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🧵 Questions thread

Anonymous No. 911073

Previous thread >>902981
/QTDDTOTT/: Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread.

Anonymous No. 911074

I need help with 3ds max unwrapping.
version 2023
I made video with problem I have. Whenever I unwrap something, polygons close to the border of uv island dissapear from UV editor. They appear in uv editor when I select them in 3d view, or when I select whole uv island with select element option.
The problem is shown from 2:05 of that video. (before its how I unwrapped from start)
pls help 3dsmax bro out.

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Anonymous No. 911093

3dprintfag here, why the fuck do my spheres all end up as eggs when I try to make balljoints? I have turned ratio on, and off when resizing.

Anonymous No. 911096

resize using the one yellow square in the middle of gizmo

Anonymous No. 911105

Won't that blow some of my measurements? I measured the pre-existing ball, and am using the sphere3d as the bolean to make a socket. When I use scalemaster, even with the ratio button turned off, it keeps changing one of my measurements.

Anonymous No. 911108

sorry I missed the printing part, nvm

Anonymous No. 911122

I’ve been making a model for a small game some friends and I are working on, and I’m at a weird point. I’m trying to symmetrize the rig, but I realized I needed to apply the mirror modifyer first. But if I do that, it’ll make texturing take twice as long, and I don’t know if doing texturing before rigging is a smart idea. What order should I do this in?

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Anonymous No. 911149

I'm doing a project for CGcookie and have to make a low-poly room, but I'm having some trouble making pillows for a bed. I've tried a few things, but here's my current process.
>Make a plane and subdivide it
>In edit mode, raise it up slightly, then mirror it and use clipping
>Join the outer vertices together and raise up the center with proportional editing
>Scale vertically
It's not terrible, but the edges are sharp. The corners were also giving me a weird effect, so I tried removing them.
Is there a better way to make a pillow, or improve my process?

Anonymous No. 911165

rig first and texture after
if you find issues in topology while rigging, they can easily be fixed without fucking up uvs and making you have to redo texturing constantly

Anonymous No. 911166

Marvelous designer.

Anonymous No. 911177

Thanks m8

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Anonymous No. 911179

In Blender when I set the grease pencil to draw on surfaces everything works like it’s supposed to, but when I try and fill the line art, if it’s still set to surface it will seemingly just fill it in a random place in space instead of in my lines. I’ve found a workaround for it but I’m not super happy with it and would rather my fills just work on surfaces. Does anyone have any idea why it’s doing this and a potential fix?

I’ve tried making the offset a little higher as I was thinking maybe the fill was getting lost in the mesh, but nope, it’ll just appear super far off into the distance.

Anonymous No. 911185

>Scale vertically
Sorry, I meant horizontally. I also shade smooth.
Any tips for doing it in Blender?

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Anonymous No. 911188

I want to model these guns but have no idea how, brand new to 3dcg, only know basic extrude, bevel and loop cut, and SubD Surface.
What extra tools do I need to know to bring these beauties into life other than what I'm learning?

Anonymous No. 911193

If you are that new, I would advise that you set your goals for something less advanced.

Here is what I would advise

Learn the very basics of 3D. Learn how to UV unwrap and texturing. If you are wanting to make a render of the gun so you can show it off, I would start learning the basics in lighting and compositing.

Get familiar with your tools. This means the difference between spending five minutes on a task vs an entire hour. If you are using blender, learn what every modifier does. Learn hotkeys. Utilize the hotbar.

Learn the basics in topology, and steer away from the dogma of only using quads. This is not to say that using quads is not important, but there are situations where quads are not required and trying to maintain quads can even fuck up your model.

Learn different techniques and approaches from watching tutorials. If you really do want to model something like this, then at least start with something simple like the grip or the mag

Anonymous No. 911202

This is exactly the reply I was hoping for, thank you very much.
Very brief and helpful to guide me to manageable goals first.
I'll take that last advice to heart and I know exactly how, I didn't really want to, but I'm going to practice with real gun parts first.
I'm a tarkov player so I pretty much know all gun parts names by heart, going to check their official websites and try to model some Pistol grips, Handguards, Stocks, Foregrips and etc.

Anonymous No. 911205

Not him but I'm glad that helped. To add to what he's saying, if you're learning Blender, then learning the hotkeys will help speed up your workflow. I've used CG Cookie to learn, and their tutorial series on youtube may be a good place to start. Watch a few videos and see what you think.

Anonymous No. 911206

Hotkeys are VERY useful. You will cut down hours if you learn them

Another thing I recommend is eventually learning how to bake normal maps on low poly meshes. This is extremely important if you want to make game assets that have a more realistic look while keeping them out of a high poly count. It will be tough as there are many nuances to making good normal maps, and I’m absolutely terrible at it, but im learning and I know it’s a process. It isn’t required but it’s definitely something to think about

I also recommend you looking into different softwares. Don’t do what I did and buy a lifetime subscription to Zbrush, but definitely look into trying free trials like fusion360 or Substance painter. CAD softwares like Fusion360 will not, to my knowledge, be able to give you practical usable mesh models, but you can definitely retopologize them or even use them as a base model to recreate. Substance painter is useful for making normal maps. Don’t use blender to bake normal maps; it sucks ass

Anonymous No. 911217

>a lifetime subscription to Zbrush
You might want to consider that sooner than you think.

Anonymous No. 911219

Believe it or not I am instinctively learning hotkeys, whenever I try smt new and it has a shortcut prompt to it I right it down for later, So yeah I'll catch up to it quick.

Thanks for the extra tips and resources, will check it all up in time, I already have academic license for Zbrush and Maya, just going through blender first

Anonymous No. 911254

rec some anatomy/sculpture tutorials in zbrush

Anonymous No. 911260

I have the same question as this guy (the stackexchange people didn't provide a good answer)

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Anonymous No. 911283

I like how certain objects look in edit mode, with those construction lines. How would I replicate that look in the object, so I can export it to unity? I tried insetting all faces but it wasnt quite good. Or should I use a shader in unity or something? One that applies only to certain objects? I dont want those construction lines in everything.

Anonymous No. 911294

First solution which comes to mind would be to export your UV layout and use that as an overlay on your diffuse color

Anonymous No. 911295

I have some normal maps that I found online, I tried using them but lights appear as if they are 90 degrees off, I heard online that there are two types of normal maps, is there a simple tool for converting z-type normal maps to y-type normal maps?

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Anonymous No. 911297

Looks bad- I'd try and find a way to do it in Shader

Anonymous No. 911324

How do I mirror vertices around a local point in Blender?

Anonymous No. 911342

I need help regarding art direction and assets, I want to render models, buildings, like Tatami Galaxy, bright colors, simple, cel shading and strong shadows.
Can I do low poly buildings for that? Would it be texture painting or a shader?

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Anonymous No. 911378

I'm kind of stuck on this - how to create the rounded sides of the star (poly modeling)? I can make a star from a cylinder, but I don't want the sides to be flat.

Anonymous No. 911411

What do you do when you're waiting for a client to reply to you regarding and issue and you cant work on the project in the meanwhile because he could say any number of things and it could be days before he responds to you?

Anonymous No. 911421

Sounds like a pain in the arse to maintain with quads



🗑️ Anonymous No. 911450

I made these stairs with archimesh but when painting a texture over them its all fucked up, how do i fix this shit?
BTW, i have no idea what im doing just dumb tutorials from youtube.

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Anonymous No. 911451

I made these stairs with archimesh but when painting a texture over them its all fucked up, how do i fix this shit?
BTW, i have no idea what im doing just following dumb tutorials from youtube.

