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๐Ÿงต hardware

Anonymous No. 910169

new PC for rendering and animation.

128 DDR4 or 64 DDR5?

Anonymous No. 910171

CPU and GPU are far more important, brainlet. RAM is easy to add.

Anonymous No. 910174

Just don't bother anon it's not like you will be doing anything other than low poly shit.

Anonymous No. 910175

yes i planned to buy ram-pc without cpu and without gpu.

i talked about slots
modern ddr5 or older ddr4 but more memory.
money etc..

Anonymous No. 910178

the truth is sometimes mad


Anonymous No. 910195

no one here has any knowledge. this board is 90% blender beginners and 10% legit schizos. i suggest talking to actual people in the industry. reddit is a cesspool of degeneracy and filled with midwit NPC'S, but i guarantee even that shitsite is not as bad as /3dcg/ when it comes to raw skill and knowledge about 3d modeling.

Anonymous No. 910219

best post of this 3

Anonymous No. 910223

Both are good enough, go for Whichever one has the highest MHz

Anonymous No. 910224

i will scroll the shop

Anonymous No. 910300

ddr5 because it literally means "double the data rate" as the previous generation

Anonymous No. 910358

You only need 128 if you're doing ocean sims

Anonymous No. 910370

ddr5 is a meme, you will pay extra for no benefit at all

Anonymous No. 910434

64 gb ram isnt enough for houdini

Anonymous No. 910435


So, which are you? Blender noob or schizo?

Anonymous No. 910471

14 of my 16 RAM sticks (128GB->16GB) are broken and Houdini still runs fine. RAM is a meme.

Anonymous No. 910484

you cant make a good sim without 128gb ram minimum

Anonymous No. 912756

Learn how ddr 4 and 5 differ.
The tech is new, so ddr4 performs better than 5 currently but it will be WAY better later on.
Decide now if you want performance now or get slightly less but more later.
You cannot use ddr4 and later just throw in ddr5. They are mutually exclusive. A motherboard can only support exactly ONE type of ddr.

Anonymous No. 913563

daily reminder if you are in the 20-30 year old range you upgrade as much as you can because you suck at managing your money. By the time you are over 30, you don't care about upgrading to the latest tech. Just before you turn 40 instead of upgrading to tech you decide to swap your gender because it is becoming the norm.

Anonymous No. 913577

I cannot believe it but my M1 mac mini can do everything 3D related I need and it cost me 1/5 of my windows workstation

Anonymous No. 913802

I would suggest that you wait for Ryzen 7000 since it will use DDR5, but if that isnt possible, just pick 128GB DDR4, though 64GB is pretty plenty already, even for Zbrush and MASH usage.
GPU obviously should be a 3090, even though I owned a 6800XT and pretty good for overall stuff, CUDA is just way more optimized in general, specially on Autodesk side, on Blender either nvidia or amd will do desu.

Now if for some reason you really need to use Adobe stuff, then get an Intel CPU due of Quicksync, helps quite a bit on those, specially Premiere.

Though you currently in the though spot right now building a PC since theres new launches coming now by end of year, its just better to wait a while, either to get the latest release, or better, get a big discount on the current one available.