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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 911366

Are you going to participate in the next community challenge?

Anonymous No. 911367

How much do they pay for the work?

Anonymous No. 911368

They're not, but the top 100 renders will get prizes. Top 5 get more/better stuff.

Anonymous No. 911369


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Anonymous No. 911389

how could I join?
There must be something inspiring that I could submit.
Something, or someone, really great.

Anonymous No. 911390

Why would anyone take part in that?

Anonymous No. 911391

I want to post Hitler, but I don't want to get hunted by faggots.

Anonymous No. 911392

>kitbash 3d models
free on cgperisa
>davinci resolve studio
free version is already enough for me
>rokoko suit
yeah, looks cool. whenever i see people use it they never actually clean up the animation.

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Anonymous No. 911400

Would be a real shame if some up-and-coming young artist were to exchange saucy DMs with the dude. He's obviously no stranger to preying on kids (for monetary gain).

Anonymous No. 911402

stop doing free work for this piece of shit
you do not get any fucking exposure when you're one of a 100 entries in an hour long video
the only person making money off this is him

Anonymous No. 911409

>you do not get any fucking exposure
Not true. There's some people from the last challenge I follow now.
Top 100 entries get a prize, too.

Anonymous No. 911410

I think you can submit anonymously. I recall seeing Anonymous show up in the corner a few times in the last challenge. If you don't make top 100 you'd probably make it to the full 2-3 hour montage.

Anonymous No. 911431

Why the fuck would anyone even?
Dude makes more from the ad revenue of YOUR hard work than the monetary value of all the winners combined. Why the fuck would you want to support this grifter?
If you want to work for exposure, go stand on the side of the road with a tin can and beg for change, you'll be plenty exposed.

Anonymous No. 911495

The prizes aren't worth the effort. The volumetric display from the last one was interesting but that's it.
>muh exposure
Exposure to what? Retards who think that you can become a good artist by simply buying asset packs?

Anonymous No. 911518

Yeah, let's make free content for someone else. That sounds so much fun.

Anonymous No. 911643

It's fun

Anonymous No. 911648

Do your own projects then.
Also, what this anon said.

In no universe is that hack thinking wholeheartedly like it's a fun project for people. Dude is seeing $$$ signs the whole way through and lying through his teeth. Ad revenue, sponsorships, and a bunch of cucks putting in thousands of man-hours collectively for what amounts to a bunch of shit they could buy themselves had they put the same amount of time into an actual project.
The winners aren't "winning" anything, they're being paid for the time invested in the project. Only everyone else who didn't win, aren't being paid anything at all.
The dude in charge of it is getting a fucking good profit if you ask me. Next to $0 investment on his part (or maybe a $200 subscription for the Europeans that win), for thousands of dollars return from sponsors and ad revenue. And he doesn't even have to lift a finger since everyone else is doing the work for a "chance" at being paid.

Sounds like a lot of "fun" if you ask me.
Value your time a little more. Never work for free.

Anonymous No. 911659

This isn't real work. It's a competition. There's no hard standards to be met.

If you're going to be doing your own project anyway there's no reason to not do this. Doing your own project is no less of time and effort only it's not as fun and you're not going to have a chance of winning a competition. There's no benefit to doing your own project over this.

If the event organizer makes money from it then so be it.

Anonymous No. 911672

I said never work for free, didn't I? Even when I'm working for myself I'm not working for free.
If you're not making money off of your own projects, you're ngmi.
Doesn't matter if I'm working for myself or someone else, there's a client somewhere and money to be made.
Posters, shirts, selling the assets, licensing the art to individuals and companies; every hour invested into a personal project can be turned around into profit. I've even made more money off of some personal projects than I some commissions.

Why the fuck would I want to give that grifter any percentage of it? He certainly doesn't value my time.
So again, why waste time clawing away at the CHANCE of being paid for a project? I can have much more fun, not deal with deadlines, and make more than $0, doing a project for myself. And that's not even taking commissioned work into account.

Anonymous No. 911724

If you're one of the lucky few who can constantly find paid work then good for you. Not everybody is in that boat.

If you're one of those people who makes money by driving people to some social media page with your art. Again there's no reason to do a personal project over this.

But even if you are one of those people the reason someone would do this project over something else is because competitions are fun.

If you're a cynical person who only cares about money then you do you, but not everyone is.

Anonymous No. 911729

Eh, I wanted to join, but can't be bothered to retarget Herr Hitler.

Anonymous No. 911769

>Reddit spacing
It all makes sense now.

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Anonymous No. 911778

It's called a paragraph you dumb nigger.

Fuck off newfag

Anonymous No. 911786

Top 100 prizes are worthless since you can get the assets for free on cgperia. Only thing worth winning is the wacom and suit.

Anonymous No. 911970

>Top 100 prizes are worthless since you can get the assets for free on cgperia.
I know it's hard to believe, but not everyone pirates.

Anonymous No. 911984

who's this fag and why should I care

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Anonymous No. 911988

i worked on the train challenge and learned a lot and found ways to make things faster but i really need to start working on my portfolio now and don't know if i can add challenge submissions into it.

