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๐Ÿงต /DAZ/ 3D General - Beach bod edition

Anonymous No. 913259

Previous: >>908995

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin (Truebones)

Suggested Blender Bridge:

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool:
Metahuman creator:

Hair Creation:!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

STILL nothing

Anonymous No. 913273

ded thread
ded general
ded software

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Anonymous No. 913277

Yo, never expected to see one of my pics in the OP.

Been working on an ambiguously middle eastern/Assyrian/whatever weeb. Face is pretty much just Jael, because I think that face is amazingly gorgeous. Had to learn about rigidity maps to make the twintails not fucked up

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Anonymous No. 913293

mormon bloatware wont let me use my gpu ;_;

Anonymous No. 913296


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Anonymous No. 913347

What did Daz mean by this?

Anonymous No. 913392

5.0 September 26th

Anonymous No. 913394

there are countless ripoffs on the official store. the sylvanas windrunner is especially hilarious

sorry I mean "sylvan wind warrior"

Anonymous No. 913395

>random nig with tats
damn what a ripoff!

Anonymous No. 913417

>using iray server to render your loli-guro

Anonymous No. 913423

this is tragic

please an hero

you don't know what you are doing anon

Anonymous No. 913425

bumpity bump cope & seeth

Anonymous No. 913434

>I Seriously Hope You Doods Doobaloohahumbaloo
What did (((he))) mean by this?

Anonymous No. 913485

I definitely don't know what I'm doing, but I'm having fun doing it. how about you kill yourself instead

Anonymous No. 913526


Anonymous No. 913622

Suggest some daz morph/character creators to commission? I've used TCG and totocandy but am not very happy with the result.

Anonymous No. 913623

basically impossible to find skilled creators taking commissions. been trying for like 9 months

Anonymous No. 913624

>heres a couple image maps, np presets or packing, fuck you, pay me

Anonymous No. 913629

if you hit up changeling chick on the daz slackers discord, she might take a comm. but if it's something you'd wanna keep private, idk if she'd take it. and it'll be expensive either way because she knows what she's doing. also, definitely won't do anything with crazy proportions

Anonymous No. 913630

Thanks, would be a clone of a real person.

Anonymous No. 913631

ehhh, fair warning she probably wouldn't wanna do that

Anonymous No. 913632


Anonymous No. 913634

Don't you have enough Emma Watson options available already?

Anonymous No. 913754

>pirate character
>.tif files everywhere

Anonymous No. 913797

Is this better than Blender if you just want to make posters?

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Screenshot (299).png

Anonymous No. 913827

does anyone know which hair is used here?

Anonymous No. 913843

>whoaaaa we now support Applel's meme chip


Anonymous No. 913848


Anonymous No. 913854

kinley hair

Anonymous No. 913862

>not .tiff
When did it become acceptable to use anything but .tiff in graphics? My old Windows 3.1 computer can read them just fine.

Anonymous No. 913866

TIFF was created for prepress environments and only features LZW zip-style compression. It was never meant to be anything other than that.

Anonymous No. 913871

Well, that sounds like a you problem. TIFF was great and Windows 3.1 can read them just fine. The newfangled retards are talking about Fourier transform and losing jpeg compression and 10bits encodings and also wide channels for HDRI. As if colors gradient can be more than 8. All of those kids can go fuck themselves, I'd take my .tiff format every day of the week.

Anonymous No. 913892

I'm a starting 2d artist, kinda new to 3d.
daz is mainly using for posing right?
I want to use daz to trace silhouettes (proportions by hand is draining).
Any short tutorial that goes to the point and only teaches posing to someone that only cares about posing and nothing more?
also any tips?

Anonymous No. 914046

Clearly not. If there is two things DAZlets cannot get enough of its: (1) Emma Watson and (2) semi-ironic futanari fetish porn.

Anonymous No. 914048

any tips for importing clothes and having the daz weight transfer not suck?

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Anonymous No. 914175

The worst is that I can't really argue against this. As far as I know, Daz is for two (three) things: giantesses, futa, and Emma Watson. And we still didn't perfect that Emma Watson, we have like six models that aren't exactly Emma Watson, we're still perfecting it. Some Hermiones are better than others

I feel like, if you created a perfect Hermione, we would solve a third of all Daz issues right now. It would make a lot of people happy.

Personally, I tried to use Daz for tall musclebound redhead warrior, but I always fall back to Emma Watson. I don't know, mate.

Anonymous No. 914190

is there a daz model that's half black and half asian that looks young but legal, should look like she should be in movies but isn't because she's wholesome

Anonymous No. 914258

That is oddly specific

Anonymous No. 914294

gorgeous, which outfit(s) is that?

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Anonymous No. 914380

I want to use this mask for G8 but it's originally a prop for V4. I can brute force conversions for clothing but I don't know how to get it working for props. Is there a good tutorial for this?

Anonymous No. 914427

Is there a model that's an elf and look young but regal, like something out of wlop, must be very young, like she's a princess, but she has huge breasts, she's young and has huge breasts... Asking for a friend. If she has cute feet that'd be good too.

Anonymous No. 914487

What's the best Emelia Clarke clone so far?

Anonymous No. 914492

Why didn't OP post the /aco/ thread?


Anonymous No. 914515

How much are you willing to pay for a true to form Emma Watson in her prime?

Anonymous No. 914520

At least 500 pesos.

Anonymous No. 914530

1000 vietnam dong

Anonymous No. 914531

About tree fiddy.

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Emma Watson in he....jpg

Anonymous No. 914557

The current market price for Daz models, so roughly $20? If it's a good Emma Watson I wouldn't even pirate it, I'd buy it, and that is now my oath, borne under this post, upon my name I swear it, and thrice I thus swear, and thus my oath is born. May every gods that are willing to listen hear my plea, and may they strike me down if I don't buy that hypothetically good Emma Watson model.

But it still doesn't exist. My quest is incomplete. My life's goal unheeded. There are no good Emma Watson for Daz: there are no light remaining in this world.

Some people are still trying to this day to reach Emma Watson, they still have hope. But let it be said: No hope remains for me. If the last ten years told me anything, it is that Emma Watson isn't for Daz. It never will be.

Anonymous No. 914558

Shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 914563


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Anonymous No. 914599

pic related is in my eyes Emma Watson in her prime

reproducing that is not a problem for me

I always thought about making money by sculpting celebrity look-alikes for DAZ but there are some hurdles. Making them look exactly like the celeb is illegal. Making them look kinda like the celeb defeats the whole purpose. Luckily I have come up with a plan.

Anonymous No. 914600

kys nonce

Anonymous No. 914616

Two half celebs who match the target celeb when morphs are split evenly between the two?

Anonymous No. 914630

Yep. I was thinking more like splitting them between 3 or 5, though.

Anonymous No. 914631

Clever, better plausible deniability.

Anonymous No. 914648

get as close as you can than just deepfake the face

Anonymous No. 914654

i'm honestly surprised people aren't doing this
like the blender porn of scarjo people have been making is good but if you deepfaked it and did some photorealism post work it'd look insane probably

Anonymous No. 914724

Any Mormons ITT?