Anonymous No. 911487

I does not have to be quads, it's meant for 3d printing so topology isn't THAT important in this case.

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Anonymous No. 911528

can someone tell me why the chest is shaded differently from the rest of the body, and why the inner arms are flat? There's no edge crease on the inner arms so it doesn't make sense to me.

Anonymous No. 911532

nvm recalculated normals and it fixed both

Anonymous No. 911540

If I have two meshes of different scales and I want to boolean them together is there a way to make the mesh that is smaller fit the area of the bigger one? (without using scale tool and hoping for the best)

Anonymous No. 911543

you're UVs are all fucked. they are tool small / too far apart and with the texture resolution you haven't got enough space to work with. fix them and it'll work better

Anonymous No. 911544

Holy shit omeganewb alarm
Try to learn the fundementals first, watch how to make some basic objects with blender, like a chair.
Research on how to use the grid snap tool, it'll save you a lot of time and is good for symmetry
after you done with all that shit, move onto to ammirus3d, that'll be your gateway to complex modelling and good topology, and study photography when you get to the rendering stage.

Anonymous No. 911545

>Try to learn the fundementals first, watch how to make some basic objects with blender, like a chair.
already have but I'll do the other stuff you said.

Anonymous No. 911546

I'm on a phone. But there is probably option to display bounding box and then convert bounding box to geo. Then you parent original geo to that box and it would be much easier to match 2 boxes scale wise

Anonymous No. 911547

Wow, what a great response, thanks, that really helped a lot, I'll just press the fix problem button.

Anonymous No. 911550

i explained the issue, your UVs are too small / far part. the fix problem button is to re-do the smart unwrap and make the 'island margin' smaller

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Anonymous No. 911558

Forgot to mention this mesh is the same as the small one but the bigger one is like pic related

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Anonymous No. 911563


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Anonymous No. 911571

UVs look better what is your texture resolution? it could be too small

also why have considered uv projecting the material? i assume your trying to re-create the scene from truman show

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Anonymous No. 911581

What’s a good way to get these kind of dark shadows on 2d looking blender models.

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Anonymous No. 911584


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Anonymous No. 911600

>what is your texture resolution
Try to get the same results with archimesh stairs please.
>i assume your trying to re-create the scene from truman show
Yes, doing it for practice.
Followed this tutorial to paint the texture

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Anonymous No. 911609

Googled how to do the "proyect from view" thing, still would like to learn why i couldn't paint it with the brush.
Also, new question, what is the best way to create this kind of water?
Used a shader(Realistic water with depth darkness) on a plane but it doesn't look quite right and it has all those white bright spots.

Anonymous No. 911611

>why i couldn't paint it with the brush.
you can, but generally it's more work and blender texture painting is shit

i would make a big plane, make it shiny using the shader editor and add a 'waves' texture as a bump map
personally i would swap out 'musgrave' for 'waves' but try and see which one works

Anonymous No. 911612

for the white spots, they are called 'fireflies' and are generally caused by caustics. there are a few ways online of getting rid of them

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Anonymous No. 911630

>you can
Yeah, but how? I could do it on simple shapes but on the archimesh stairs didn't work.
>blender texture painting is shit
A shame because its a much more intuitive way of placing textures for me.
Couldn't get the water to look like but its close enough i guess.
Tried to remove the white spots from the smart shader but no luck.

Anonymous No. 911635

maybe increase the intensity of the bump, add a displacement modifier?

Anonymous No. 911636

Why does impressive japanese stuff always seem to use softimage? Is it random chance or some secret sauce?

Anonymous No. 911638

boomers who learnt 3d in like 2008 and never had to switch over to anything else

Anonymous No. 911640

Is there a way to isolate and scale certain portions of a single model? or to separate it after it's already been merged, adjust it, and then reconnect it? Like if I can just box select the upper half of the body, scale down, and just have the faces of the model stretch accordingly? I tend to need to fiddle with proportions all through the process, but I don't know how to do that after the separate objects for hands, head, feet, etc. are merged together.

Anonymous No. 911641

In Blender, by the way.

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A still of Kermit....jpg

Anonymous No. 911649

any blendlets doing mograph?
how does it fare compared to c4d?

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Anonymous No. 911674

I am creating a base mesh. I created the torso, and and an arm. Afterwards I created a hand, but when I attach the hand the model loses all symmetry, and now the mirror modifier does not work as before. How can I prevent this?

Anonymous No. 911682

It sounds like the mirror modifier is going away because you're merging the body to the hand object, which doesn't have a mirror modifier on it.
You can merge the hand to the body by making sure to select the body second, or you can just add a mirror modifier to the mesh again after merging if it disappeared.

Anonymous No. 911686

Why Japanese use fax machine? Same reason

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Anonymous No. 911687

Im making a mask with a lower jaw that looks like this merged into the existing design
would the best course be to just sculpt the teeth and then merge it with the existing part or sculpt it directly into the jaw I already made.
I kinda have the mesh building part of blender down so far but sculpting is a complete mystery to me and trying to sculpt a thin walled part doesnt seem to work right

Anonymous No. 911688

Does anybody here use Virtual Motion Capture?

I made a VRM model character that works in VSeeFace, Unity, and some other software, but in Virtual Motion Capture I get errors where it prints out "[Exception] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance" and motion capture doesn't work even though all of the limbs are properly defined. Happens both with models I've exported out of Blender and with Unity (UniVRM)

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Anonymous No. 911691

I'm just looking for a word.
What is all the compiled assets for a show called?
Like if you have a TV-show or a movie, you need a lot of rigs, backgrounds and assets.
I feel like there's a good industry word for it out there.
Like an animation-project. but the animation and voices aren't there yet, just the "assets".

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Anonymous No. 911698

Working on a meme album cover, got this basic layout for the characters but I wanna create the background. Any tips for creating a landscape if it's just for a shot?

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Anonymous No. 911716

A lowpoli scarlet devil mansion.

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Anonymous No. 911720

You are brilliant anon. I'll model the castle exploding to complete the look

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Anonymous No. 911764

Any of you guys ever use this muscle addon? Looks pretty good for thirty bucks and might add some pseudorealism to my shitposts.

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Anonymous No. 911800

I'll settle with this I think, thanks for the help.

Anonymous No. 911903

where can I find pbr charts for human skin
mostly interested in indian / arabic human

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Anonymous No. 911914

brainlet question incoming, but is there a certain term to describe the highlights seen in the screenshot in 3d graphics?
i'm trying to achieve the effect in a game (without raytracing) but not sure what to search for to find shader tutorials

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Anonymous No. 911917

how do i make the wavy pointy white thing?

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Anonymous No. 911923

its brown in this pic.
newbie here as well but i think the general term is still highlights, not sure in game engines but in blender i just add a light to the back of the object

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Anonymous No. 911924

think I found it, it might be called rimlights

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Anonymous No. 911925

my bad anon, you're right. what kinda game are you making?

Anonymous No. 911926

count the number of pointy bits
multiply that by 2
make cylinder with that many subdivisions
delete everything but the cap
select every other vertex and scale it outward
make a hole
bevels etc to soften pointy bits

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Anonymous No. 911931

did something similar, at times i completely forget about the inset tool. anons here were right. using boolean too much can make your brain go soft.

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Anonymous No. 911952

wasnt there some shortcut to lock the face in this angle and press g and move?

Anonymous No. 911982

what's the best, least annoying way to make hair and fur for games?

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Anonymous No. 911989

how do i attach the people holder carriage thing to the giant wheel?

