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chair ruined.png

๐Ÿงต deleted vertex in blender

Anonymous No. 911417

>doing chair tutorial
>accidentally delete vertex while in wireframe mode
>do a ton of actions
>realize it when its too late to control z it
What do? I tried extruding two vertexes and then merging one of them and it just gives me a very distorted mesh.

Anonymous No. 911420

Nvm the old face was hidden in edit mode somehow causing an overlap when I created a new face to fill the gap...

Anonymous No. 911449

>no blender general up
>this results in idiots creating threads every time they have a problem

Anonymous No. 911452

>someone makes a 3D thread on the 3D board
>retard cries about someone making a 3D thread on the 3D board

Anonymous No. 911454

>retard encounters a problem that he can not solve in less than 10 seconds.
>"Surely /3/ will help me."
>ignores questions and blender threads
>posts new thread with idiotic problem
>finds solution less than ten minutes later.
>>911449 is correct.

Anonymous No. 911463

is that a heckin ngon?

Anonymous No. 911465

>ignores questions and blender threads
Certified based.

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Anonymous No. 911466

this whole board is blender beginner general. i remember when 4chan was mostly above-average IQ nerds, now it's random third-worlders that have copied the insults but are incapable of the actual discussion. pic related, the average 4chan user of 2022.

Anonymous No. 911475

Dubs of truth, but also pyw

Anonymous No. 911548

n=number of vertexes