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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 910323

how was this image made and/or how do i make images like this?

Anonymous No. 910325

what are you wanting to replicate about this specifically?

Anonymous No. 910326

Download blender
Add texture to default cube
Add some lights and an hdri and hit render jk just find any beginner archvis tut on youtube (any software) and you would learn the basics to make such a simple scene

Anonymous No. 910327

There are no handrails for those stairs.
There are no guard rails to keep from falling into the void.

This place would be shout down in a week.

Anonymous No. 910329

I mean setting up their public pool in the middle of the void AND not even installing any form of lights and relying purely on sunlight probably weren't the best business moves for this hypothetical establishment either

Anonymous No. 910330

mainly the lighting and the slightly-sub-realism. i want to create dreamscapes

i guess the grainy film filters can be added afterwards

Anonymous No. 910332

what are you talking about? i'd pay to go there purely for the aesthetic

Anonymous No. 910354

Cool, how much?

Oh really? Then come over and shut me down

This is a real photograph of my indoor pool

Anonymous No. 910360

caustics son

Anonymous No. 910361

>haha hey guys so tell me literally everything about a topic that one can spend a lifetime to master
kys faggot.

Anonymous No. 910371

dunning hands posted this

Anonymous No. 910373

not really. all these "woah DUUUUUUDE liminal spaces" renders by the same guy are garbage. it's way clearer in his other pictures, but notice how the tiles on the floor are of a different size than the ones on the wall because the """artist""" cannot even be bothered to watch a 5min beginner tutorial on UV's and didn't normalize them.
also the rightmost slide directly leads into the stairs... and no, given that the guy doesn't even know modeling fundamentals, that kind of thing is not an "artistic choice" but just incompetence.

Anonymous No. 910375

you're one of many schizos on this board

Anonymous No. 910378

none of what I just said is wrong. your post is essentially spam. react to my points or be silent.

Anonymous No. 910380

you're schizophrenic

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Anonymous No. 910383

refute my point about the "artist" not even being capable of normalizing UV's (do you even know what that is?). pic very related.

Anonymous No. 910385

you're insane

Anonymous No. 910388

this, wtf
>normalize UV's
there is no such thing, schizo

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Anonymous No. 910391

guys how do I make stunning art like this? how to become a texture pro?

Anonymous No. 910395

don't even bother learning blender: every shape in that image is super basic, so you can make something like this directly in ue4 by creating basic shapes and drag&dropping free materials on them.

Anonymous No. 910402

he is right, you know. It's nitpicking, but right.
>there is no such thing, schizo
Let me guess, you're an retarded Blender user who doesn't know the industry approved language.
Let me explain it to you, smooth brain,
The UVs do not have the same texel density, therefore the tiles on the wall are smaller than the tiles on the floor.
Its a beginner mistake or simply lazyness. It doesn't really matter with most textures (still lazy) but with tiles it becomes very obvious.
If I where a recruiter, this would cost you the job.

Anonymous No. 910414

>If I where a recruiter, this would cost you the job.

t. >>910373

Anonymous No. 910416

Slide to the far right is pointing towards staircase
>mfw super wedgie from sliding
>mfw pools closed due to unsafe aids

Anonymous No. 910432

what is this poop

Anonymous No. 910497

People actually like this lazy garbage?

Anonymous No. 910498


Anonymous No. 910551

bro, you are why I fucking hate 3d niggas. Eat shit, you fucking knob. How's that attitude helping you in life? kys

Anonymous No. 910598

Zero sum game fags will tell you otherwise

Anonymous No. 910603

Don't need to.
But if you pay me I can shit out one of these low-effort backrooms trash images. It's like babby's first Blender project. If you're impressed by this, you really need to up your game.

Anonymous No. 910609

about pive turdy

Anonymous No. 910610

why don't you make a dreamscape from one of your dreams then?

Anonymous No. 910639

you mean people that expect more from a board than literal spam?

Anonymous No. 910654

The feeling it evokes is nice though. Perhaps not technically, but aesthetically its a nice picture.

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Anonymous No. 911178

I think that's Level 37 of the Backrooms, aka The Poolrooms. It wasn't created by humans, it was procedurally generated by a metaphysical force into millions of rooms like it and goes on for hundreds of millions of cubic kilometers.

Anonymous No. 911770

>I think that's Level 37 of the Backrooms, aka The Poolrooms
Holy fuck why is backrooms shit so gay? These larpniggers need to commit suicide, stat

Anonymous No. 911802

I remember when it was just the fun idea of "haha noclip out of reality" and then a bunch of spergatards decided it needed some super deep fleshed out backstory. it seems like no one can remember to Keep It Simple Stupid, especially when you're a massive idiot.

Anonymous No. 911821

>it seems like no one can remember to Keep It Simple Stupid
seriously, holy shit

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Anonymous No. 911827

It is really gay that backrooms became some new SCP shit where any faggot can make a level but having some new liminal space ideas is neat I think. Lets some art like this come out.