Anonymous No. 911997

click on global, select normal then press g and z

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Anonymous No. 912010


Sorry to bump this, but any ideas? I've been working on some other stuff meanwhile, but I haven't gone back to this and solved it.



🗑️ Anonymous No. 912012


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Anonymous No. 912015

>try and do a basic grid fill in 3ds max
>turns out it's a plugin, despite being an included free feature in every other program
>have to dig through some forums and watch some pajeet video to figure out how to install it
>works like shit

surely theres a better way?

try simply modelling a part of it then use symmetry to create the rest.

Anonymous No. 912018

xgen makes good hair cards:
i think you can do the same in blender, but essentially you create a particle system and then make 2d planes from those particles, and then apply a hair material onto it

Anonymous No. 912026

this is the one thing preventing me from moving to maya

Anonymous No. 912027

Why does Merge First and Merge Last in blender do the same thing regardless of selection order?

Anonymous No. 912072

I'm rendering a sequence in Maya 2022 using the Arnold Renderer, and only the first frame comes out at my desired resolution. (1920x1080) The rest come out smaller. (Around 900x500) I was about to give up and just go with the smaller size by making the original size the same as the rest of I was getting, but then the rest of the images turned out even smaller. What gives? Looking online I can't find anything on this problem, test resolution doesn't seem to be affecting it (it's at 100%)

Anonymous No. 912073

/toy/ here.
I'm about to start learning Blender to make add on pieces for my figures and possibly make a couple of figures from scratch; I was recommended using Blender 3.0 with the dyntopo and voxel remeshing tools.

What's the best tutorial series to learn Blender for this purpose?

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Anonymous No. 912079

okay finally finished the giant wheel, this is my gonna be my first project to put in my portfolio. should i start learning unreal setting up my scene? also is using the quixel mega scams thing cheating ? the only way i know how to make grass is by taking an image and then duplicating 4 times and aligning it to different axises. industry anon please help a fresher out

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Anonymous No. 912090

Any lamer device on studying locomotion than this on an actual model? Cant imagine this is so bloody messy of a piece

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Anonymous No. 912093

Without any rules or "theories" maybe everyone s on luck and nepotics so i just gott ask what makes something 300k

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Anonymous No. 912174

Why does my render result like this? skin seems messed up and it also looks like it's wet

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Anonymous No. 912184

I found the solution, turns out I was wrong about the Test Resolution. There's one under the render view window, but there's another one here under this banner. This should be ticked to match your desired resolution.

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Anonymous No. 912211

I've applied all my mirror modifiers and am trying to rig, but for whatever reason when I select just one of this character's biceps it selects both, which means doing my rigging is near impossible. How can I fix this?

Anonymous No. 912219

try disabling denoising

Anonymous No. 912220

but won't it be fuzzy?
I've tried with optix and ultra denoiser

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Anonymous No. 912223

I wanna semi realistic look with my textures, but I can't find the right kind half the time. Especially since I want to make trees that look like their real counterpart.
Google images pulls up pics of said trees, like dogwood, but no one takes high res photos of the tree bark. Its usually a pic right out of their back yard.
Where can I get some good textures?

Anonymous No. 912224

Fuck it, i'll just learn to paint. *grumbles incoherent swear words*

Anonymous No. 912228

if you have shitty hardware stick to eevee

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Anonymous No. 912239

If I wanted to make a realistic house interior for a game should I make modular assets with a bunch of specific pieces, or is there a better method?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 912252

Anonymous No. 912253


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Anonymous No. 912256

>is there a better method?
No, stick to 90 degree modular kits or you will ruin your life. It's all this faggot's fault btw, fuck all greek homos like him.

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Anonymous No. 912266

Anyone have any good tutorials for creating proper animation backgrounds with blender? They are for hand drawn animation and personal projects so they don’t have to be the best in the world. Right now I can do some isometric backgrounds that look fine, but when you zoom in I’m having trouble with vanishing points and making everything in the distance look proper.

Anonymous No. 912311

This may sound stupid, but how do I learn with tutorials? I'm taking a course on substance designer rn and I try to follow along, but bit by bit I get distracted and end up losing myself in my own project. should I watch the whole thing in isolation and then try to apply the core lessons afterwards? how do you guys do it?

Anonymous No. 912316

>losing myself in my own project
This is exactly what you should do. You learn by watching someone do a task, then apply it to your own objectives and branch from there. Mindlessly repeating is a failure of modern day education system.

Anonymous No. 912350

Notes are also very important. I can’t tell you how many times I forget something I just learned, know that I have it in my notes, look at it again, then it sticks. If it’s something you think you’re going to use a lot or particularly catches your interest, write it down.

Anonymous No. 912351

1. copy
2. modify
3. create

It is important to do them. Cut out other distractions and focus on finishing that particular one because humans are bad at multitasking.

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Anonymous No. 912355

Or really, any decent background/scenery course would do. I’ve already developed an animation in technique in blender that is working great considering all my traditional art and animation skills move right over to it with no issue, but my backgrounds still look novice and wonky. I can dress them up fairly nice with the grease pencil tool, but I’d rather know how to make proper backgrounds for future projects.

Anonymous No. 912360


🗑️ Anonymous No. 912362


Anonymous No. 912364

good point, i'm gonna start doing that
from these two opinions I am kind of realizing that I can't multitask worth a damn, so i'm gonna try to watch the whole thing and take notes on it

Anonymous No. 912373

Eyup, that’s what I do and I’m terrible at multi-tasking as well. Just keep a notepad open on the side of the screen, take them as you watch. Don’t worry about misspellings or what not, fix it later, if you are pausing every couple seconds or minutes to take notes you’ll never get through the video so just take them as you get them. As a teenager in high school I never realized how important notes are.. partially because the teachers would never actually tell you which notes were actually important and going to be on the test, but when you pick and choose what you think is important and write them down, they’ll stick a lot better and if they don’t you’ll remember what tool you need and where you wrote it in your notes… and if you don’t you get to read through your notes again to find it and all that information is sinking in again.

Anonymous No. 912407
Why he is deleting faces and then extruding hole edges and create new faces when can just extrude this two faces without deleting?

Anonymous No. 912408

Doesn't look like he knows what he's doing, which is why he's making a basic tutorial instead of content. Big market for beginner tutorials and you barely have to be a step ahead of them.

Anonymous No. 912414

What's being plugged into the roughness? Show us the nodes.

Anonymous No. 912415

Mind = blown. I forwarded your post to jobs@disney.

Anonymous No. 912420

What can I use to convert a PK3 file to OBJ?

Anonymous No. 912423

You should know to avoid any "artist" who uses the corposhit style.

Anonymous No. 912426

Is there a simple way, in blender, to change the color of a texture? Specifically one color of something that has multiple colors in it.
Everyone says to use a color ramp but then everything just turns black and white. I know I can add colors to the ramp but then it's going to be all fucked up and won't be the original colors anyway.
Say for instance you had an American flag and wanted to change the red stripes to blue. How could this be achieved easily?

Anonymous No. 912427

How much is blender supposed to crash during animation? It keeps crashing when I edit text. Should I just edit the text shit in sony vegas?

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Anonymous No. 912450

I downloaded a model from generalbutch's collection and there's something weird going on with the model.
When I open it in blender version 3.2 the body under the clothes doesn't exist but the rig works.
And when I open it in Blender version 2.93 the body is complete but the rig doesn't work.
Anyone know what's going on here?
I don't really know a whole lot about blender.

Anonymous No. 912467

anon your question is a little confusing.
are you painting over your backgrounds or do you want textures and lighting to come from the render as well?

if it's the former, spend a bit of time playing around with the focal length of your virtual camera, it'll make a huge difference. and for very dramatic perspectives remember to cheat:

if it's the latter, you're basically asking, "how do i become an environment artist", and that's a very big question.