Anonymous No. 914737

Nobody can make 100% accurate celebs, 3d is just uncanny valley shit. Even then, it's only from certain angles using photo references with the same lighting.

Anonymous No. 914739

3d is hard

Anonymous No. 914842


This guy is so cringe

its the 3d equiv of trace work. big oof. hope they kill themselves one day

Anonymous No. 914843


>paying for assets
>paying for assets but you are a pedo

oof we got a live one here

Anonymous No. 914844



yeah cause proving that in a court of law would unironically happen. just sell the thing on or boosty and you don't need to worry about some retarded pedo company from the US having a cry about your asset creation OR better yet, don't sell it and just spread it, cause the more something is out there the harder it is to snuff out... simple fact so many people fucking forget cause they are too busy trying to make $$$ like 3duk having a big cry about some shit 3d credit sharing website

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Anonymous No. 914851

Anonymous No. 914858

Is hexagon still good for modeling morphs, or should I pick another modeler

>its the 3d equiv of trace work.
Not a thing. Even if it was, the only point of daz is to out daz other dazlets to become the ultimate daz doll.

Anonymous No. 914860

>don't sell it and just spread it

It's the whole idea of "making money off of it" that makes it illegal lol

Anonymous No. 914861

>Nobody can make 100% accurate celebs

The idea of a good celeb face model is to hint at the face and make her beautiful (fapable). Going for 100% realism is borderline retarded. Nobody out there is fapping to a 100% realistic depiction of a celeb's face. Make-up, camera angles, focal length, hairstyle, color gradient, and so on are what influences people fap to their pictures.

Point is the references you should use to model your character are already altered and not 100% accurate from the getgo.

Anonymous No. 914865

>recreating humans in 3D is the same as tracing.
You sound jelly as fuck.

Anonymous No. 914867

He did not create a model that resembles a person. He created a picture that resembles a photo.

Anonymous No. 914868

He modeled the whole head and not just what you see in the picture.

Anonymous No. 914956

geez.. keep seething

Anonymous No. 915002

What's with the Emma Watson obsession in the Daz community?

Anonymous No. 915007

You are clearly the one that is seething

Anonymous No. 915031

> Daz community

It's every community. Daz just capitalizes on this by offering digital Emma Watson dolls.

Anonymous No. 915045

Why this general died again? And what happened to the drama of that edk3 guy or something like that?

Anonymous No. 915048

There was a drama about that edk3 guy? And you didn't tell me? What did that guy try to do? Literally rape children? Is he a tranny? That seems like important stuff for the community. Did he cut his own genitals for some reasons while the Mormons look at all of this retarded stuff with a disgusting face?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 915130

goy do i love that every single shader has maps set up in wildly different ways, that all have radically different appearances in iray. it's so fun trying to change them.

Anonymous No. 915131

boy do i love that every single shader has maps set up in wildly different ways, that all have radically different appearances in iray. it's so fun trying to change them.

Anonymous No. 915148

Daz is hilariously shitty software, jesus fuck. They should finally give up this piece of shit and make it a blender addon or something. Fucktards with their early 2000s slow as shit UI and crashing.

Anonymous No. 915156

Reminder that we have and /aco/ thread.

Anonymous No. 915162


Anonymous No. 915191

noty kys.

blender pedo

Anonymous No. 915202

Daz will be relevant as long as MetaHuman and Reallusion refuse to let coomers add genitals

Anonymous No. 915285

isourcetexturespa on DA is taking em I guess. 3k tho

Anonymous No. 915294

$3000 for a fucking daz morph? what

Anonymous No. 915303

Which is forever. Epic and Reallusion are trying to build something serious and want to distance themselves from any coomer shit. Epic much more than Reallusion, but still.
Daz has fully accepted the degeneracy and might be the only thing making them money. Coomerboomers that cant pirate shit has to buy stuff from their marketplace.

Anonymous No. 915304

>Coomerboomers that cant pirate shit has to buy stuff from their marketplace.
I always found this hilarious, that there are 40+ lads who PAY for daz shit available on like dozen of websites for free.

Anonymous No. 915309

cool share their shit hoarder

Anonymous No. 915311

Migrating my 1 Tb Daz folder to a new external drive and it's just so fucking slow. Looks like it will take week at this rate.
From what I can see it takes forever to copy the small morph and pose files, whereas large image files for textures are transferred quickly.
What gives? Could I have avoided this somehow?

Anonymous No. 915322

That guy has a sameface problem with his characters
TCG's stuff is free and totocandy is shit quality
filesystem/windows limitation

Anonymous No. 915326

You think using robocopy would make a big difference?

Anonymous No. 915328

Does anyone have a script that can uninstall a selected manually installed products?

Without uninstaller, it's absolute pain to uninstall stuff that you just copied to your library folder.
All the required files for product are listed inside the .duf with paths to them as well. Should not be hard to make that kind of script.

If no one here has already made one or no one knows where to get one, then I just have to then make something hacky myself.

Anonymous No. 915329

you mean buy another hard drive just for your daz files.

Anonymous No. 915332

I never bothered with most of the various automation products in my many years with daz (and many library resets).
Just settle with making separate libraries per vendor, site, etc. Your preference.

Anonymous No. 915345

seriously why was this worthy of being called 5.0? I'm hoping there's some mystery features.

Anonymous No. 915359

ded software

Anonymous No. 915361

5.0 in two more weeks!
New native apple renderer curb stomps iray and will move the entire coomerbase to mac!

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Anonymous No. 915409

I imported and UV map from blender, why I'm getting those white patches or artifacts? My process were:

>Import clothes to blender as .obj
>Make new UV map
>Export .obj with new UV map
>Load UV set in daz
>My new template and UV map seem to work, I can edit the template and the changes in the texture works except for those white patches

What I did wrong?

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Test 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 915410


The UV mapping seems to be OK

Anonymous No. 915431

what do the vert and face normals look like?

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Test 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 915463


I think they look OK.

It seems to be a problem on the blender side, I exported the original UV maps from blender without altering anything and reloaded the map on daz, now the problem of my UV map is now present on the original UV map. Either blender is doing something wrong or there is a problem in some part of the configuration for exporting / importing. I'm going to try other program now.

Anonymous No. 915465

fix the symmetry, and add a bit of space in between islands. alternatively, send me the file and i'll do it.

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Test 4.jpg

Anonymous No. 915468


Do you refer to this? It also don't worked.

If not, I'll upload the .blend file in a bit.

Anonymous No. 915469

yes, but also the crotch seam is off center, which will affect seamless textures.

Anonymous No. 915471


Here it is

Anonymous No. 915478

why is the scale so tiny?

Anonymous No. 915483


I export with 1% scale from daz to blender to get a natural scale with objects imported from other programs in blender. If I use 100% daz figures get huge while everything else is super tiny.

Anonymous No. 915486

makes sense.

Anonymous No. 915487

try this

Anonymous No. 915488

Unfortunately the geometry changed and I'm not able to load the the UV map from your model to the daz clothing I was trying to modify. But thank you fro trying, anon, really.

I think I'm just going to try hexagon now. When Daz works with blender it works really good, and when not is just black magic with some obscure combination of settings that fucked something, somewhere.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 915501

can you believe this shit's made in blender?

