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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 910016

Trying to get a working copy of Revit that won't set me back 3000 dollars for a year. Tried torrenting one and got one Mississippi cunt hair away from a ransomware program owning my ass.
I have no idea how to use Revit but I want to learn so I have more job opportunities. Is there something similar I can use to learn?

Anonymous No. 910056

Learn to pirate.

t. glowie

Anonymous No. 910071

If you dumb fuck that can't into piracy, open a student account even if you aren't a student.

Anonymous No. 910119

Fucking retard.

w14 dot monkrus dot ws/search?q=revit

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Anonymous No. 910871

If you're such a poorfag and don't want to risk getting ransomware and that kind of crap, you could use Wings 3D which is free for 3D modeling, and then import to DAZ Studio which is also free, and you can make use of it's iRay shader for photorealistic renders. Also it's WAY easier to pirate stuff for DAZ Studio if you need furniture, shaders and props to complement your work.

Anonymous No. 910889

I don't like piracy because it's added hassle but borisFX should not cost $2k for a permanent license.

idk about revit tho I can't imagine ever paying money for something besides blender for 3d lol

Anonymous No. 910890

lol i guess you dont value the hard work of the thousands of engineers that create the software. Post your work.

Anonymous No. 910923

I'm shitposting from school so I can't, anyway you're trying waaayyyy too hard

Anonymous No. 910926


Anonymous No. 910928

you're trying too hard and it fucks up your bait. you're overplaying your hand

Anonymous No. 910929

i have no idea what you're talking about baiting. I've been a tech artist for over a decade so I know how hard it is to come up with new tools. Again, PYW or shut the fuck up about piracy

Anonymous No. 910930

Ohhh you're just ESL. I said I don't pirate.

Anonymous No. 910932

English is my first language, kid

Anonymous No. 910936

Then you should be better at it.