Anonymous No. 912468

bruh I have rtx2070

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Anonymous No. 912470

I have 3 face slots

Anonymous No. 912473

>it also looks like it's wet
looks like you've got a map plugged into the roughness - it's probably a map meant for glossy workflows; invert it.

also, go do some tutorials and learn fundies

Anonymous No. 912493

mate you're hovering over the mask modifier on the left side...

It's using a mask on the body so that it doesn't clip when the dress is enabled, most rigged porn models I've seen like this have something in the rig that controls this, but you can just disable the mask modifier right there.

Anonymous No. 912495

That is indeed what it was, thanks.

Anonymous No. 912524

Actually, that bit about how they used basic colors and blobs in the distance might be what I’m looking for. Right now I’m just trying to figure out how to get the edges of my landscape plane to not just “cut off” so I’ll also probably look into creating a light fog or something to fade the distance instead of it just stopping.

Other than that, I’ve just been watching video after video of people making environments and copying the parts that I need for my own. It’d be nice for a full on course on the subject, but this is working fine at the moment. And sorry if my phrasing of the question is confusing. Like I said, I’m coming from a traditional art and animation background so I’m still getting down all the 3d terms.

Anonymous No. 912529

Lads can any of you answer this question for me?

Anonymous No. 912546

wouldn't it be easier to photoshop it?

Anonymous No. 912553

I reposted that by accident I meant to post it in a different thread. That's what another anon said too so I'll just do that.

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Anonymous No. 912594

I'm gonna need some general advice.
My frustration tolerance is extremely low and my ambition goes all the way to mars.
Over my entire life I basically got so scared of failing and quitting that I barely even start anymore.
This donut is from around a year ago, the last time I started something and quit again.
My question is basically two parts.
1. What are good general beginner tutorials aside from the donut guy? A lot of tutorials I see are just "how to make random thing" where I'd prefer something like a structured course.
2. How do you pick projects that are appropriate for your skill level without being too much to handle?

Anonymous No. 912604

You improve incrementally. Learn substance to make better bricks. The plates are very thin. Look up real object sizes etc. Depends on what project you want to do for tutorials.

Anonymous No. 912649

What's the deal with people following you but not liking any work? Sometimes art accounts, sometimes not.

Anonymous No. 912678

Isn't that just normal? Do YOU like everyone's work that you follow all the time?

Anonymous No. 912683

Select the vertices at the end of the construction arms (the triangular arms, the pointy end), shift+s -> cursor to selection, in object mode click on gondola, shift+s -> selection to cursor

Anonymous No. 912729

What is a *fastest* way to model character's hair in Blender without sculpt?

Anonymous No. 912753

Using the hair tool

Anonymous No. 912759

I guess I should've meant getting a follow but from people that haven't liked anything. Just seems a bit weird, unless they're out here to steal my bad ideas heh.

Anonymous No. 912788

why can I still see everything in my scene in cycles with no light source. I have a flickering light in the scene but I want the scene to go black when it's off.

Anonymous No. 912895

There was anon who said that it's easier to do anime character faces with subdiv. Anon, are you here? Can you post example? Can't find anything but sculpt and copypaste from templates.

Anonymous No. 912912

not him, but check this out, guy has some really nice breakdowns:

Anonymous No. 912917

Not that anon, but this helps me a lot. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 912941

Same, this will be very handy in the future for me.

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Anonymous No. 912984

does anyone have an example of how a western stylized character looks like in cel shading?
most cel-shaded stuff is anime but i'm curious how it would look on something similar to picrel or something disneyesque but i can't find anything online

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how to.jpg

Anonymous No. 912991

How can I turn this subdived cube into perfect sphere (or what I should build instead of cube at start)? I need a perfect sphere with this mesh geometry. (Yes I still can draw a circle on monitor and adjust vertexes manually).

Anonymous No. 912993

cast modifier
if you enable the extra meshes plugin in your preferences, you can spawn a "quadsphere" and skip this step

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Anonymous No. 913013

anyone know what could be causing these random creases in what should be a nice smooth surface
I tried seeing if I had some hidden edges somewhere and crease is set to 0

Anonymous No. 913016

looks like overlapping verts

Anonymous No. 913018

there are no verts there, I did the shift+a ctrl+m, its a single edge

Anonymous No. 913019

meant just merge not ctrl m, fuck me

Anonymous No. 913024

are you sure? did you try manually sliding one of the verts that poke out?
check your normals then

Anonymous No. 913027

apparently the top part of the head and the bottom one that I joined are turned the opposite way

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Anonymous No. 913046

But it's a usual polys dragging with mid-poly mesh, not a subdividing of *simple* low-poly forms. I think it should be more like a pic.
Thanks! Quadsphere isn't the same but also very good.

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Anonymous No. 913049

Trying to rig a dress in blender using bones by following this tutorial:

Is it a problem if the bottom part curves inside like this in "rest" position? I know symmetrize does not put the bones directly onto the vertices on the opposite side and I will need to manually position each one.

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mfw blendies scre....jpg

Anonymous No. 913080

Would I be retarded if I pay the full price for Maya? I genuinely love the software and also love making Blender users seethe on this board. I feel like I owe Autodesk something for allowing me to behave the way I do.

Anonymous No. 913090

A company is an inanimate object, it has no emotions.
What you're suggesting is akin to thanking your glass for holding the water you drink.

Anonymous No. 913091

Where could I hire a freelance 3d modeler, rigger, and animator?

Anonymous No. 913092


Anonymous No. 913093

I've heard there're a lot of people who just steal and repackage content on fiverr. Is that true?

Anonymous No. 913094


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Anonymous No. 913100

What 3D soft is good for models containing booth precise mechanic and curved "organic"-shaped surfaces like a pic? For printing, render quality and animations don't matter.

Anonymous No. 913132

Any, just block it out low poly then sub divide. You'll get super smooth rounded geometry. You can sculpt in zbrush, retopo and make a low poly mesh, and then just sub divide it

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Anonymous No. 913143

can someone please tell me why mantaflow liquid simulation fails at arbitrary resolutions for me? all resolutions above 70 fail, and I need high-res for the effect I'm working on
pic related, it's me trying to get my liquid sim to work. fire sim is buggy but generally works okay for me.

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Anonymous No. 913160

is there a way to apply solidify without edges getting all fucked up with shit clipping trough the walls
the way im doing it now leaves a ton of cleanup time on the inner walls to prevent artifacts and for shit to line up right

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Anonymous No. 913173

how to analyze photos and what do you need to look at to accurately recreate materials with subsurface scattering?

Anonymous No. 913177

hello i have some questions to people who work in the game industry as 3d artists

first of all are you on a AAA studio or a smaller indie one?
then my big questions are:
>Is crunch culture as common as people say and does it drain your motivation to do personal work after your job?
>I'm also wondering about creative freedom, do you have any or is what you do mostly decided by other people?
thank you for response

Anonymous No. 913178

Nah I think you have to manually clean that. Modifiers won't know to wich extent these edges should be close to each other so you often end up with overlapping edges. Having edges being too close is dangerous to begin with, without the use of a modifier.
So just split that shit up

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clipping 2.png

Anonymous No. 913181

yeah I kinda solved the issue by dropping the sharp edges before applying the solidify modifier and switching it to complex and upping the merge threshold a bit to fix up the acute angle'd walls. got no artifacts now anywhere, i'll add in guide loops now that the modifier is applied
just have to fuck with having shit fit together now

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Anonymous No. 913187

But how about mechanical parts like pic? They should have precise dimensions to move. Looks like I should use real CAD instead of Blender at least for precise mechanics and then export STLs to blender.
Also, this girl's figure can be very good fitted with a several NURBS surfaces and don't require sculpting. It's better to go with Rhino I suppose? Newer worked with this type of software before, but I'm very interested i working with NURBS or other 3D spline software is any good (Blender's NURBS capability is very truncated, I need something better).