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Test Yay!.jpg

Anonymous No. 915504

I finally made it!

For the correct result I needed to select "Preserve Vertex Order" in the blender import dialog AND also in the blender export dialog. The option has to be selected before AND after.

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Anonymous No. 915505


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Anonymous No. 915572

Proud of you, anon.

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Anonymous No. 915627

Theres Herminia by ROM FX

Anonymous No. 915628

My sources at apple confirm this.

Anonymous No. 915634

>totocandy booked through april of next year
>most recent wips are random asian women

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Anonymous No. 915648

Told me the same thing. It inspired me to learn Zbrush and do it myself

Anonymous No. 915653

>Uninstalling anything.
>Like ever.
I literally can't see a use case, except in those retarded morph that add itself by default to any new figure like a virus. And I know of literally one. And I didn't uninstall it, I'm just manually setting it to 0 with sheer muscle memory at each figure loading.

There's probably a flag somewhere I could uncheck, but I'm too lazy to search for it.

Anonymous No. 915690

Umm, where is the new /aco/ thread?

Anonymous No. 915691

I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. Just needs more people contributing. French torture anon cant keep it alive himself.

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Anonymous No. 915703

Why did they go with Filament as preview renderer instead of using something closer to Eevee or what Unreal/Unity is using?

Anonymous No. 915706

I assume cost or some prexisting deal with a partner of tofi/tafee/ whatever

Anonymous No. 915707

Filament is open source and basically made to integrate into anything ever. Filament is a drop down "here's the solution" physical mat raster renderer created by Google, by design. It was made for phones and stuff, so yeah, it is extremely malleable.

It also doesn't have half the good things of other renderers, Eevee first, but you can simply plug it in.

As Daz has two devs on the clock, it seemed the easiest solution, and it still is. It doesn't quite work, but we can put two devs to integrate that. That's all the story about Filament.

I still think Filament is possibly a viable replacement for the old 3DLight engine, at least for comics porn, but we would need to teach comics porn artists to use Filament.

Anonymous No. 915708

Judging by the quality of some of their content, they're still using some win9x version of poser

Anonymous No. 915720

Is this board dead or something? Not just daz the whole /3/

Is a lot slower now, what happened?

Anonymous No. 915750

/3/ was the first board one see on bunch of mobile apps, and some of them are now broken.

Anonymous No. 915756

based, phonefags fuck off

Anonymous No. 915783

ded thread
ded general
ded board

Anonymous No. 915796


But why?

The idea of a blue board it's fucking retarded but that didn't seem to kill /3 in the past.

Anonymous No. 915814

Maybe, just maybe, it's slow because you are not working on good content. Nobody is save for myself and a few other lost souls in WIP thread. You're not a 3D artist. The only thing that is dead here is you and DAZ. Get a grip anon.

Anonymous No. 915829

>As Daz has two devs on the cock

Anonymous No. 915830


Filament would be absolutely alright if the shadows weren't so fucking abysmally low resolution.

Anonymous No. 915838


Anonymous No. 915840

Someone know where i can download older versions of DAZ (4.15 would be best). The newer version fucked something up for me and now all my characters are fucked.

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Anonymous No. 915841


Anonymous No. 915865

blendoid seethe

Anonymous No. 915872


Anonymous No. 915898

Darius return to OP images when??

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Anonymous No. 915908

What hair is this?

Anonymous No. 915910

Eilis Hair for Genesis 3 & 8 Females

Anonymous No. 915921

It is a raster PBR, and a decent one at that, although not an exceptional one. The issue I believe is more of integration. Each time I try to use Filament, it is broken, half the shaders of the scene are missing, the colorimetry or the tone mapping is completely wrong, etc. The fact that it hasn't been made into an official renderer in the render pane is a big signal that the amount of work produced to integrate it into Daz was 0.

Even with Filament, which was made to be portable, you need to code those bridge between your software and it. You need care. Attention.

The amount of care and attention Filament has right now is 0, and I think the amount of care and attention Filament got when it was integrated is zero still.

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Anonymous No. 915937

Why does her skin look like this? I meant the plastic looking bright spots and the janky shadows. The model is Zelara 8/

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Anonymous No. 916000

It seems that everyone it's on the /aco/ thread now.

Why do you melanine enriched people don't thought about doing the daz general in /aco/ sooner?!

Anonymous No. 916002

What figure/character?

Anonymous No. 916003

The current Daz /aco/ thread died, it lasted far longer than all previous attempts. There just isn't enough people bumping it with OC.
Fucking hell, even that balloondollz thread outlived Daz lol

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Anonymous No. 916011


So, everyone just abandoned Daz?

Anonymous No. 916012

Less people baiting or taking bait in this thread. I assume that's due to what the other anon said about 3 being at the top of mobilefag apps
Previously dueling autists would kick these threads to bump limits arguing terminology like sliders vs dial for morphs or flipping out at the thought of a christmas cuckold thread.

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Anonymous No. 916014

5.0 releases September 29th

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Anonymous No. 916029


I haven't updated since 4.12, I fear that the update my break my huge library and I don't have any time to deal with it. Or that maybe update will break something that I really need right now. I have miss something important? Filament and fagOS are of not use to me.

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Anonymous No. 916031

Hey, a Daz video game but this one has animation!

Anonymous No. 916036

Slushe is such a slow, piece of shit website. Takes such a long time just browse that site

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Anonymous No. 916037

i hear you 4chan niggas been talking shit

Anonymous No. 916062

>French torture anon
Who is that?

Anonymous No. 916063

Fuck off Jerry Cruz

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Anonymous No. 916079

Hello anon who made this, can I have the pose preset, please? I can't get this pose right, ever

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Anonymous No. 916082

>which pose preset?
showing one shoulder

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Anonymous No. 916084

Their handle is in the watermark

Anonymous No. 916085

Its nsfw and i didnt ask you
Oh it was made by someone else, not our anon? Shame.

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Anonymous No. 916093

i finna knock u out whyte boi

Anonymous No. 916096

Majority of it is untouched Tara 8. As far as posing, it gets easier the more you practice. For me, the hurtle was getting used to moving the root or hip around rather than changing the entire object's origin. Makes for easier repositioning in scene.

Anonymous No. 916097

Emma Anon's Emma looks better.

Anonymous No. 916118

emma anon is not giving you his emma, son.

Anonymous No. 916120

Actually emmanon gives it to anyone who asks on pixiv

Anonymous No. 916128

he even gives it to those who don't ask, fucker gave it to me 3 times and I never even asked once

Anonymous No. 916158

Am I retarded or is Daz actually unable to rotate more than one object without completely fucking it up? In 2022?

Anonymous No. 916187

Looks like the TLoU Ellie without freckles.

Anonymous No. 916188

what do you mean?

Anonymous No. 916190

>kneels and takes out your BBC

Anonymous No. 916199

>have X objects/figures
>you select them all and want to move them
>that works
>you want to rotate them, it gets all kind of fucked up, like various objects turning different angles, some slower/faster, etc.

Anonymous No. 916201

you're rotating all of their local axes. group them all, then rotate the group.

Anonymous No. 916226

What's the go-to loli model? I only want to use it for drawing reference, don't care about 3d rendering.

