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🧵 Can you get 3D model of official anime figure ?

Anonymous No. 911785

I really appreciate the picrelated 3D adaptation of 2D original art, I would like to get the model or make one as close as possible.

First, is it possible to know if the prototype in pic is made by hand or 3D ? I guess it is 3D but I still better ask.
If 3D which software do you think it is made with ?

If I contact the sculptor directly is it possible for him to send/sell me a 3D model ?

Can photogrammetry deliver good 3D model ? If I can't get the official model I can still get the figure but I'm not sure the photogrammetry process would look nice with a small object like this there is probably a ton of detail loss.

If I want to try as hard as possible to redo the 3D model myself, what software should I use ? Do all japanese sculptors use blender ?


Thank you.

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Anonymous No. 911787

>If I contact the sculptor directly is it possible for him to send/sell me a 3D model ?
probably not. it's not his to sell to anyone
>Can photogrammetry deliver good 3D model?
maybe, but you'd have to help it along with extra dots added onto the figure. you could try and borrow a good 3d scanning tool like picrel which would produce better results

>If I want to try as hard as possible to redo the 3D model myself, what software should I use ?
probably zbrush, you could also consider commissioning a sculptor online to do it for you

> Do all japanese sculptors use blender ?
i doubt the professionals do. blender's sculpting tools aren't very good

Anonymous No. 911788

>you could try and borrow a good 3d scanning tool like picrel
Thank you for your replay, I've never heard of artec before. Which model should I try to borrow ?

>you could also consider commissioning a sculptor online to do it for you
Where should I start looking to find one ?

I will give zbrush a try when I receive the figure I am already using the free trial of maya right now I enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 911789

>Thank you for your replay, I've never heard of artec before. Which model should I try to borrow ?
i have no clue. i'm sure any decent one would be fine
>Where should I start looking to find one ?
twitter probably

Anonymous No. 911790


>Which model should I try to borrow ?
Nevermind, it is obviously the spider thing you shown, I was just seing dozens of models on their website and didnt search enough.
Is the scanning quality worth the price ? I see that it still make some noise, I wonder if the quality of the scan come from the hardware or the software because I've seen a video of explainingcomputer showing a photogrammetry from a consumer camera and it had a similar level of noise.

>i have no clue. i'm sure any decent one would be fine
I see, I think I could try to find a store to send my figure and buy a scan but the shipping and scan cost would be probably similar to the cost of another 3D model from scratch from an artist.

Anonymous No. 911791

>Is the scanning quality worth the price ?
i don't really know much about 3d scanning, so i can't answer questions like this
>shipping and scan cost would be probably similar to the cost of another 3D model from scratch from an artist.
commissioning the model would be much cheaper than buying an entire device for 3d scanning. i think that's the better option

Anonymous No. 912612

Look up Sakaki Kaoru on youtube, he is a very popular 3D modeller who made a bunch of anime figurines and he has a ton of videos of his general workflow. Most people use zbrush for sculpting, but it's not impossible to make a serviceable model in blender.

Some other guy on youtube posted a 3D sakaki kaoru made, its ported to blender, but it should still help you somehow.

Anonymous No. 912614

Forgot to mention, the model I posted is the base model he uses for most of his works. since anime girls all look pretty much the same besides hair style and eye shape.

Anonymous No. 912622

Zbrush stay away from blender. It's really easy to make after a few tries but it is also hard to do if you have poor anatomy and drawing skills.

Anonymous No. 914089

I watched a livestream a few weeks ago of a guy who repaints figurines. He was customizing a Sideshow Toys statue.
One of the dudes watching said he had a 3D scan of the figure in the video. The painter guy wasn’t surprised and said something like “They’re scanning so much now” and “it’ll all be out there eventually.”
I have no idea where to get the scans in question but apparently it is a thing.

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Anonymous No. 914166

Sakaki Kaoru is truly the best to learn from, I'm currently making a figure following his videos. Really nice workflow.

Anonymous No. 914485

uwo you are gmi then you can safely mog /3/lets for stagnating in the last 10 years

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Anonymous No. 914512

>i doubt the professionals do. blender's sculpting tools aren't very good
A few of them do but mostly for hard surface details, cloth sims and lookdev/rendering. See for example
Also back when Maxon acquired zbrush a lot of the sculptors I follow were seriously considering switching. The new curve sculpt tools for hair also seem to be pretty popular amongst them.

>If I contact the sculptor directly is it possible for him to send/sell me a 3D model ?
No. They're already in a constant war against Chinese recasters so they're not going to do anything to make those thieves' lives easier.