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Anonymous No. 913198

Is this worth the money?

Anonymous No. 913215
so in this talk he goes over transferring animations between ik rigs, and using parameters to change a few things to alter the whole animation now that seems amazing and like a great time saver but I'm a big noob at animation and not sure how? any guides or tutorials that delve deeper into it and show an example of how to do it?

Anonymous No. 913224

i'm lucky enough to have an education version, but i'd never paypig for autodesk software. the indie versions look decent, but even then it's still quite a lot.

Anonymous No. 913240

i'm looking to get into doing paid blender jobs, is there anything in particular i should be doing to set up a portfolio? Any types of projects i should make for it or skills I should have before hand?

Anonymous No. 913244

Can I avoid AI takeover by learning 3D?

Anonymous No. 913247

It’s not sparing anyone anon…

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Anonymous No. 913251

Can any oldfags tell me what this board's reaction was when Blender 2.5 released? It was the version that introduced the UI that was last used in 2.79. I was here when 2.8 was revealed and some of you faggots jumped ship, and during covid when Blender threads began shitting up the board.
>did anyone dislike the new 2.5 ui and prefer the old one
>did the 2.5 ui get people to jump to blender like 2.8 did
>also when 2.61 came out, was anyone impressed with cycles

Anonymous No. 913278

How the FUCK do you pirate Solidworks?

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Anonymous No. 913329

Help, I am a complete newbie and I have managed to somehow delete the faces of this mesh (Blender), so it's just a wireframe--how do I get it back? I tried Faces>Fill, but that didn't do anything.. Thanks!

Anonymous No. 913334


Anonymous No. 913338

I did a bunch of other stuff in between, which I don't feel like re-doing. Plus, it would be nice to learn something from this mistake!

Anonymous No. 913341

Found a solution myself: Just had to select to edges next to eachother and fill them with "F", I think I was fucking up, because I tried to fill them all at once.

Anonymous No. 913348

Is Blender with addons usable for landscape/garden design? I have extreme dislike towards SketchUp and I would rather pay for an addon with some library than learn that stuff.

Anonymous No. 913354

Now activate the F2 addon, it ships with Blender but isn't turned on by default, thank me l8r

Anonymous No. 913357

I'm setting up some hair physics in blender using cloth simulation, but the hair has no weight and it keeps flinging around with the slightest movement. Is there any way to make the cloth less reactive to movement or something? Changing the vertex weight just breaks the simulation

Anonymous No. 913361

When I make a sphere from cube in Blender using subdivs is there a way to do different subdiv levels in different parts of sphere?

Anonymous No. 913368

How do you keep up motivation to keep going?
I've been doing tutorials for days and I'm absolutely learning but I already feel exhausted.

Anonymous No. 913370

When you complete your goals you feel motivated.

Anonymous No. 913382

How to add more control points to NURBS sphere?

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Anonymous No. 913390

Am I going to regret this?
Makes it easier to bend with rig.

Anonymous No. 913396

Is, is that a triangle?!?!??!

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Anonymous No. 913401

Does anybody here use Blender on Linux Mint?

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Anonymous No. 913414

I'm trying to append a model to a scene in Blender. I go append > collection > zelda and it adds her fine and stuff, but inside the folder i have literally a hundred million different layer things and also I have two different sets of like, rigging or whatever? I'm guessing it's IK and FK but how do I get rid of them when there's so much stuff in the folder?

Anonymous No. 913419

Guys p-please...
Help me...

Anonymous No. 913465

Geometry nodes:
Anyone have a clue how to convert my string (text, not thin rope) to planes?
I tried mucking about with String to Curve and then Curve to Mesh, but no profile curve does what I want (curve line's okay for some characters, but not all of them)

Anonymous No. 913479

I actually had good result for pillow following the donut boys tutorial for pillow, this one actually works.
You can make two planes weld them at the edges turn it into cloth simulation and inflate, and then freeze your result.

Anonymous No. 913480

Figured it out. Fill curve node.

Anonymous No. 913482


Posed a character in a way but when I hit render it reverts to the old pose I had set up
What do?

Anonymous No. 913483

If you're looking for good and easy trees google "tree procedural texture", it should work without you having to worry about seams, then you can easily bake those textures to create normal textures. Although if you're looking to use it in some game I think you should check if displacement textures work in game engines or if you can bake those into geometry somehow because I actually have no idea.
Bethesda uses modular approach for interiors and some exteriors, keep in mind to make them same size along all axes so they still fit if you rotate, It's also good to keep in mind if you can work with grid in your editor, then if you size them correctly to the grid you can also place and align them very easily and very fast.

Anonymous No. 913553

They are Viruses DONOT TOUCH THOSE

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Anonymous No. 913609

Is there a way in blender or daz3d to 'flatten' the sides of an object like pic related?
If so, how do i search for it because I don't know how to put it into words

I'm doing some woodworking around the house and got some ideas that I would like to turn into blueprints

Anonymous No. 913611

UV unwrapping? depending on what you're doing you might just be able to print out the UV layout and use that.

Anonymous No. 913612

>UV unwrapping
That's what I was looking for. Got a whole weekend to delve into it. Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 913673

I bought a IPS display for general purpose 3d work but did I make a mistake not going with a VA panel? My contrast ratio is severely lacking, meaning my renders look off to put it mildly.

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Anonymous No. 913682

There are a few extensions for Sketchup that do that, like 'Unwrap and Flatten Faces,' and 'Flattery.' There are a few videos about them on youtube.

Anonymous No. 913711


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Anonymous No. 913713

whats would be a good approach to sculpting this part into teeth? the thing will be a helmet once its finished so that part is pretty thing. I tried sculpting it in blender but the walls being thin always fucks up the entire geometry. Fairly new to this shit

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 913721

Rate my fence.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 913722

I think i should add nails, cause i feel something is lacking.

Anonymous No. 913724

Does zbrush have multiple panels for viewing a sculpt how maya has multiple panel layouts?
I want to see my model from the side while im sculpting the front and visa versa.

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Anonymous No. 913726

Can someone rate my topology and tell me if I'm doing this right? Also are there any good resources to learn box modeling workflow like this? Pushing vertices around manually and trying to get my edges to flow nicely feels very unintuitive

Anonymous No. 913727

No, amd its the single most dumbest thing zbrush has failed to implement on top of many other basic features.

The work around is:
Shift S to make a snapshot of the angle you want.
Drag it to the side
Sculpt on the side you want
Update the snapshot by pressing refresh.

Absolutely retarded. Fuck zbrush

Anonymous No. 913760

Has anyone used Bsurfaces? I have a question concerning adding a new mesh to it and replacing the sculpt mesh with the retopo one.

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torso downscaled.png

Anonymous No. 913785

How do people make good skin textures like pic related?
Is it even possible without photoscan?

Anonymous No. 913789


Anonymous No. 913791

shut your blinds, problem solved.
ips color accuracy trumps VA contrast.

Anonymous No. 913801

It is a blend of the cavity, ao, and base color maps to make a diffuse map

Anonymous No. 913805

Yes, but the skin itself has some kind of grain and some micro bumps that make it look real.
I don't know if it could be crafted by hand.
Or maybe from base materials for each part of the skin?