Anonymous No. 916227

The first one.

Anonymous No. 916235

He only gives an old outdated version

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Anonymous No. 916265

Sure, reference..

From the shop you will find the goblinakids, because daz will not actually allow realistic kids in there. Turns out they have some morals.

For more realistic ones, I believe there was one modeler, but he/she was chased away from renderosity and daz shop so I believe they stopped.

But for "drawing reference" the goblinakids from '3D Universe' or plain growing up morph will do just fine.
Example of the goblinakid in the picture.

Anonymous No. 916273

So I have these overalls. The denim apron conforms to the underside of the character's breasts, though realistically it should hang flat. What solution requires the least effort?

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Anonymous No. 916274

Forgot pic.

Anonymous No. 916281

>What solution requires the least effort?
Mesh Grabber. Results will always be a compromise though.
There is also a Fit Control addon.
You can also port it to Blender and back.

Anonymous No. 916288

Anyone here has any experience with using NGV8 gens with PBR characters? The NGV8 pussy is currently using the base uber shader and I don't know how to make it compatible with the PBR characters. There's always a seam, mismatched color.

Anonymous No. 916289

>What solution requires the least effort?
Ah, the true Daz way

Anonymous No. 916290

Mesh Grabber is a giant piece of shit. Don't know why this board keeps recommending it. It is a giant waste of time.
>mark polygons you want to move
>move a gizmo to achieve desired deformation
>have to fiddle with falloff slider
>no mirror
It's retarded clunky. Why not simply make a GRAB TOOL, you know. Mousewheel for falloff and just grab the mesh and move with one click like literally everywhere else.

With the time you waste on this piece of shit you'd have done the same job two times by exporting to some other software and doing the morph there and then importing as morph.
Dform that comes with Daz Studio, while also bit clunky, can also work for this relatively quickly if you know how to work it right.

Anonymous No. 916291

Oh and forgot to mention that for each area you want to edit you have to reposition the gizmo of course. So if you lift up an area somewhere and want to get the are next to it lifted too you have to move the gizmo there. Then shit might get a bit too bumpy so you have to move the gizmo to there to compensate that area etc etc. With a normal grab tool this would be done in seconds since you only have to move your mouse and drag at those spots but with the gayzmo you have to make a new selection, then move it manually each time.

Anonymous No. 916293

Sounds like you are not properly picking your battles. It is good for a minor adjustments, skin poking through, shit like that. Little small things, not fucking with big stuff, because then it becomes a chore like you depict.

Anonymous No. 916294

I find dforms work perfectly for exact those use cases.
PLUS they're non-destructive, meaning you can scoot around the fallout field freely. Comes hand if for example you do a new pose and the cloth gets fucky again, so you just move the falloff orb a bit.

Anonymous No. 916295

Redpill me on dforms, never used them.

Anonymous No. 916310

I might just go back to making porn. I try to make one clothed render, pick out an outfit that looks nice, and now I have to do a bunch of extra bullshit just to make it look right.

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Anonymous No. 916336

I tried Fit Control and it doesn't look too bad.

Anonymous No. 916337

It is usually fairly okay compromise, for as long as you are not working with really big fucking tits.

Anonymous No. 916350

>What solution requires the least effort?
>Ah, the true Daz way
finding the solution with the least effort is literally how everything on earth is done. unless you're some kind of fucking wagie retard who goes "hmm, i better work harder than everyone else for 9 bucks an hour, while they all do nothing for 9 bucks an hour!".

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Anonymous No. 916369


Took 20 mins to demo how you can get a more realistic Hermione.

Rip one of the videos of Hermione CGI on artstation.
Split it into frames.
Clone one of the many "pictures to 3d mesh of face" repos
Run it on your artstation frames.
Bam, now you have a mesh and a texture.
Now spend 10+ hours cleaning up the mesh and adding hair/ears/etc

Anonymous No. 916400

Why isn't their anything like this for bodies? It's always just face.

Anonymous No. 916435

>Now spend 10+ hours cleaning up the mesh and adding hair/ears/etc
just use the next step of the 3d scan pipeline you've started. smooth the mesh a bunch then use a mesh wrapping program to wrap a daz base over it

Anonymous No. 916717

>The future of Hermiones is now
AI generated Hermiones. I can't wait. Million of years of evolution, just to Hermione.

Anonymous No. 916738

Why is the so expensive REEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous No. 916739

Would a Lenovo Legion 7i laptop with a NVIDIAยฎ GeForceยฎ RTXโ„ข 3070 Ti 8 GB GDDR6X be good for DAZ?
Or should I just buy a Thinkpad P1 Gen 5 with a NVIDIAยฎ RTXโ„ข A2000 8 GB GDDR6?

Either way it has to be a dual purpose machine for work and DAZcooming/gaems.

Anonymous No. 916740

Also, how important is RAM vs the Graphics card and it's memory?
Is 32Gb normal RAM just a waste?

Anonymous No. 916744

Go for a desktop if at all possible. The more gpu memory the better. Unless you are an optimizing master like emmanon here.

Anonymous No. 916748

>Is 32Gb normal RAM just a waste?
No. You can easily reach 20+ GB RAM usage in DAZ.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 916749

>Go for a desktop if at all possible.
I would have, but it's really a good option for me for various reasons.

I guess what I'm asking is if DAZ performs better with dedicated workstation GPUs (RTXโ„ข A2000 ) or with gaming GPUs (GeForceยฎ RTXโ„ข 3070 ).

Also, I'm assuming normal, non-GPU memory doesn't matter very much, right?

Anonymous No. 916750

>Go for a desktop if at all possible.
I would have, but it really isn't a good option for me for various reasons.

I guess what I'm asking is if DAZ performs better with dedicated workstation GPUs (RTXโ„ข A2000 ) or with gaming GPUs (GeForceยฎ RTXโ„ข 3070 ).

Also, I'm assuming normal, non-GPU memory doesn't matter very much, right?

Anonymous No. 916751

anyone here familiar with squarepeg3d?

Anonymous No. 916758

RTX 3070 has far more Cuda cores which makes it much faster for rendering.
MAybe another option would be to get a cheaper laptop without a dedicated GPU and then buy a external GPU which runs much better.

>Also, I'm assuming normal, non-GPU memory doesn't matter very much, right?
DAZ can easily reach 15-20 GB RAM if you have multiple characters and and objects in your scene. Which doesn't mean it will use all of it for the actual render.

Anonymous No. 916765

Thanks for the detailed reply!

>MAybe another option would be to get a cheaper laptop without a dedicated GPU and then buy a external GPU which runs much better.
This is interesting. I barely knew this existed, how well does it work?

Anonymous No. 916828

I used to subscribe to him. Does really good work. But as his renders became more photoreal his characters became less attractive. Also he started including more fetish material which I didn't care for.

Anonymous No. 916829


Anonymous No. 916831

srsly wtf is up with dazlets and futanari fetishism?

Anonymous No. 916853

Futa is the only thing SP3D does right. That, and excellent lighting, textures, and models.

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Anonymous No. 916958

>for a single shirt
holy fuck

Anonymous No. 916961

More like Chud cores.