Anonymous No. 912199

of course you can

Anonymous No. 912201

It will look good if you win.

Anonymous No. 912494

This is smart, I realized I should also start monetizing my personal projects, since I mostly make environments (sometimes cinematics from them) I could start selling those on unreal marketplace. I just don’t know if it would be worth doing all the extra work in order to pass the marketplace qa. My following is pretty low and I may not sell anything so I may potentially end up with even more wasted time that won’t earn me any money.

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Anonymous No. 912509

You can post the donut

Anonymous No. 912519

i was wondering who's challenge it was, clicked the youtube link, saw a numale comic avatar with what seemed like söiface and immediately closed the tab.

Anonymous No. 912578

You don't need a following to sell things. A following (in this sense) is a marketing tool, nothing more. Drum up interest with it, and maybe get potential clients. Though a large majority of those people aren't going to have anything to do with 3d, game design, or things like that. 90% of them just want to look at something pretty, so if you're just selling assets, your social following won't really matter much. If you're selling art, it's essential. Each follower is a potential sale, until they're not; people usually don't really buy multiple things of yours, so make sure not to stagnate and keep a steady stream of people coming in.

For assets though, just having something out there that people want is enough to have people buy it. The thing is that all of those "set it and forget it" things are best used as side income, not your main source. So it shouldn't matter much if it's not selling gangbusters, just that something comes in.
Using that income to supplement commissions is a good way to keep something coming in, even when you don't have people coming to you for work.
The last thing you want is to be stuck in the doldrums with no income to speak of, and then something that you rely on breaks or some unexpected expense comes out of nowhere.

Anonymous No. 912593

Thanks for the detailed answer, yeah, I agree. It would just be a passive income, that’s what I’m aiming for, I have other sources of main income. I don’t think I would even want to grind and sell assets fulltime, that sounds depressing.

Anonymous No. 912855

I do this as a hobby and don't have other personal projects I want to do at the moment

Anonymous No. 912858

I want to enter and I'm trying to learn but I feel like I don't have enough time to get to basic competency

Anonymous No. 912907

just learn that the files for the bone animation are FBX which means if you don't have a supported program for FBX you cant enter. That's BS, people are entering and realize they have to use FBX, not everyone understands the mistakes FBX causes to models. Including Blender people, yet a blender template exist instead of actual files that support animation like DAE or gITF. This guy basically says use blender if you don't have supported FBX program or get out.

Anonymous No. 913270

Yes. Reading the Art and Science of Drawing, learning how blender works, did some basic animations.
Nothing like procrastinating for a project. Goal is to make the Touhuo cast so I can stop using the mmd models (doing facial rigging would be a pain, not sure how I would do that)

Anonymous No. 913317

Sounds cool, anon. Which character do you think you'll use for the challenge?
I'm going to guess Hong Meiling

Anonymous No. 913320

top5 will get 60$ ssd's and other shit, while the channel makes thousands... yeah no thnx. Also no one will hire u watching that 5 seconds shit.

Anonymous No. 913325

Yes. I want to do the scarlet mansion so Hong Meiling, Remila, Sakuya and Patchouli,

Anonymous No. 913371

mmd models are build perfectly and worked, the only reason you seeing bad animations from users. It's the same story in Steam Source film, no one understand how animation works. This is not a model problem it's the creator.

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hmar self title.png

Anonymous No. 913387

Oh no the models work great. My issue is there's no face animations and there's this weird texture on their face. Plus i want to make a uniform Touhou assets, cause it's missing Reimu, and Sakuya is a furry for some reason
Still when it comes to learning how to pose/animate this works great

Anonymous No. 913388

what program do you have that doesn't support fbx? lmao

Anonymous No. 913398

There is blender (no i wont hear of your fbx plugin), has FBX but loses data so it's not 100% supported, Wings3D, Cinema 4D is limited file support, Modo has rules when importing FBX, Houdini same limits so they change the original files as much as possible, etc. The list goes on. FBX doesn't work with other programs nicey and no company is going to pay money for it.

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Anonymous No. 913431

There's other options for a Sakuya model.

Anonymous No. 913435

Why not create your own fun? Your own portfolio?

Anonymous No. 913603

Ngl, I'm just joining to learn more. I probably won't even submit, there's some cool game jams going on this month. I don't do polished rendered pieces, or use other people's rigs/animations, I just make my own shit from scratch and toss it into a game engine, and that leaves a whole lot of gaps in my 3d knowledge.

For example, I had no idea how to import the skeleton properly, because I've never needed to before.

Anonymous No. 913648

So people who know what they are doing have a bigger chance of winning?

Anonymous No. 913664

i guess you can say that since the youtuber said it was for beginners too but no beginner would understand why the models or camera would act odd.

Anonymous No. 913690

I tend to agree with this. Making homebrew for the wii u or dreamcast through community contests even gives better fucking prizes.

Anonymous No. 913691

t. retard

Anonymous No. 913696

Pretty anything has better prizes. This guy is just getting free content for his channel.