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Anonymous No. 913821

Hi, i used utiny ripper to extract the taimanin asagi game models, and it left these files, how can I open them?

I dont know anything about 3D

Anonymous No. 913822

You'll probably have to open them in Unity editor and export them from there, not sure if there's an easier way.

Anonymous No. 913850

Hello good afternoon.
I would like to learn how to create 3D models.
I know that creating art isn't just about pushing the right buttons, it's about knowing what's available to use, knowing when to use it, and how. I have programming experience and am used to complex programs, I also have basic drawing skills.
Do you have any recommendations for a course or book that can teach me the fundamentals of creating 3D art? I know there are many tutorials on different things, but I didn't want to be jumping from one tutorial to another without knowing which way I'm going. I think a guided course or a well-structured video series would be of great help. I'm in no rush to learn it's just a hobby thing.
I already installed Maya 2023.
Thank's for your time :)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 913851

https://discord com/invite/beTwDNgv2P

Anonymous No. 913853

Elementza Modeling Course

Anonymous No. 913855

Why is accurate scale so difficult in blender? I just want to make a room and furniture that have exact dimensions.

Anonymous No. 913856

How do I do retopology on Blender? This shit sucks

Anonymous No. 913859

Are there just no 3d modelers on 4chan or what, why is this place so slow

Anonymous No. 913861

We're all just a bunch of people who pretend we 3d model

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Anonymous No. 913864

How do I fix this?

Anonymous No. 913867

yeah but i'm not answering your retarded questions or arguing with pajeets

Anonymous No. 913869

just delete it and connect it properly?

Anonymous No. 913879

What kind of vidya card do I need to run unity HDRP at 2k 60?

Anonymous No. 913910

This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm a beginner. I'm trying to learn how to make unity games by following a tutorial, and in the script, the teacher uses:
>public abstract void Tick(float deltaTime)
To put it simply, I don't understand why "float deltaTime" is in the parentheses here instead of "time.deltaTime. Please explain. "float deltaTime" looks like a totally unrelated float variable that he just hasn't defined and just happens to have the same name, but that doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous No. 913927

3 click click click click delete
2 click click f
click click click f
click click click f
click click click f

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Anonymous No. 913938

I am trying to do something stylized in Blender. I have a yellow curved object as an orbit around the red planet.
I have applied emission and transparency to the ring. I don't want the ring to reflect on itself and give bright overlap when viewed from side.
I want to show what is behind it but not show the overlapping of the ring.
Any idea how to achieve this? I turned on backface culling but no change.

Is there any way to do it using other shader notes like camera ray or something.

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Anonymous No. 913939

Edited the desired effect in photoshop hurriedly.

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Anonymous No. 914052

How do I get a character like this? I suck at modeling and I was sculpting bodies to get a mesh instead but I cant do retopology

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Anonymous No. 914054

Follow a basic box modelling tutorial

This seems to work

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Anonymous No. 914070

Are there websites with good free scene resources? Some kind of standard background cities or countryside or indoor environments that can be used as a generic backdrop while I try other things.

There are websites out there selling such things, but it's pretty expensive. I don't care if it's a standard model everybody uses to begin with, I just want something that's not a flat plane to put the models into. "Utah teapot" background scenes are OK.

Anonymous No. 914090

does maintaining good topology really matter much if you're just making 3d models to print?
friend who paid for college is constantly on my ass for having ugly meshes with triangles everywhere. it looks fine after I subdivide and print

Anonymous No. 914091

Another stupid question, but is creating a new script in Unity the same thing as creating a "class" of that same name? Like, if I name the new script "TEST", and then open it up, it has the default text "public class TEST : MonoBehaviour, that means that the class "TEST" has been created, right?

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Anonymous No. 914095

I can't do box modeling, I have failed at that for 3 months

Anonymous No. 914097

Please... anyone... I can't find anything on google...

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Weird seam.png

Anonymous No. 914113

What the fuck is this?
These weird seams appear when I assign a normal map texture to my character. The seams are the same as the ones on the UV map, but I don't understand what's happening - the normal map is an even .5 .5 1, so it should be completely flat?

Anonymous No. 914116

overlapping vertices? normals alligned? I always check that shit first when shit goes wrong

Anonymous No. 914117

Is there a way to turn off the auto-tweening in blender? I’d like it to be off by default but don’t know which menus to get into.

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No texture no seam.png

Anonymous No. 914119

No overlapping vertices. What do you mean if the normals are aligned? I've tried recalculating them a couple different ways but it did nothing.
For comparison here's what it looks like when I remove the normal map's texture.

Anonymous No. 914120

I think you CAN have multiple classes in a single script, but yes, making a script creates a new class.

"public class TEST: MonoBehavior" is the class TEST that descends from the MonoBehaviour class.

Anonymous No. 914123

is the normal map imported as non-color? it defaults to sRGB color space if you don't change it, which fucks things up

Anonymous No. 914126

That fixed it! Thanks anon. One step closer to having something that kind of works.

Anonymous No. 914148

how different is blender 2.79 compared to the current one? My computer cant run the newer versions

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Anonymous No. 914152

Is there a way to export all my Blender settings but especially add-ons from version to version or am I doomed to keep a text files with a list that I'll need to re-install verytime I update this software?

Anonymous No. 914193

Is there any current 3D work that will stand the test of time?

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Anonymous No. 914194

Having a bit of an issue with Blender at the moment and don’t know if there’s a solution.

I’ve been testing out the traditional animation tools with the software for a bit, and today I quickly animated a character and began to pan the camera from left to right, and as you can see, because I drew the lines in a 3d space it began to distort the lines. I changed the camera to orthographic, but then it shows the whole scene as orthographic making everything look like a mess. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could pan or zoom in without this distorition? If it can’t be done with the software then it isn’t the biggest deal in the world as I’ll just have to choose my shots more carefully.

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Anonymous No. 914234

Why do textures from Substance Painter look so scuffed? The textures themselves come out well but the maps look really weird when you aren't viewing them on the model with odd artifacting and splotches everywhere. This is from the new Life is Strange game.

Anonymous No. 914236

You mean the padding on the uv islands?

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Anonymous No. 914240

It takes the rim from each of the UV islands and dilates them out the same colour as the last pixel to avoid obvious seams around UV islands caused by floating point errors like picrel

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Anonymous No. 914244

Just read up on this and it makes total sense. Thanks, guys.
Looking at texture maps in older games, I didn't see much of this in play. Been texturing a model of mine with Painter recently (pic related), I thought I was doing something wrong on my end but apparantly not. Is padding more of a modern thing then?

Anonymous No. 914246

Older games often had the textures handpainted first, and the UV maps created afterwards, so they would just use square borders around each "feature" of the model with the base colour.
With procedural/PBR/high def texturing, errors like this are a lot more noticable, and almost all modern games pad the texure maps like this.

Anonymous No. 914248

Sweet. Honestly that's pretty cool. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of this whole PBR workflow.

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Anonymous No. 914249

your cauldron looks pretty neat, probably worth looking at a few substance painter tutorials as well, there are some features that I was completely in the dark about for over a year of using the program
here's a decent one that NVIDIA paid for:
best of luck to you fren

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Anonymous No. 914250

How do I get a model like this?

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Anonymous No. 914252

Will give it a shot! Thanks again, anon.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 914253

Answer my question

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unrelated image.png

Anonymous No. 914284

Use NinjaRipper instead
I have topology that connects to two sphere shapes. Is there a way I can flatten these spheres to adhere to the underlying topology of the rest of the model?
Here is an unrelated image

Anonymous No. 914337

I don't understand the question. Can you show a picture of what you mean?

