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Anonymous at Sun, 24 Jul 2022 12:32:46 UTC No. 909837
>Watching some random non-english tutorial on cylinders
>Gets told to do mirror modifiers to save time
>Get's told to do 1/4 mirror with X and Y axis for even more time saving
How useful is this really?! or am I getting my leg pulled?
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Jul 2022 12:35:39 UTC No. 909838
In the context of symmetry, I guess, fuck if I know
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Jul 2022 11:48:27 UTC No. 910131
>How useful is this really?! or am I getting my leg pulled?
Are you are just slightly retarded and lack intelligence?
Think about it for a while...if an object is symmetrical over one or 2 axis, would you rather model each side accurately and exactly so that they'll look identical or do you think its much easier to just work on one side and then mirror the end result?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Jul 2022 12:18:44 UTC No. 910134
Don't even bro, just hide the blendlet brainrot posting so it can fall off the board quicker
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Jul 2022 12:40:39 UTC No. 910136
You're right. I shouldn't.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Jul 2022 22:43:08 UTC No. 910245
really useful to save on UV space.
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Aug 2022 13:52:30 UTC No. 911932
If you're able to get away with it, it's nice because it will save tons of UV space.
peasants at Tue, 2 Aug 2022 15:51:23 UTC No. 911962
I don't use blender, but in such a case you would make use of the radial symmetry by using an array modifier and only modeling a single element, no?
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Aug 2022 20:33:02 UTC No. 912008
On anything with 2 axes of symmetry, I always just do 1/4 of it.
It's 1/4th the work, and less geo to fuck around with. The less geometry you have to push around the better. You want to get as close to your perfect shape as possible with as little geometry as possible. Not because something has to be low poly, but simply for the fact that it makes the entire process of modelling and unwrapping that much simpler.
So doing only 1/4 of it is good.
Once I'm happy with the shape, I'll put on just half symmetry and add some variation, then finally asymmetrical details with mirror off.
Anonymous at Tue, 16 Aug 2022 06:46:18 UTC No. 914059
Don't worry I did it on purpose just for shits n giggles, I put it back after taking the screenshot