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buh lenderrrrr.png

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Anonymous No. 911267

Can this actually net someone a job that isn't freelance shit or working at some studio that'll go under in less than a decade?

Anonymous No. 911272

not on its own

plenty of places are using blender for certain aspects, mojang uses it for animation, a few people at valve are using it for modelling etc.

but studios will put maya or max as a requirement to filter out any plebs. if you can use max, you can use blender, but that doesn't work the opposite way round

Anonymous No. 911281

no, for good reason. people that are serious about becoming good will want the best tools and automatically gravitate towards industry standard software.
staying with blender for too long is a sure sign that the modeler values convenience (switching software and improving is hard) over perfection.

the important thing to understand is that this mindset permeates and sort of festers like a growing tumor. idiot perma-beginners start channels, give shitty advice and spread bad habits/workflows, so by making it your standard software, you subject yourself to other people's mediocrity and allow it to grow. in that sense, staying with blender is very much like never making it out of a favela and remaining subjected to its corruption and low standards.

Anonymous No. 911284

you definitely have to know the industry standard software (at least 3), any blender knowledge is just "nice to have" since they mostly use it experimentally

my friend went full blender and he still can't find any serious job after 2 years and has to sell shitty blender addons on gumroad

Anonymous No. 911307

>working at some studio that'll go under in less than a decade
do you know how businesses work?

Anonymous No. 911345


Anonymous No. 911347

How long does it take for people to realize it's not the software, it's you? There's no magic included, there's no easy way of doing things, if you create something and it looks like shit, you're the one who needs to improve, software is just a tool, if the one wielding it doesn't know what to do, tough luck, improve yourself
Genshin Impact is made on fucking blender, what's your fucking excuse?

Anonymous No. 911348

People really don't care what software you used, what methods you used to create something, they only care for the result and how it looks like, anyone who says otherwise is a seething shitter who don't improve himself and blames everyone else but him

Anonymous No. 911357

op why don't you just make anime waifus on twitch like shonzo

Anonymous No. 911404

a good portfolio will get you a job. you could make it in wings3d, nobody gives a fuck

Anonymous No. 911461

>interviewer: We use Maya here I see you wrote down you only use Blender?

Anonymous No. 911462

Genshin Impact models are made in Softimage like Guilty Gear.

Anonymous No. 911468

you can be the most talented artist in the world and they still won't hire you if you don't use the software everyone else in the company uses, retard

Anonymous No. 911469

>strawmanning this hard
You know you can just learn how to use it right? Most softwares do the same thing with different moves, blender literally has an option to keymap like Maya, the point is it doesn't matter how many "industry standard" you know how to use if your final render looks like shit, this sounds like coping because this board loves to shit on that Yansculpts guy but he sculpts better than 99% of this board, there's people out there making 40k on patreon doing porn animations using fucking MMD, so just gitgud and improve yourself instead of bitching in a dead board

Anonymous No. 911472

You have to learn how to use it on your own time. Also, you dont know how to use blender OR maya until you're able to write your own plugins and addons.

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Anonymous No. 911473

>accuses others of strawmanning by claiming that people think they'll get a job with shit work but using the right software
>Also references Yan "lol couldn't be bothered with texturing" Sculpts

Anonymous No. 911479

>You know you can just learn how to use it right?
most people on this board couldn't if their life depended on it.

Anonymous No. 911484

worthless post script kiddie

Anonymous No. 911488

Post your work anon, it's easy to shit on other's people work without doing anything yourself, can you do better? if not then stfu

Anonymous No. 911490

Post your work anon, it's easy to ask others to post their work

Anonymous No. 911492

Non respons

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Anonymous No. 911494

Anything else? I can post an outdoor too if you want

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Anonymous No. 911511

America pioneered shit then killed the pioneer mindset.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 911566

With the extraordinary rate Blender is growing right now, I think it's gonna become in-demand in the market within the decade.

Anonymous No. 911567

With the extraordinary rate Blender is growing right now, I think it's gonna become very in-demand in the job market within the decade.

Anonymous No. 911570

This is a skill you learn all your life and they will pay you 15-25 dollars an hour to take advantage of you

Anonymous No. 911610

isnt 15 the minimum wage in most blue states? I walked in for some fast food at a coffee shop basically and they had a big sign on the door saying ENTRY POSITION - $19/hr + TIPS

Anonymous No. 911626


What's the point of pyw if at most the quality is beginner at best? stfu niggers we are all beginners here.

Anonymous No. 911628

Kek fucking mogged, the anon posted his work where's yours now? All bark and no bite? Careful when you tell people to post their work, they will call out your bluff

Anonymous No. 911631

Nta but it's about sending the message, you just come out as a jealous faggot shitting on people's works while not showing what you can do, also the render the anon posted looks good, which is already better than what half of this board can do

Anonymous No. 911632

what was posted looks downright terrible.

