

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 910921

I will never get a job, will I

Anonymous No. 910924

>Cries about his skills not being exploited in order to fuel anothers wealth
Fuck a job anon, zoomers have the right idea with the whole indie/patreonbux

Anonymous No. 910943

I would need to find an audience for that though, and I don't think anyone's interested

Anonymous No. 911031

What do you like? See if there's others who like that sort of thing. I believe in you anon

Anonymous No. 911062

Anon we're not here to make money

Anonymous No. 911081

I already eplained the basics of building an audience on another thread, I ain't doing again. Go read some more anon, you can definitely find an audience for anything, anything!
You just need to be good a social media management