Anonymous No. 916963

AMD fag seething

Anonymous No. 916973

Really I don't know what benefits the actual 'studio' itself has over Blender. DForce, DFormers, tonemapping, material editing, sculpting, are all done better in any other software. If Daz would just take Genesis and make it into a Blender plugin things would be 100x better. It's insane how a software like Daz that is supposed to be all about character posing has some of the worst posing tools imaginable. The program lags like shit if you even attempt to grab a hand, there are no quick-transform keybinds (G,R,S), and every scene needs to be based around 0,0,0 because of how incredibly frustrating it is to move anything around.

also someone make a new aco thread

Anonymous No. 916974

Somebody noticed that the recent female DAZ characters have no gen maps anymore ? Is this by accident or some new woke tranny gender bullshit?

Anonymous No. 916980

Two clicks to get a blowjob. Three to get a paizuri. The blenderfags still seething at the gate are asinine. Fix your software. Produce that module. License it in GPL if that's what you want. If I can't two clicks blowjobs, then there is something wrong with _you_, not the Daz community. I mean it. Do produce those plugins.

I hope not. Mind telling what figures exactly, and when?

Anonymous No. 916982

Pretty sure you already posted that, verbatim, two other times, and pretty sure the answer to that had been: go fuck yourself, make that addon, if you can't you can go fuck yourself, why would you even want Daz to become an addon to Blender, and how would that even work?

Every time. Verbatim. For the last two years.

You can try next year if you want. I'm sure it will do something, that time. Someone will make that Daz Blender addon you want. Just keep trying every years until someone does it, that is bound to have an effect.

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Anonymous No. 916989

Holy shit, animation in DAZ3D is a dumpster fire

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Anonymous No. 916990

at least the stills are nice

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Anonymous No. 916991

post some renders
I love the polyfill hdri library, they got some great stuff

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Anonymous No. 916992

I'm sleep deprived so no idea if these look right

Anonymous No. 916993

I like the back lighting on the hair, looks cool

Anonymous No. 916994

thank you anon

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Anonymous No. 916997

playing around with a nancy wheeler character

Anonymous No. 917004

line through the bottom lip looks like some alien shit.

Anonymous No. 917019

Fuck you're right, I'm sorry you had to see this.

Anonymous No. 917030

i like the juxtaposition between semi-stylized anime waifu and realistic train station in this one

Anonymous No. 917054

>how well does it work?
Nearly identical to a desktop version. Most of them are pretty expensive.
atm you need a laptop with an Intel CPU because of thunderbolt. The new AMD CPUs will support USB4 which will also be able to handle that much data.

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Anonymous No. 917078

yeah sometimes it works, sometimes not so much

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Anonymous No. 917082

My anime waifu dial spins are starting to become passable, but I am still struggling to get a satisfactory husbando model. I am thinking about converting Kenji 7 to Genesis 8/8.1, but have been feeling too lazy to learn the conversion process lately.

Anonymous No. 917088

Why convert at all ? I think many Gen3 still look better than 8.

Anonymous No. 917097

Is there a way to edit an existing morph in Blender? I am using a body morph but noticed that it makes the fingers really fat for some reason and I'm not sure how to fix it.

Anonymous No. 917103

Yeah you can make a corrective morph and apply it over that bad morph. But then you have to turn on both morphs.
Or you can export the morph you don't like, edit it, import it over the base mesh normally. Then just save it and overwrite the old morph.

Anonymous No. 917115

DAZ Studio 4.20 Pro (Not Responding)

Anonymous No. 917118

Big update
DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to
>Source maintenance
>The โ€œStop CMSโ€ dialog has been refactored to support inline help and >recording/restoring position/size

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Anonymous No. 917122

I am already settled into G8/8.1 and there is a large and continuously growing amount of morphs and resources for G8 (I find Shinteo's and magnus1781's free morphs to be invaluable in particular), not to mention the improved facial expressions are nice. I do think that Daz's quality control has decreased some what for the Daz Orginal Core Figure G8s and agree with you that many of the G3s are better looking models, but I feel the free resources available for G8 and the increasing number of high quality PA content makes it worth using over G3.

Anonymous No. 917169

hey those 8k textures with color images in the bump map and specular strength channels take up a lot of room.

Anonymous No. 917219

You can use everything from Gen3 on Gen8 so why would you not use G8?

Anonymous No. 917231

Sly Stallone on the left

Anonymous No. 917288

are there any half decent models/morphs for a 17-20 year old looking dude? sick of all the guys looking like they're 30

Anonymous No. 917292

faceapp in post

Anonymous No. 917312


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Faelyn - Crouchin....jpg

Anonymous No. 917314

Looking for some knife-eared morphs for GF8, suggestions? I have most of the basic daz morphs but am unhappy with their elf versions.

Anonymous No. 917317


Individual Thorne characters often come with elf ear morphs too.

Anonymous No. 917318


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 917342

Gtx 1650 mobile daz user reporting

Anonymous No. 917343

You are like a baby.
>tfw GTX 960

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 917344

How the heck do you even render with that thing?

Anonymous No. 917345

I don't, Iray simply copes by rendering via CPU.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 917347

Why don't you buy a new gpu? You Dazlet

Anonymous No. 917348

Saving money, simple as. I usually upgrade once every five or six years. Prices seem to be dropping now, so no reason to rush it either.
On a brighter side, I learned shitload about optimizing because of it.

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Anonymous No. 917360

Is it just my browser or are they seriously using a retarded forum software that strips out all line breaks from code panels?

Looks like this in my browser

Anonymous No. 917363

When you quote the guy, your edit box shows the snippet with formatting. Lmao what a clusterfuck of a forum

Anonymous No. 917369

pfft I once rendered on a GTX670 (with 4GB though)

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Anonymous No. 917370


Anonymous No. 917387

What character is that?

Anonymous No. 917397

Don't look at me, I just do pregnancy porn

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 917405

Should I buy a Rtx3060 or the Rtx3090? I usually only render Qt.3.14 like pic related

>fuck off pdo

C'mon guys I only want to know if the 2 grand difference in price is worth it

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Anonymous No. 917456

what should I change

Anonymous No. 917457

>all those removed posts
Holy fuck, that guy must have posted some rough shit to get an entire boardwide IP wipe on /3/ of all places. Wonder what that was.

It's still better to do it manually. Removing boob pinching is a 5 to 10 minutes job.

Anonymous No. 917458

Not using recent Daz models so don't know but I guess maybe they leave those areas out because people who want that area to be visible just go get an actually modeled graft instead of leaving it as a texture which looks wrong anyways.

Anonymous No. 917459

>Holy fuck, that guy must have posted some rough shit to get an entire boardwide IP wipe on /3/ of all places. Wonder what that was.
how can one tell that?
The most recent deletion I saw was some pedanon asking for tips. Most other deletions have been the nsfw image violations.

Anonymous No. 917484

What are you trying to achieve exactly?

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Anonymous No. 917490

>tfw gtx760

Anonymous No. 917491

You are like a little baby.

I'm doing iray renders on a potato pc right now with integrated intel graphics and 6 GB of RAM. We are not the same. I can tell how much Daz will swap, and how long it will swap for, by smell and sheer raw memory. I know all about making Daz uses less RAM, hell, I pioneered some of those techniques. You are a child. An innocent. Someone utterly without power. Without knowledge. I am superior.