Anonymous No. 911634

Show yours then anon, unless you're also another faggot all bark and no bite? As it said, easy to shit on people's works without showing your cards

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Anonymous No. 911642

unfortunately i do all my real now work in a medium where i cant post it on this board. You will just have to settle for r&d work i made over 10 years ago

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Anonymous No. 911679

>These are the Blendlets telling you not to bother with Substance
Also why you should never get baited into pyw

Anonymous No. 911829

if you make good shit, nobody cares if you gotta take two weeks to get up to speed in a new program. dont weigh in on these conversations when you're guessing from the outside. specific program knowledge is a ridiculously small part of what anyone hires artists for

peasants No. 911894

>two weeks to get up to speed in a new program
>blendertards unironically believe the skills that professional artists acquired in substance, mari, 3ds max, zbrush, maya, houdini can just be learned on the fly in 2 weeks
only knowing blender is a massive red flag that you are not a professional, and no one will hire you.

Anonymous No. 911895

youre only embarrassing yourself admitting you cant adapt to a new program inside 80 hours

Anonymous No. 911896

little clue for any of the genuine newbies browsing this shithole, the guys saying program knowledge is a significant factor are the ones you can just ignore lol. make good stuff. if you can model in one thing you can learn another thing pretty quick, but if you have no idea what a good model looks like you're not getting in anywhere

Anonymous No. 911908


It's mostly zero sum game Boomers who say this shit. If you know the fundamentals and mechanics you can transfer into a new program giving some time to adjust to the new controls

Anonymous No. 911944

Does anyone really say you shouldn't bother with substance? Has someone who has used blender, maya, zbrush, and substance (for a tiny bit), the only thing that always fucks me with blender is that they still don't have multi layer paiting in the year of our lord 2022. That and the performance, but it is what it is, with a jack of all trades software. Zbrush and maya are fine, but substance is peak jewsoftware.

peasants No. 911958

what a fucking moron you are. if it can be done so fast, why don't you just invest those "80 hours"?

peasants No. 911960

it's not just UI, professional software offers additional tools that often slightly change the workflow. literally no one that strongly defends blender has actually finished a single asset in max, maya or zbrush.

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reptacolector No. 912924

Hello, how do you like daz studio 4.20 and that even in genesis 8.1 only the expressions will be improved and even the great deformations and errors in the clothes and especially the body (in the body that I personally hate) continue

Anonymous No. 912927

Anon why the fuck are you getting yourself worked up if I or anyone can't pmw? I do not have to prove anything to you. Just seeing you malding like a 5 year old proves to me your work isn't any better than the guy who posted his work. Time to have a look in the mirror and tell yourself why you have to see my work in order to justify you own inability to create better work? Keep malding, chud. Even if my I post my work you wouldn't find anything to tear up and it will all be crickets in here which tells me my work is that good.

Anonymous No. 912929

Netflix uses blender to animate now so there arent any excuses. Anyone telling you that you cant get a job with blender is factually incorrect.

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Anonymous No. 912934

no it was not made in blender i played honkai impact and know for a fact that the old models are not blender files. I still have them and they are made in autodesk, they even were made in official FBX files. Here is someone's photo i found that shows the same model.

Anonymous No. 912937

Yeah they made the models in blender and turned them into fbx files so they could be animated in maya genius.

Anonymous No. 912938

I work graphic design at a local company and use Blender all the time.
It's useful as fuck for mock-ups and illustrations that aren't generic globohomo vector shit.

Anonymous No. 912990

That piece of shit is still around? Good lord this fucking industry.

Anonymous No. 912997

sounds like you got filtered chud. it is STILL the best and industry standard modelling software

Anonymous No. 912999

as usual, not a single argument against max, just a random insult.

Anonymous No. 913081

many NFT companies are hiring blendlets now
get your blendlet learn on

Anonymous No. 913084

>implying that nft companies are a stable employer
yeah i could totally work for a company whose business model is purely based on market speculation

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weird blender bones.jpg

Anonymous No. 914329

found this catra model to test blender but dont know what kind of bones are those and how to manipulate theme properly, can someone tell me what kind of bones are ths so i could start investigating?

Anonymous No. 914416

>>stable job
become anti-fragile then

Anonymous No. 914431

>wanting basic human rights such as job stability means you're fragile
edgy 15-year-old detected

Anonymous No. 914438

Those are normal bones, but rotated by 90 degrees (and displayed as sticks as opposed to octohedral)
Assuming you're importing an FBX or something, look at your import settings and see if there's an option to fix that.

Also use the questions thread instead of some shitpost thread next time.

Anonymous No. 914772

>if you can use max, you can use blender, but that doesn't work the opposite way round
yes it does, retard
my first job was hard surface with 5 years of Blender experience and no other 3D software
studio was using 3dsMax, the guy who hired me just said "if you can use Blender you can use Max".

Anonymous No. 914774

why do you keep flinging the R word around so freely? Does it make you feel edgy and empowered?

Anonymous No. 914784

that was my first post ITT, moron