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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912712

Gimme some kino idea to draw in this "style" espcially in the crispness of the lines and brush and how they so nicely laid over and how its grungy brushes are place well to make it realistic but not messy also the sunlights and glows that feels so well in brush

Anonymous No. 912714

Christina Hendricks but like a hundred feet tall.

Anonymous No. 912715


Anonymous No. 912721

and she crushes jew york city with her BOOBAS

Anonymous No. 912731

post more threads and don't practice art at all

that is how you get good with art

Anonymous No. 912758

You dont even practice but memes and pepes

Anonymous No. 912760

Pretty sure you dont know what yer talking about but half of it is true.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 912764

you are schizophrenic. you will never succeed at art or anything else because you never do anything besides post threads with these same images. your best bet is to seek medication to stabilize your life and find some kind of low wage employment doing menial labor, probably custodial. at least it will keep you out of trouble

Anonymous No. 912766

Have you succeeded yourself? Is this place your only home to where you can feel so irritable everyday? Lol

Anonymous No. 912768

You are in a discussion forum but the only thing you can do is name people passive aggresively while running off on details you cant write

Anonymous No. 912769

Must be comfortable speaking from your know it all high horse. Most people just ask the librarian, but somehow you are the library.

No wonder you have no friends but to come to me all day long. Arent you mentally challenged of sorts and have so little knowledge from the cozy homeless wifi you leeched while casually repeating some bouncing ball for 5000 hours and blames the world for not taking your "advices"?

Anonymous No. 912770

So do you actually have KINO idea or just a smartass? Some people buy books to understand things so pardon if you are so high up there and finds any question irritable from your limited IQ capacity but to repeat some bouncing ball and it suddenly becames everything. Your irritiability mustve been helping alot that you cant wait but to shove it all here since no one else cares

Anonymous No. 912771

Just gon relax and let this slide. I guess your online school doesnt work because the head curriculum asks you to do more but you just settled on the bouncing ball and now nobody is signing up to your class because you just cant be bothered but to show how special you are?
Sorry for being so wasted.

Anonymous No. 912772

>no practice is wrong
>all is same

Anonymous No. 912781

Just dont wanna keep asking you lot but clearly everyone is attached to this place too like a rat glue and has no brain to be independent either

Anonymous No. 912785

I'm not joking, trolling, or being sarcastic dude. Seek psychiatric help.

Anonymous No. 912794

I am not gonna be in one class with you. Good luck. I hope your 1000% bouncing ball sells and get you a life, thats not around me.