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Anonymous No. 917496

>surely this cpu render will reach sufficient iterations if I just wait

Anonymous No. 917500

dazlet cope the post

Anonymous No. 917519

Getting more realistic looking renders

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Anonymous No. 917531

I like your render.
I think for more realism the skin and hair needs some work. Did you use a denoiser? The skin and hair look too smooth imo.

Anonymous No. 917541

What kind of post work did you do?

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Anonymous No. 917551

Thanks, yes this image was actually meant for downsizing to put it on instagram so I just used a low-sample high-res render. Pic related has a higher quality.

Anonymous No. 917553

Just tweaked exposure in Adobe Camera Raw, applied some film presets and used a bit of smart sharpening.

Anonymous No. 917562

That torso/leg texture seam tho. Also her skin looks like it's made out of cement

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Anonymous No. 917618

Ban finally lifted? Working on a new dress for a small series. Still very much a WIP.

Anonymous No. 917619

Oh my!

Anonymous No. 917627

nice sweat. how'd you do it?

Anonymous No. 917628

What do you keep getting banned for, my nigga?

Anonymous No. 917629

my posts in this thread. Last two times it was because I posted censored pictures. Some mod dislike me I guess.

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Anonymous No. 917639

Start using this transparent png of Nicolas Cage's face to censor the naughty bits. It should make you automatically immune to bans.

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Anonymous No. 917655

God I hate those goblinakids so much, freakin' cringe. I would never waste any hard disk space on them, let alone money.

Anonymous No. 917656

kek, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the same.

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Anonymous No. 917670

Does anybody know what character / hair this is?

Anonymous No. 917671

I am lazy so i used "Ultimate Skin Moisture" from Thunder-3D.

Anonymous No. 917673

Vilma Hair for Genesis 3 & 8 Female

Anonymous No. 917677

Thanks a ton!

Anonymous No. 917728

How do I break the Daz chain and become a full blendlet?

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Anonymous No. 917730

did something like that before to no avail. So ill stick with posting WIPs of SFW only.

Anonymous No. 917743

you want to keep daz for making models though, that's what the best blendlets do

Anonymous No. 917750

Does anyone know if there is some draenei model for Daz? From WoW, that is. I've found some semi-ok trolls, orcs and elves, but no draenei. Shit sucks

Anonymous No. 917751

I've loaded in an HDRI from Polyhaven and the only parameter that changes anything is the dome rotation. The other dials do jack shit. What am I doing wrong? It's super zoomed in, I just wanna zoom out

Anonymous No. 917752

female orcs? can i get a link to that bls?

Anonymous No. 917753

A lot of them are pretty unattractive out of the box (basically what you'd expect, orc without sex appeal) but you can obviously blend some morphs to make them more appealing.

Those are the ones I've found. Best advice is probably to just create a blend. One or two of them have tusk morphs you can apply to any character, which is quite nice, as well as green skin materials and shaders.

Anonymous No. 917755

thanks, looks like a decent starting point

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Anonymous No. 917756

The character looks like a dial spin based off a Thorne character to me. Pic related is Daisy 8 at 80% with her eyes rotated and eyelids tweaked a bit.

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Anonymous No. 917757

You could always do an uncensored nsfw gallery on another site and link to it here. (That beast is looking a little DYEL though, bro. You should consider mixing some Colossus in.)

Anonymous No. 917798

Anyone know some good expression packs for G8F? Legitimately all I have found are downright horrible. Completely cartoony bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 917826


Anonymous No. 917827

is this achievable natty? I do have a NSFW gallery but I liked to post WIPs and such on here. You get a lot more honest feedback on /3/

Anonymous No. 917828

Get the standard Genesis 8 Female Expressions and keep the dials low (5-20%) for most. Then manually tune the rest.
Premade expressions are just a base really that you can work on. Like a base mesh.

Anonymous No. 917836

Sure I can do that and usually do do that. Just wondered if there were any recommended packs that actually had an array of properly good expressions.

Anonymous No. 917838

HDRi always stay the same. If you want to use them as your enviroment you have to use specific camera positions and FoV to make it work.

Anonymous No. 917840

Imo the expression packs from P3Design and Valery3D are pretty tame and a good base.

Anonymous No. 917841

Thanks man gonna try those

Anonymous No. 917842

I will keep that in mind. Thank you for the advice.

Anonymous No. 917907

Where do I get some clothes packs with fucking normal clothes? As in, clothes that don't look like streetwalker/pole dancer/town bicycle/trailer trash/escort/bimbo fashion?
Feel like all clothes I can find are just really cheap looking shit and it's such a turnoff. I just want some normal looking girls, like the kind you can actually see out on the streets during the day. Not the kind you'll find in seedy back alleys at night.

Anonymous No. 917911

Gotta kitbash from different slut-wardrobes. Alternatively, use Marvelous Designer.

Anonymous No. 917916

really would love a male troll morph set from WoW, but couldn't find anything even close. Sadly a lot less WoW stuff than you'd expect. and practically no ffxiv either

Anonymous No. 917917

almost all of their characters look like ayys. them and 3DU

Anonymous No. 917943

'native apple renderer'

is that powered by cumtracing?

Anonymous No. 917965

Yeah, it is surprising. WoW-SFM is extremely popular, so it's odd that there's not more available for Daz. I guess it's because Daz goes more for photorealism? Idk, I wish someone would just make some more WoW stuff. FFXIV for that matter too.

Anonymous No. 917968

I only have
An hour
And I sleep
for twenty five
years passed
The bodies follow
here trembling
take the blood
I ate the body
My tears
break the mirror

Anonymous No. 917970

shut up

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Anonymous No. 917972

ingest your menstrate
cycle complete

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Anonymous No. 917985

i stg if theres one thing i hate about the daz assets its that everything is so retardedly cartoonish. it's like every pose, every animation, every facial expression was created for The Sims, on steroids. look at this shit. fuck subtlety ig

Anonymous No. 917987

also how all the poses for g8f are so EXCEEDINGLY feminine. they're not even just feminine, it's like they got the most ultra-queer gigafag with booty shorts and a whistle to come pose for them, and even when he tried to do the most effeminate poses he could as a reference the asset creator still went "no, bend your hips more. more. okay, there."

actually resorting to grabbing G8M poses now just in order to pose my G8F somewhat normally

Anonymous No. 918037

>I only browse on renderotica
You are fucking blind..

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Anonymous No. 918064

>average dazlet CPU renderer

Anonymous No. 918071

What do you have against my big bro troll light? Troll light is a good troll, he's only raping the elves we're giving him to rape, and most of them seem to like it, given the pics. My big bro shouldn't be accused with such accusation of being a dazlet.

Anonymous No. 918080

Thanks for the idea, anon

Anonymous No. 918108

take ur medz schizo

Anonymous No. 918114

Does anyone have list of good Daz VNs to read?

Anonymous No. 918123

mutually exclusive categories

Anonymous No. 918165

Any shader expert here? What does the volume option even do? I tried to turn it on( thin walled or something) and my character suddenly painted in red. Try changing from mono to chromatic make it look some what better, but I tried to render the figures with volume on and off and see no difference?

