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๐Ÿงต blender crashes

Anonymous No. 910474

>spend all morning/afternoon on procedural texture
>time to render
>blender crashes
>didn't save even once

Anonymous No. 910475

use LTS. Simple as

Anonymous No. 910477

What is that?

Anonymous No. 910478

long term support, kiddo

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bet you won'....jpg

Anonymous No. 910479

>didn't save even once
fucking artists with their "I'm proud to be computer illiterate" bullshit

Anonymous No. 910481

When I'm programming I press control + s after every line out of habit so its not something that even crosses my mind, Somehow my brain doesn't want to do that while working in blender.

Anonymous No. 910495

We've all been through it anon, you will learn to save often from now on. Or do what anon told you here >>910475

Mine was sony vegas, 10 years ago, it still hurts sometimes when I remember it.

Anonymous No. 910502

Max lets me save my file when it crashes and it also make auto saves. It's hard to believe blender wouldn't have something similar.

Anonymous No. 910504

if you save a file when it crashes you end up with corruption. Simple as

Anonymous No. 910509

that's even stupider autism, use a code editor with autosave
As far as 3D is concerned expect anything involving huge amounts of data to be fragile

Anonymous No. 910518

Max never corrupted any of my files. Maybe you should use better software.

Anonymous No. 910547

Happened to me before, I'm glad autosave exists.

Anonymous No. 910810

Map Save in all programs you use to F6.

Anonymous No. 910814

Theres an autosave function dipshit so even if you havent saved it should have a file for you.

Also "procedural" lol just use regular textures and move on with your life

Anonymous No. 910822

I dont think you understand how corrupted files work, child

Anonymous No. 910827

thats what you get for using garbage software

Anonymous No. 912797

there is an addon called power save. you should getit

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Anonymous No. 912799

>File - Recover - Auto save... - select latest modified .blend in the list
Learn your software, faggot.

Anonymous No. 912857

By default blender autosaves every couple minutes and usually if it crashes you can recover the file as it was or how it was 2 minutes prior with no problem. Some idiots disable this though

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Anonymous No. 912867

>Blendoids crash and need an autosave toddler tickbutton
Never crashed once with autodesk.

Anonymous No. 912897

>never crashes
>with autodesk
Anon they might crash less than blender but i refuse to believe you unless you make some extremely simplistic shit that doesn't even benefit from picking one over another.

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Anonymous No. 912898

Scenes vary from simplistic towards large sizes.