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🧵 I love your cope.

Anonymous No. 913253

daily reminder that cris invented an entire new workflow to make low res pixelart that looks no diferent from hand made one.

What have you actually archieved?
Make another WIP modelling/sculpt render?
Make another AAA character or prop for some indian hollywood TV ad?

Have you invented a new entire fucking workflow?

>look at this youtube tutorial
and yes, It looks 3D, cris method looks no diferent from hand made pixel art at cheap costs.

Anonymous No. 913263

I just watched his pixel art video and holy fuck, cris is a spic?! this explains so much.
btw it really does still look 3d

Anonymous No. 913276

is inventing a workflow supposed to be a cool thing? I thought everyone has a slightly different workflow per their own needs
also his pixelart looks like shit and it'd honestly be faster to just hand-draw it

Anonymous No. 913279

OP I know you’re being a silly Billy but I’m trying to make pre-rendered sprites for a game right now. What’s this person’s YouTube handle? I want to check this out.

Anonymous No. 913291


Anonymous No. 913319

fuck off cris
>What have you actually archieved?
achieved* and also much better 3D skills than you

>Have you invented a new entire fucking workflow?
you didn't invent shit cris. you didn't invent low poly modelling and you didn't invent pixel art textures

Anonymous No. 913324

>daily reminder that cris invented an entire new workflow to make low res pixelart that looks no diferent from hand made one.
post one example, I don't believe it.

Anonymous No. 913346


look at this, chudtlies.

Anonymous No. 913351

Are you serious? is this bait? im gonna pretend its bait.

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Anonymous No. 913359

Cris singlehandedly destroyed /3/

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Anonymous No. 913360


Anonymous No. 913363

this 'workflow' is just a 10 minute youtube tutorial

Anonymous No. 913365

>#aseprite #pixelover

So you traced a 3d model in pixel art.

I don't know what's funnier the fact that it's taken you years to figure out that the best way to produce pixel art is to draw it, or the fact that your art skills are so poor that you needed to trace a 3D model for such a simple sprite.

Anonymous No. 913373

Lol, this picture of a cat with his ears photoshopped out and quirky expression made me laugh out loud.
It's ottercat!

Anonymous No. 913377

not traced, is a 3D render, some pixels are just fixed by hand.

Anonymous No. 913411

The entire "workflow" is redundant if chris just learnt to use post processing effects on any game engine lmao

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Anonymous No. 913427

cris has been growing too powerful lately /3/ bros

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Anonymous No. 913446

You know what i never got about Cris? Never ever? Is that he always bitches about being shit and shit. The implication being he doesn't have fun/derive enjoyment from modeling itself, and sees it as a means to an end.
I don't understand this. Why would you want to learn a skill solely to make a game, and even then modeling is a secondary/specialized skill? Why not learn it cause it's fun? I have a feeling I had more laughs making picrel then Cris ever had in the 8 years he spent modeling

Anonymous No. 913450

Has he still not given up on 3d and focused on his actually okay 2D? This is just sad

He's still going to posting the same garbage here decades from now

Anonymous No. 914314

I clicked on youtube link expecting something actually decent...
Holy fuck this is next level autism kind of absolute garbage