Anonymous No. 918170

volume is basically subsurface scattering (sss)

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Anonymous No. 918219

Uh, anons.. I'm scared..

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Anonymous No. 918224

I've been looking at MB-lab and makehuman (haven't found a Marvelous designer alternative for Blender) and remembered that I made an account for Daz3d a long time ago.

Please spoonfeed me, Dazbros.
What are some non-coomer related uses for Daz3D that might fit in this industry? I know Daz has a coomer reputation.

Anonymous No. 918250

Been dealing with this lately as well.
Solution is fairly simple - use g8m poses and fidget around when needed.
Now expressions, that is a whole another issue.

It is a virtual dollhouse. Make a figure, clothe it, pose it, all done very fast, import to blender for further work. That's it.

Anonymous No. 918251

>tfw G8.2

Anonymous No. 918252

imagine the seething if they do this

Anonymous No. 918253

Would love to see it tbqh.

Anonymous No. 918254

As long as they don't go full Genesis 9 and continue to keep the inter-generational transfer of HD morphs gatekept to PA's only.

Anonymous No. 918255

Why do increase the translucent weight slider make your character look darker? It should be the opposite, right, cause your character is less opaque now?

Anonymous No. 918256

translucent is not the same as transparent, it's about how light is absorbed or some shit

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Anonymous No. 918306

Anonymous No. 918340

>genesis 9

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Anonymous No. 918344

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Anonymous No. 918376

You laugh, but Daz probably shifted a few vertices around in the armpits and is ready to push it out.

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Anonymous No. 918377

>If you do a google search for "genesis 9" it reveals there was a store listing for this product "CB Swim Outfit dForce Cover for Genesis 9" that lists Genesis 9.

>That store page has now been deleted, but you can still see it in the google cache. According to the cache data it was available at Sep 15, 2022 06:08:42 GMT

Anonymous No. 918378

Perhaps wishful thinking but I'm more inclined to believe that is some basic gen 8 item uploaded with typos. Those are not very good promo characters for being some sort of next generation advancement. But this is Daz we are talking about so who knows.

Anonymous No. 918387

who are you quoting

Anonymous No. 918389

Haha and I KEEP using G2 still.

Anonymous No. 918414


Anonymous No. 918418

Today we, the users, make a stand. No matter how many new Genesises they make, we only continue to pirate G8 material.

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Anonymous No. 918419

I'm interested in making my own version of pic related. Can anyone recommend a leathery monster wings prop and a nasty/evil looking long handled weapon prop?

Anonymous No. 918432

Called it.
You WILL get G9
You WILL forget about any meaningful software updates
and you WILL be happy.

Anonymous No. 918542

>Which is forever. Epic and Reallusion are trying to build something serious and want to distance themselves from any coomer shit. Epic much more than Reallusion, but still.
yeah, keep telling that to yourself while you're playing with dolls

Anonymous No. 918547

I hope gen 9 has nice feet

Anonymous No. 918555

If I use the free version and avoid anything behind a paywall or free stuff then that makes the stuff about as free to use/monetize as say something made in MB-lab or Makehuman, correct?

That virtual dollhouse description is pretty spot on though. I like it and Daz is sounding more appealing.

Anonymous No. 918567

Depends on the freebies. Some may have different licenses. Anything from the official store will need an interactive license if you are distributing the mesh or content in any form other than a render. Example: 3D game. Renpy VN shit you can pretty much render anything since you are distributing jpegs.

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Anonymous No. 918573


Anonymous No. 918604

Its gonna be the genesis 9 and Daz3D 5.0.

So daz to mac and some bullshit little changes to the genesis 8 to justify the change.
Ofc genesis 8 stuff will not work with genesis 9, so chuds are forced to buy all the new assets if they want to coom to the new model.

Anonymous No. 918605

Gen 9 will exclusively focus on persons of color and non binary persons. New renderer will ensure accurate representation of skin tones.

Anonymous No. 918606

Based G2 oldfag.

Anonymous No. 918607

I can't believe it's really over for us, G8 bros. G9 will release and all the high quality content creators will jump ship to it while all the G9 chudcel paypigs will be laughing at us to our faces as we are left behind. I can't believe it really ends like this, G8 bros.

Anonymous No. 918608

He is ironically quoting Reddit unironically.

Anonymous No. 918611

Alright I'll look into MB-lab instead then.

Anonymous No. 918621

>Daz3D 5.0
Doubt [x]

It will get pirated before that live stream ends.

Anonymous No. 918629

If you are on a tight budget and want to use Daz for commercial 3D game dev you have to learn and put up with convoluted Mormon marketing schemes. Most products can be frequently had for at least 65% off and interactive licenses can be had for as little as $5 each, but in order to get these deals you have to let Daz's marketing team habituate you into checking their website nearly daily. Going this route will be far cheaper than hiring 3D artists to create bespoke models for you, but you will essentially have to become a sufficiently competent art director to get a cohesive style and learn how to make alterations in Blender where necessary.

Anonymous No. 918679

>Daz3D 5.0.
Hahah good one. It's vapourware.
It's will only be the useless cashcow Gen 9 breaking compatiblity to 8 so that the NPCs have to buy every shitty piece of clothing again

Anonymous No. 918684

The dazlet cope in the official forum Is hilarious.

Anonymous No. 918704

I've only skimmed a couple of pages but they have some crazy expectations and theories.

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Anonymous No. 918712

Why do these marks keep appearing on her forehead?

Anonymous No. 918719

Adjust forehead depth of the hair item.

Anonymous No. 918748

The bags under her eyes disagree

Anonymous No. 918802

>Marvelous designer alternative for Blender)
Simple Cloth and its addons

Anonymous No. 918840

At least with 3 to 8 and such it was actually compatible. 8.1's just a fucking nightmare.

Anonymous No. 918871

>finally mastered head wrapping, texture transferring, skin tone matching and diffeomorphic porting to blender
now all i need to do is get good at weighting clothing and i'll be unstoppable

Anonymous No. 918877

What doesn't work with 8.1 anymore? The only thing that sometimes sucks is that the surface for the head and body don't get recognized by some assets because they are different but even that can be manually fixed.

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zk elpis mage.jpg

Anonymous No. 918895

hey any pros here? Can you guys check this piece of outfit out for me? Its called ZK elpis mage. The cape has bones, but the author didnt say anything about it, and you can actually bend the cape with bones. It also has dforce? Seem way over engineered or am I missing something here?
Also how did he make it dforce? I dont see any dforcer modifier weight node?

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zk elpis mage2.jpg

Anonymous No. 918896

Also it has blend and rigid weight? I tried to add those two maps to my stuff but I couldnt find it any where?

Anonymous No. 918898

Please ignore this >>918896
Iam dumb sorry, found it

Anonymous No. 918911

I haven't used Daz in a couple of years. GoZ is doing that thing where it opens another copy of Daz rather than sending the morph back to the already open copy of Daz. I remember theres an easy fix for this but I can't remember what that fix actually is. Can any anons help me out?

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Anonymous No. 918923

and here I was hoping for actual new features.

Anonymous No. 918930

good job anon, keep it up.