Anonymous No. 914351

FK or IK for animation?

Anonymous No. 914354

Why are you presenting it as a dichotomy?
You can and should use both.

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Anonymous No. 914467

I will post a nice pair in exchange for an answer if this is what you are alluding to

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i cant explain.jpg

Anonymous No. 914475

How do I do this

Anonymous No. 914488

I how do I into R34?
I wana make models of my smut of my oneitis and share them with everyone including me.
How many years will it take to master the body in Blender?

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Anonymous No. 914490

Does blender have any “onion skinning” for 3d animation, or do I have to download an addon for that?

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Anonymous No. 914491

Anyone know how get this look in materiak settings in unreal engine?

Anonymous No. 914527

You're not able to just move the vertices by hand or use low-poly sculpting?
I guess you could use a Shrinkwrap modifier to project the vertices of the breast on to a model of a boobless torso.
If you want to do it dynamically during an animation or something, you could save the flat and boobed versions as shape keys.

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Anonymous No. 914550

I just downloaded blender for a quick edit of a 3d object. I managed to delete the elements I didn't want but now what is left is an hole at the base of the structure. Is there a way to fill the hole with a flat layer if I select all the necessary dots?

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Anonymous No. 914551

Oh I think I did it. I selected what I wanted and pressed F. It wasn't perfect and there was still a triangle left but by pressing F again it filled more.. I'll reimport the model in my game and see if it works

Anonymous No. 914554

O-oh. You just made an N-Gon. Never make an N-Gon. N-Gons are evil, anon. Instead, do a manual fill: select the vertices that should for a polygon and press F. Do this for every polygon until the hole is filled. If you are not satisfied how the shading looks between two adjacent polygons, you can hit Control-E after selecting two polygons that share two vertices and one edge between them and choose Rotate Edges CW. Alternatively, you can select all the vertices that form the edges of the hole and hit Alt-F: this fills the hole with polygons automatically. N-Gons are actually okay if all the vertices are planar. This seems to not be the case with your model, you need to flatten it. If they are (ought to be) on a global axis, you can scale along only this axis (persumably Z: press S, then hit Z, or whatever axis it should be, then hit 0, zero, and finally enter). If they are not (supposed to be) locked on a global plane, you could unfold the little panel that pops out when you do the scale operation, then under the settings play with orientation; instead of global, maybe normal does the trick. The sequence of keypresses should be identical. Alternatively, try enabling the Loop Tools addon (it is to be found il n the context menu, either press W or right click, depending of your initial key setup).

Anonymous No. 914567

>You're not able to just move the vertices by hand
I've been trying to do that but I've been doing a bad job of it and was hoping there was a more sophisticated method

Anonymous No. 914588

I think the simplest solution would probably be to scale it to zero in the Y-axis to get a flat plane and then rotate it to match

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Anonymous No. 914598

I keep seeing 3d artist on twitter shill FlippedNormals, I recently made a Donut and have gotten interested in 3d. Is buy shit like that even worth it if im so no? Should I just grind free blender guru stuff and do my own projects? Im split between animation and 3d but im starting with modeling for now i think

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Anonymous No. 914605

Ever give a single dollar to Flipped Normals. They are a group of skilled users who are not teachers. They will only show you the most surface level way to accomplish a single, laser focused task and completely neglect to teach you the "why" portion. You won't learn any methodology from them. They're the equivalent of watching some DIY television show in the '90s and going "oh that's nice".

I wish we could have a sticky that warns new 3d folk about the pro's and con's of these various paid subscription teaching sites.

Anonymous No. 914607

Ah, it seemed fuckey to me that the topics seemed quite niche so i assumed they were for people of a higher level. Sucks they dont do the "why" from them, but not being a good teacher is not easy

Anonymous No. 914608

Yeaaah. Its pretty shitty but a LOT of youtube channels do this. CG artists figure out that showmanship and presenting topics tends to get more revenue for less work than creating professional video learning websites. Part of the whole "DIY industry" that thrives on level 1 people who will spend 90% of their time watching others work then giving up before starting.
And my bad. I didn't give you any suggestions in the previous post.

So, when I was brand new and did the donut as well:
Grant Abbitt has a solid set of Beginner and Intermediate courses for free on his website (hosted by youtube I believe). You can join his discord for free to ask questions related to the videos. I highly recommend you go through the full beginner and intermediate courses.

After you finish those, if you still are interested in learning 3D, this is where you can open your wallet.

CGCookie is recommended here on /3/, but be warned they morphed into more of a subscription based weekly podcast. They have video tutorials but a good bit of them haven't been updated to the newest version of blender. They seem rather lax about that.

Come back and post after you finish Grant's stuff though.

Anonymous No. 914609

in your appdata there is a file with all the different blender versions, each with the config and an addons folder inside of them

also i only replied to this because you posted a mr robot screengrab

Anonymous No. 914628

I had a video recommended to me this morning where a "tutorial" channel went over the benefits of using the secret "workbench" renderer in Blender instead of Cycles or Eevee, and how it can save a lot of time for simple scenes where you only need colors.

He deleted it after the top comment pointed out that it's literally solid view.

Anonymous No. 914629

Can someone tell me the uses of having a topologically correct base mesh for sculpting?
- Do you use them before sculpting or to project details onto it after you're done?
- Can your morph easily a base mesh (like for example with the move brush) to have different proportions? (I mean I know you can but is it a common practice?)

Please I'm a beginner and I want to know why use a base mesh instead of just sculpting a character and retopo it later?

Anonymous No. 914633


Anonymous No. 914655

is there a way to fix my textures by growing it along the uv edges? I know that I can increase the fill bleed, but that's only when you start a texture right?

Anonymous No. 914656

What software?

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Anonymous No. 914668

Discussed something with an anon from /agdg/ but I want to make sure so I'll reformulate >>914629
Is this workflow viable/possible
> Get basemesh with animation friendly topo
> Change proportions with subd level management
> Save it as "newBasemesh"
> Clone it, make the cloned mesh as high topo, add details to i
> Project high poly mesh details onto "newBasemesh"
> Rig and animate

And thus I have another question: How far can you go when it comes to changing the proportions of a standard basemesh. I imagine you have a lot of freedom for the body but what about faces for example?

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Double spine prob....png

Anonymous No. 914701

So I've tried to import a Rigify-rigged character into Unity, but it's like the character has two separate sets of spine bones, with the front attaching to one of them and the back to the other.
Did I import it wrong? Is there any way to fix this?
I can kinda work around it by selecting the two spine bones that match if I want to create or tweak an animation in Unity, but it seems like a pointless hassle.

Pic related, what happens when I bend DEF-Spine_002 and Spine_fk_002 in different directions.

Anonymous No. 914706

Check your blender file and see if theres two armatures. If that's the case, one is the actual armature, the other is the control armature. You should only export the actual armature of the character. Also check that the control armature has no weight on your mesh.

Anonymous No. 914708

It's just the one armature, but it has a bunch of bones that are for inverse kinematics and such?
I thought I'd gotten rid of the helper bones by exporting with "deform bones only" checked, but apparently that didn't get rid of it all.
How would I go about getting rid of them? Can I manually pick which bones to export somehow?

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RGB to UV coords.png

Anonymous No. 914714

im trying to add a fabric patern to this sculpt.
I tought id be smart by baking in a repeating patern of rgb values that is used as xy coordinates in UV, but i get these ugly seams of each border of the pattern
So instead im trying to do it normally, how do i add it like its applied in substance painter in blender? Whats that called?

