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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909932

>import anything with more than 10 vertices

Anonymous No. 909937

works on my machine

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Ariana Richards (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 909944

it's unironically a feature, not a keeps people from staying with blender for too long, as that is not what blender is about:
blender is meant to make you test out for free whether or not modeling, animating etc is for you - nothing more, nothing less.
then when your models start to take shape and become complex, it gently kicks you out the door (like a parent sending you off to college) where you will then start to work with industry-standard software.
sculpting: zbrush
hard-surface: 3ds max or also zbrush
animation: maya
texturing: substance, mari

learning what all of these are generally about when you are clueless: blender

sticking with blender for good is very much like never moving out of your parents basement: only hopeless autistic losers pick that road.

Anonymous No. 909951

that explains why there are so many blender users on /3/

Anonymous No. 909953

switching to a less user-friendly, more complex program right after learning the basics is arguably a hard wall that most people will run right into instead of climbing it.
sticking with a mediocre piece of software instead of eating shit, setting up new hotkeys and getting used to slightly different menus and even workflows is stressful and highly frustrating. since deluding yourself that "blender might become industry standard" is easier than attempting to become a professional, most users will do just that.

i don't know who needs to read this right now, but please don't be one of those guys that never move out of moms basement - it's sad and pathetic, you lost a courage-check rolling a 1 and aren't even aware of it.

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Anonymous No. 909991

>import anything with more than 10 vertices
>check geometry spreadsheet
>way more than 10 vertices
>realise it's actually 10 points
>realise every other program has been lying to you
>begin to question reality
>realise everything is made of points
>desperately try to convince everyone around you of the same
>get committed to an asylum

Anonymous No. 910030

I'm a blendlet
blender instantly closing is a big fear of mine when working, I must switch to maya soon, but I know it'll suck.

Anonymous No. 910077

boy do I have news for you

Anonymous No. 910121

>hard-surface: 3ds max or also zbrush

HardOps+Boxcutter and Moi3d will shit on any other software for hard surface.

Anonymous No. 910140

I am always astounded by how this board regularly breaks things that literally and unironically just work on my machine

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Anonymous No. 910144

Are you trying to use Blender on a Raspberry Pi Zero?

Anonymous No. 910150

it's fast, but still practically unusable for actually complex meshes.
>bevel/chamfer complex mesh
>blender completely shits itself

also 3ds max has an exact copy of that addon (forgot the name, but easy to find) and nothing can match its retopology modifier. blender is fine until you *actually * attempt to create huge, complex meshes with it. seems you're not at that stage yet.

Anonymous No. 910493

Shut it Chud. Blender is better than autojunk.

Anonymous No. 910543


I import 100k models into my blender all the time, maybe you guys need to stop installing every single garbage addon in the marketplace.

Anonymous No. 910550

fuckin baby numbers. Try importing 500k models. No you can't because it crashes before you even import. Kek cope and seethe more blendlet

Anonymous No. 910588

try 1 mil+. my maya/zbrush runs smooth as butter and i can work with it comfy

Anonymous No. 910611

Now do Zbrush

Anonymous No. 910638

>not a single argument
>first one to resort to insults
you will never create even a single impressive render or asset.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 910642

You don't need argumemts to realize Blender is better than everything on this world, chudlet. Get it through your chuddy brains

Anonymous No. 910645

>provides no arguments again
>can't even spell "arguments"
>uses insults
>posts embarrassing art
>viciously defends blender
checks out.

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Anonymous No. 910646

Whatever Chud. My picture is a product of unique art. Where is your work, chud? You have none.

This is you when getting filtered by Blender.

Anonymous No. 910647

>hard surface in zbrush is better than in blender
Lmao, max is debatable but zbrush is a joke for hard surface in comparison to blender

Anonymous No. 910649

>max is debatable
>i am a blender noob (punjab "how to do in 5mins youtube tutorials" ftw) and have never actually worked with max, but my reluctance to face the difficulty that comes with learning a new software makes me defend blunder nonetheless

>zbrush is a joke
there probably is no combination of 4 words in the english language that can disqualify you as a 3d artist harder and faster.

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Anonymous No. 910693

>import anything...
>wait, where the import option, it's not under file
>what the fuck is a subtool
>import subtool with more than 10 vertices
>why is my model in this tiny box
>why am i drawing dozens of copies of my model
>what the fuck is a document
>what do you mean i need to make my polymesh 3d
>my subtool is not a polymesh?
>i need to navigate how?
>what the fuck is a polyframe

Anonymous No. 910713

Not my problem if you're too incompetent on a level of a nigger to take a day to learn the UI.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 910724

this guy uses blender and features his professional work in most of his videos. where's your 3D vfx company?

Anonymous No. 910730

it's just a joke, son. lighten up.

Anonymous No. 910892

you have low-functioning autism

you have a low-functioning PC

Anonymous No. 910893

blender has a polished UI, 3ds max looks like office 2000. can't imagine paying for that

Anonymous No. 910907

It doesn't matter fag, I'd honestly rather take the old one.
Blender's UI components are horribly designed and shit on performance

Anonymous No. 910945

>no argument, resorts to insults
thx for admitting defeat
why would UI even be relevant at all? you have no argument as to why and we both know it.

Anonymous No. 911098

>resorts to insults
insults? it's just true. sorry you feel insulted.

Anonymous No. 911100

>Blender's UI components are horribly designed
no they're not
>shit on performance
for you

>why would UI even be relevant at all?
it's a mark of quality. 3ds max devs can't polish off their program's look because they'd have to finish making it good first.

Anonymous No. 911106

What is reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 911109

>it's a mark of quality. 3ds max devs can't polish off their program's look because they'd have to finish making it good first.
just as I said: you have no arguments. your entire post can be summed up as "(snore) max not good".

then miss out and get nowhere.

Anonymous No. 911115

>nooo it actually is good because... because.. it just is!
Is this what they call the "sunk cost fallacy"? it's okay, you wasted your money... just let it go.

Anonymous No. 911120

(1) modifier-based system means i can take a finished object and adjust parameters such as size, bevels etc. no matter how long it's been since i set them, whereas blender only has a fucking undo hotkey
(2) stability and viewport-performance even with millions of polygons. accidentally pressed the "edit"-button in blunder with a million polys? might as well hit the restart button on your pc. this part alone shows me that posters like you probably never finished a single asset, otherwise you'd know that blender can only handle blockouts.
(3) best automatic retopology (modifier).

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Anonymous No. 911121

>is rightfully being told that his post boils down to "just is"
>repeats it like a parrot
are you genuinely retarded?

Anonymous No. 911123

>modifier-based system means i can take a finished object and adjust parameters such as size, bevels etc
blender can do this
>viewport-performance even with millions of polygons
blender can do this + your PC sucks if you even care
>best automatic retopology
no actually blenders is the best

Anonymous No. 911124

>brainlet bait
>35 replies

>Serious discussion, new styles, honest questions
>2 replies

I get that 4chan is a fun only place but this is just lame and sad. This board should be merged with the design one or the art one. No point on having this board full of dumbasses fighting for software. We have /G/ for that

Anonymous No. 911125

this is some of the worst bait i have ever seen.

Anonymous No. 911126

is that what you say when you get irrefutably btfo?

Anonymous No. 911127
