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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 911103

>All your years of VFX experience, made irrelevant in an instant.
How does it feel, anon?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 911114

>this kills the /3/tard

Anonymous No. 911161

>Boris FX was founded in 1995 by Boris Yamnitsky
That guy's got a helluva lot of humility, hasn't he?

Anonymous No. 911163

I was using this back in the day in Sony Vegas for Youtube poops

Anonymous No. 911164

It makes VFX that effortless. /3/tards are obsolete.

Anonymous No. 911171

>spend 20 minutes creating procedural lightning in Blender
>B*ris users do it in one click
first time I saw this I literally cut myself and cried all night. Fuck you. It's not fair

Anonymous No. 911182

Is this an OP based shill thread? fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 911190

Why would I buy and install some r*ssian botnet on my PC when Blender already does compositing, motion tracking etc. for free?

Anonymous No. 911199

Doesn't matter, you wouldn't be able to afford it anyway once I use it to make you irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 911276

>Is this an OP based shill thread
why would anyone shill top shelf software to broke-ass blendlets?

Anonymous No. 911279

lol boris sucks dick. they bought sapphire, the rest of the suite still sucks. red giant > boris = newbluefx

Anonymous No. 911336

>Ad*be slave

Anonymous No. 911338

only mocha and sapphire are worth pirating

Anonymous No. 911341

Do I need Si, C, S, M, or O to make coomer shit.

Anonymous No. 911358

For me it's Sapphire and Continuum.

Anonymous No. 911359

you need rope

Anonymous No. 911434

So what does it do that's specifically 3d though?
To me it just looks like post processing and roto stuff that's not specifically 3d but general purpose for anything.
Don't get me wrong, it looks neat, but I'm missing the part where it makes knowing VFX stuff obsolete, considering that this in itself is a platform for VFX. You're not going to be using the stock built-in effects that anyone with a good eye could spot a mile away, are you? That'd be like covering your object in default SP smart materials and nothing else.

Anonymous No. 911436

>check it out
>it's subscription-based
Fuck off

Anonymous No. 911439

Oh, you can't afford the perpetual licenses? Right, that's why you use Blender.

Anonymous No. 911441

>implying I'm poor
>implying I use Blender
Get your software war faggotry out of here. It's not a matter of being able to afford it, it's a matter of it being a shitty business practice that I refuse to support.

Anonymous No. 911442

Boris FX needs a new pool.

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Anonymous No. 911443

anything other than nuke is for hobbies.
OP, you absolute faggot, never post on this board again.

Anonymous No. 911453

Just get the perpetual license then.

Good thing Nuke is an OFX host, it wouldn't be relevant if it couldn't support Boris.

Anonymous No. 911455

>Just get the perpetual license then.
Did you not read my post?
>a shitty business practice that I refuse to support.

Anonymous No. 911456

so you never buy anything that could be rented? kek

Anonymous No. 911457

Never mind, I'm retarded. Somehow I confused perpetual licenses with subscriptions. Disregard my previous posts. I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Anonymous No. 911458

np future Borisbro

Anonymous No. 911599

Bumping this thread to remind the blendlets

Anonymous No. 913668

agreed, it needs to be done

Anonymous No. 913686

How good is any of this for realtime?

Anonymous No. 913738

Yomnistky has simply decided such a thing isn't worth his efforts... for now.