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soviet, fabric no....png

Anonymous No. 914752

just used the automatic uv unwrap pn the sculpt, and it looks good enough since its just a fabric pattern

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Anonymous No. 914757

I want to make my texture brush in Blender look like a regular pen.
Is there any way to link the color to the velocity of the pen? Pressure already works but it looks just meh (bottom)

Also i had a bug which produced the results in the top - which looks actually kinda neat but i can't replicate it. Any ideas?

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Anonymous No. 914778

First time posting here, sorry if this isn't the right place.

I've made a simple animation of somebody holding a tray and then later dropping it.
I wanted to use rigid body physics to make it look slightly better.

Now one of my objects always does this weird thing I can absolutely not figure out how to fix.
I went back to the .blend file before I added physics, but redoing everything leads to the same results.

Any idea which setting I'm messing up?

Anonymous No. 914779

physics in blender are absolute garbage.

Use houdini.

Anonymous No. 914780

At this point I care more about figuring out the error than the finished animation.

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Anonymous No. 914790

okay i want to switch and learn substance painter because i am getting node filtered for painting textures. do i just apply all the modifers and join everything into one mesh and export to fbx and open up substance or do i have unwrap and export each part if the house and texture it individually ?

Anonymous No. 914908

>apprentice can only render with CPU

Anonymous No. 914911

"One of my objects"? m8 everything in that webm is fucked.

Anonymous No. 914962

I don't like to sculpt. Is there other (CAD-like) ways to draw smooth cute characters in Blender? Working with subdivs is pretty awful because it's unpredictable.

Anonymous No. 914974

what is the current linux program portfolio for doing basically everything in CGI on an individual level? Last time I was on top of these things it was 2019 and it was like modo, 3ds max, houdini and some other shit, but some shit like rigging and animation were clearly behind windows.

Anonymous No. 914978

Tried this?

Anonymous No. 915009

What sort of general stuff should I do with my models to make sure that they’re ready to be put into other engines or used in animations

Anonymous No. 915049

Thanks, looks pretty usable. Why it isn't in built-in functional?

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Anonymous No. 915064

Should I learn Blender just doing random projects I want to make or follow a sort of workflow for learning the program?
I want to try making this Sonic on Blender through photogrammetry using either the images on a character sheet I saved or the frames from pic related but this would be my first ever time using Blender for anything.

Anonymous No. 915155

Is there a best method for 3d modelling architecture or is this a "do what works" scenario?

Anonymous No. 915158

1. you won't be able to do photogrammetry with either of those things
that's a really stupid use of photogrammetry, 2. you'd get a much more accurate result modelling the sonic yourself and using those as references
3. you need a separate program to do photogrammetry, it's not a blender feature
4. there's like a billion models of sonic online

Anonymous No. 915160

which contributes more to lag, a high number of faces or of vertices?

Anonymous No. 915174

I know there are lots of Sonic models but I want those exact proportions for the one I'm making.
I guess my question should've been, how do I use that gif as a reference to get the proportions right?

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EM103NyUcAEnDQm (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 915175

the model was made from this sheet

you could also find this exact model on a few sonic forums

also be sure to keep eyes as textures, if you try modelling them getting a consistent look in animation near impossible

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Anonymous No. 915178

Theres so little you can just eyeball it. The quills are easy, so you only have half a head to figure out. Trace over front, back and side views, and if you still have difficulties to locate the vertices, do few in betweens.

Anonymous No. 915180

Thanks a lot, anons.

Anonymous No. 915183

why do my renders pull in such shitty numbers on art sites? After a year of releasing art I'd think I'd get more engagement

Anonymous No. 915187

Post some

Anonymous No. 915203

are they pop culture enough?
even if your skills are solid you're going to have trouble getting attention unless you make what people want to see

Anonymous No. 915229

i haven't done much research on this but how hard will it be to animate clothes being taken on and off a human character? (for coom animation purposes)
it's not something i've really seen done before if my memory serves me well.

i've got as far as 2 youtube tutorials on how to animate clothes and blankets, should that be enough? feel like if it was easy you would see it more often.

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Anonymous No. 915230

Maya's clean up tool keeps telling me there are non-planar faces even though I'm 100% sure they'e flat.
used the scale tool to flatten it. Matched all the vertices to the grid, and stull... non-planar.
Is there something I'm not seeing here? It's getting kinda annoying because anything that's not a cube it's telling me there's a non-planar problem

Anonymous No. 915233

Can someone tell me how to add thickness to a plane in geonodes? I need to make a boolean with text but when I generate a string of text and use fill curve, it's just a bunch of planes. Boolean doesn't work with planes and extruding still leaves the geometry non-manifold.

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Anonymous No. 915237

I started working on sculpting, when I select the object and switch to sculpt mode I get these weird green surfaces
the fuck is this and how do I get rid of it

Anonymous No. 915240

Face sets, they're a masking feature. You can reinitialize face sets by clicking Face Sets -> Face set from visible.

Anonymous No. 915256

When modeling feet that will be both barefoot and in heels, is it best to just model a flat foot and put it into heel posture with rigging, or make two versions of the feet, one flat and one upright, then use the appropriate one for the scene?

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Anonymous No. 915268

I'm looking to get into 3D modeling as a gateway for future game dev, since it's the one thing I think I could actually manage
pic related is the level of detail I'm shooting for, low poly I suppose, or on the lower end of the scale, with mostly flat colors and small amounts of texture, and not very complex animation
I know the one in the middle was made using blender, but what I'm wondering is: if I want to make a game look like these, can I reasonably do the modeling, textures and animation all within blender?
secondly, how difficult is it to model and make stuff like this, and what sort of time investment would it take to get to this level?
here's some of the games in the pic if it helps

Anonymous No. 915269

Anyone else ever found an art style they absolutely loved and just aped it completely?
Is that ACTUALLY learning/improving? Or is it just false improvement?
Do you have to go outside your desired style to improve at it? Or can you just keep hammering away making only the stuff you like?

Anonymous No. 915279

I think this is the trouble, you kinda have to go clout first before doing your own stuff, and that means not making fanarts of your favorite obscure anime or whatever. Unfortunately, it just seems to be the way of things.

Anonymous No. 915280

>Or can you just keep hammering away making only the stuff you like?
If you dont like what you do, you'll stop doing it

Anonymous No. 915291

Are textures on sites like good quality?

Anonymous No. 915397

with stuff like these the difficulty is making a consistent style not the modeling
and fucking around with the shaders

Anonymous No. 915418

i've never created a scene environment before, realistically how long/hard does it take to create something decent?

Anonymous No. 915420

does making 3d porn = ez $$$$$$$$$$?

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Anonymous No. 915535

depends on how big the environment is and the complexity of the assets, you can speed things up using a modular workflow and things like trim sheets

Anonymous No. 915552

Do models like walls with doors or windows get modelled as one mesh or is each part seperate?

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Anonymous No. 915637

I want to use renders from blender to create digital paintings. I don't think I'll be competent enough to create faces so I'm planning to draw them in by hand. I'm wondering if there are any guides or other additional software that can help me. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 916468

I wanna make varied multiples of the same character. My project is to make a group of miniatures like 8 or ten. Im using the same base body with variety, same with faces. Its the same face but with different expressions. How do I do this effeciently?

Theres 3 body and 3 faces meaning the 'same' figure has to be rigged 9 times. Do I just have to do each and just get it over with or is there some more efficient method?

Anonymous No. 916469

you're not going to make it in this field

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Anonymous No. 916675

I want to take a 2d cutout and give it "depth". Something like pic related.
What program let's me do this easily? Blender ? Zbrush? What would be the workflow?