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Anonymous No. 910298
>account started 1 day ago
>158 likes on a table and chair
>141 likes on an among us model
How does it feel to get mogged by a /beg/ blendlet? Why even bother?

Anonymous No. 910299

They are japanese Anon, being cute and sweet to people on social media is a societal norm there, You will never understand it

Anonymous No. 910305

I dunno. How does it feel?
Must feel pretty bad considering you had to make a thread about it. The salt in this post is so palpable you could cure meats with it.

Anonymous No. 910353

Meanwhile my tweets aren’t even liked by bots anymore, I don’t care as I post there rarely and at this point it feels like a private blog. I have no clue how to get attention on that platform, and it’s not like I get ignored on other sites. It’s just twitter that is completely dead for me.

And no, I don’t plan to participate in degenerate discussions and actively liking other people’s tweets.

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Anonymous No. 910367

Stop being a miserable cunt and you might get there

You are shortsighted anon, a retard no less. Who don't understand the media you are using.
This kid got likes for many reason, I happen to be a retard who knows social media management fairly well, here's why he got bitches and you got none.

he used hashtags, engaged with a healthier non western community by talking in japanese, he got retweeted by 7 accounts one of which has 2.7k followers who is also Japanese and retweets newbies all the time, the other 6 accounts that retweeted him have okayish engagement with their followers, he likes a lot of other blender bewbies posts(ppl who also desperately wants likes, thus his name show up on notification they decide to check his profile and like his little amogus or not.
He is also probably abusing the share function, with family and friends or japanese social media, the asians have their own social media websites tailor made for them, I bet this guy has it and is sending the link in japanese groups too, getting some likes from there.

Here I found another gook that did the same tutorial as your pic related and got shit, do you see any hashtags among that Japanese? No you fucking don't.
I checked the hastags and the ratio is 30-100 likes with a few ones that had less than 10.

This is what a healthy society looks like anon, this is what a populace without rampant cynicism and nyhilism look like
Seethe and mald at the wholesome superiority of the gooks you absolute pot belly clutching basement goblin

Anonymous No. 910369

Oh forgot to mention that whemever people like your post there's a chance it shos up to your followers as if it were a retweet, like "So and so liked this tweet"
That also can snowball to more likes even tho you might have no retweets in your post

Anonymous No. 910382

Not miserable, I said I don’t care, but I probably don’t know how to use it properly. Tone it down with r-slurs, retard.

Thx for a detailed post though

Anonymous No. 910390

Sorry Anon, didn't take my meds yet, and forgot to add OP's reply to it, I was trying to address the both of you, he's the miserable one for being so salty about things.
Thx I should chillout a bit more too

Anonymous No. 910461

Not the faggot OP but how would you appeal to westoids without attracting the blendlets and trans. Thing is majority of westoids hate anime and china doll renders and want to see more disney pixar, handpainted stylized assets or photorealistic environment art but I do not wish to sell my soul to western standards just yet.

Anonymous No. 910487

>without attracting the blendlets and trans

It depends, but usually you don't anon, you don't get to fully choose your audience, you can only nudge it in a certain direction
The progressives try to tailor made and choose their audience and look what happened, Literal maoist-like struggle sessions, shame inquisitions and hundreads of blocklists with tens if not hundreds of thousands of accounts on them, ppl getting cancelled left and right for the most menial of reasons

The truth is social media is cooling off right now, most ppl on our demographic, are chill or in the process of chilling out, the people who are not chill already echo chambered themselves through blocklists, so you should not worry about attracting undesirables too much because even if it's ppl from a demographic you dislike(normies, trans, women, furries, weebs etc), the ones who follow and stick to you from said dem are likely to be based, ideologically and temperamentally attuned to you

Now in regards to that nudging, you firstly need to make sure you are not a retarded schizo fuck yourself, who's gonna spew shit from the bowels of /pol/ on normie social media, If you're fine, then what you do is be creative with your hobbies and niche, find places where ppl that like the niche thing you like(Anime, digimon, warhammer, CoD etc) go to and post your creative work related to it there, don't need to post it with your name(read rules about self promotion) have a main social media @ visible in the art you make and at your main social media you post a mix of proprietary work and niche related work. Make jokes, follow and re-share stuff from other creatives that are based like you, make sure to be friendly, they eventually become mutuals and sometimes(not always) re-share your shit too and eventually, word of you get out there enough to form a good audience
You are gonna like some of them, you'll hate some of them but as long as you treat it in a NAP-like libertarian fashion it should be fine

Anonymous No. 910723

>wanting to appeal to western NPCs

Anonymous No. 910843

I just browsed through tiktok a bit and I didn't find a single remotely interesting video on there even when searching for tags I care about. It's full of shitty drawings of anime girls and people doing dances and comedy bits, and I searched for art and 3D tags.

Even official accounts of software companies are full of stupid dances and those gif thumbnails that repeat the first second of a video so you get all of these people looking retarded with their repeating dance moves. I hate everything about this, Instagram is unironically 10 times better than this shithole, there's absolutely nothing to learn about here.

I thought some of actually good artists I follow on other social media post here as well, but then I realized everyone gave up after uploading a few videos.

Anonymous No. 910844

>mfw have two accounts
>post same content
>tag with industry standard software on one, blender with the other
>blender one gets way more likes because blendies are clout chasing netwoorkers who are easily impressed

Anonymous No. 910848

Why are you installing chinese spyware in youor phone anon?
There are better social media for 3d than fucking tiktok

Anonymous No. 910856

Because I can.

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Anonymous No. 910874


Anonymous No. 910878

In fairness this is the pinnacle of what blender can do.

Anonymous No. 911927
