIPs of not very well done low poly models with weirdly passive-aggressive messages?

Anonymous No. 909759

Yep. You'll see him being called out by name when it's him again.

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Anonymous No. 909765

Oh god. That's a shame, I like low-poly/retro inspired 3D stuff. For instance this WIP enemy idea (presumably Orko's evil cousin). Goddamnit, why do these people have to ruin cool things?

Anonymous No. 909769

All you can do is contribute to the good to drown out the bad