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🧵 New Pokemon game

Anonymous No. 912303

So you're telling me the world's best artists working on this game couldn't be bothered to properly texture those arches? it looks to me like they straightened UVs, drew two lines through it and called it day

Anonymous No. 912304

What do you want? It's just a job.

Anonymous No. 912306

They should have hired you to make those arches

Anonymous No. 912312

Why would they? Nintoddlers will buy regardless

Anonymous No. 912322

Looks alright for a 7th gen wii game
Wait this is a new title? Oh..

Anonymous No. 912335

>world's best artists
nope. it's 100% the taiwan bug slaves that they outsource to these days. when you have to make 30 different assets by the end of the week you start cutting corners

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Anonymous No. 912336

gamefreak is not very good at their job, but they don't need to be.

Anonymous No. 912339

Nintendo is an abomination that someday will fall so hard, its gonna be historical.

Anonymous No. 912389

>the world's best artists
they are the same people who worked on these games 40 years ago, why do you think most japanese games look like shit? they're mostly made by blind grandpas pushing vertices around the same way they were pushing them when they were hired 70 years ago

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Anonymous No. 912391

Ding ding ding. I don't even think Game Freak did the character and Pokémon models, just the environments. I heard they have Creatures (another studio that's been with the series since it started) do most of the 3D work.

Anonymous No. 912403

It saves on texture space. What were you expecting? It's a Switch game, they're not going to ship 8k textures for every little detail.

Anonymous No. 912404

the problem is not the quality but the method used, it's a rookie mistake

Anonymous No. 912405

How would you do it?

Anonymous No. 912412

>inb4 "not spoonfeeding you, cuck."

Anonymous No. 913461

They know the faggots will pay them regardless because they're brainless npcs