Anonymous No. 918935

Speed versus memory. And you're unfortunately on the side of memory. It loses.

Please click on the speed option. It will solve all your problems. (really really, some weird bug with z buffers still not solved with Iray)

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Anonymous No. 918937

Here, a helpful answer that will maybe stop the flow of questions that have been coming for more or less half a dozen years. I tried my best, poured all my artistic sensibilities, for a single Truth. I truly hope it was useful.

Anonymous No. 918944

Is that you, Emmanon? What are you working on now?

Anonymous No. 918948

yep its me. Cant really post much here as the ban hammer will come down.
Working on a Belle and the Beast mini story (with full text this time) and then on some pirates stuff.

Anonymous No. 918950

Will Gaston make an appearance?

Anonymous No. 918956

not in the first part

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Anonymous No. 918957

Please help me anons. I'm trying to recreate one Lewdlab's girls (pic related), but no matter what I do, I cannot properly set up her jawline and chin properly. She just ends up looking like a man. Her model is supposedly a lightly edited Leony.

Anonymous No. 918967

Check the F95zone forums? They often have fan art threads featuring recreations of characters from various VNs.

Anonymous No. 918974

Why do I have Babina 8 on my wish list? I don't care for the character. Perhaps she is part of a popular alternate character requirement.

Anonymous No. 918977

Just google image search "poser daz asian character" and pick one?

Anonymous No. 918985

Nothing in the nvidia presentations to suggest anything to do with Daz or Tafi. Reallusion was there to "power" the new 3d models for omniverse. They also didn't talk about iray or anything relates to it.

What ever daz is planning, they don't seem to have the support of the industry same way as Reallusion and Epic does.

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Anonymous No. 918987

Bah gawd heel turn, they've sided with AMD WOLFPACK!!

Anonymous No. 918997

Is this a new character of yours, EmmaBro?

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Anonymous No. 919005

I have. Their configuration is lacking some settings so the model ends up with a different chin and jawline. For example, look at my render (pic related).

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Anonymous No. 919006

Now look at the original. Her jawline and chin looks a lot sharper, and more elegant. I think it can be done with the model sliders+surgical beauty but I cannot seem to get it right.

Anonymous No. 919007

yes, but I took the base from one of HIDs excellent models and just reshaped that to my liking.

Anonymous No. 919009

Do you have the official Daz G8 head morphs? Chin Width, Jaw Angle, and Jaw Corner Width should get you closer.

Anonymous No. 919012

Nice. I just caught on to HID3D recently and their head shapes really are top notch. Your renders and characters have been greatly improving over the months. I still really like that literal Goblina you did a few threads ago.

Anonymous No. 919013

Yeah, I tried these as well. They're probably enough, but I just keep giving the model a man jaw. I guess I'll keep trying after work.

Anonymous No. 919014

yeah really top stuff. I normally like to make my own but even using those models as a base is great. Using store assets vanilla tend to not mix well with how I render and setup stuff.
>greatly improving over the months
thanks anon
>that literal Goblina
oh yeah haha. Well I have made more with her and her sisters but since its goblinas I cant post it on here.

Anonymous No. 919019

Man jaw is a known problem with G8F. Here are some more remedies I find myself using.

"TG4 Head Heart" is a quick and easy morph for de-man jawing.

"RS Jaw Slim" from Rarestone's face morph collection might be exactly what you are looking for.

Cartoonized actually has a few interesting face and jaw morphs. "Cartoon Jaw Shape 01" and "Cartoon Face Length 01" are particularly useful for making the face shape a bit more feminine.

"Jaw Corner Height" "Jaw Corner Width (Alt)" "Jaw Height (Alt)" "Jaw Height Lower" "Jaw Middle Width" "Jaw Strength" "Jaw Width" are all useful.

Chock full of interesting and useful face morphs:

Anonymous No. 919039

>totocandy churning out mostly asian characters the last few weeks
Some mad lad totally booked their harem, didn't they?

Anonymous No. 919049

LOL ever looked at real women, many have manly chins and are not even trannies

Anonymous No. 919054

I've meddled with it a bit and I think the Rarestone asset is enough. The model still looks a bit odd, but with more effort I can see it work. So thanks.
But I don't want the model to necessarily look like a real woman, I want her to look like the game character I posted.

Anonymous No. 919057

Probably some more NFT shit

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Anonymous No. 919071

I hear you 4chan gaijin have been speaking disrespectfully.

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Anonymous No. 919073

what is this? A Vampire Chinaman with makeup? Looks pretty cool actually.
Here are some SFW test renders

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Anonymous No. 919074

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Anonymous No. 919075

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Anonymous No. 919078

Anonymous No. 919081

Kek that pose looks like it could be from an ecchi anime comedy scene where the girl falls over in front of a large crowd at an important moment and her dress flips up like that.

Anonymous No. 919082

haha yeah but extreme poses like this are great for testing out the dforce

Anonymous No. 919084

What video card do you use for rendering and how many iterations do you usually do?

Anonymous No. 919088

for these test renders? A 2060 and about 1500. Takes about 5-7 min pr. test render. Bigger renders with lots of characters take far longer and I have to cut them up to fit the VRAM. Hopefully I can get a 3090 pretty "cheap" when 40s series is out (all the must have the newest crap crowd then sell their previous cards).

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2022-09-21 14 25 58.png

Anonymous No. 919092

Daz is pulling better numbers than I thought they would.

Anonymous No. 919093

How much VRAM do you have? Those are impressive render times. I am a GPUlet and basically locked into CPU renders, something comparable would take me probably 3 hours or more of rendering lol. I have been dragging my feet on upgrading due to the ridiculous markups, and basically having to build a whole new PC at this point. That would be cool if you could scoop up a 3090, you would definitely put it to good use.

Also, didn't you post a link to a website where you posted your optimization process or am I misremembering?

Anonymous No. 919095

It's also a good idea do dial in some asymmetry morphs to make the model look a bit more natural.

Anonymous No. 919096

Genesis 9. Unified base mesh. Go to sleep

Anonymous No. 919097

>8k base maps

Anonymous No. 919098

Gee, I thought so but secretly hoped for DAZ5 with UE integration, new renderer and better controls. So much for this.

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Anonymous No. 919099

It's over for us G8 bros...

Anonymous No. 919102

Please tell me that she'll have nice feet

Anonymous No. 919103

New G9, Victoria 9 preorder thread when???

Anonymous No. 919104

Disappointing. All this means is less compatibility and longer render times. The major issues with Daz are all with the studio itself, not with the figures. There's a reason nobody has ever made a good animation in Daz. Everything in the studio, from posing to rendering, is archaic and slow. All this will do is make it even more apparent.

Anonymous No. 919105

So G9 is 33k vertices at 0 SubD? He said it was twice as many as G8.

Anonymous No. 919106

>tfw keep trying to scrub forward on stream

Anonymous No. 919107

You can even see it in the livestream with him dragging the morphs and having to wait 3 seconds for it to update in the viewport. Meanwhile you have UE5 and Realussion pushing for dynamic expressions and realism in realtime. G9 is just another way to milk more money out of the boomercoomers through the inevitable hundreds of backwards compatibility plugins and 8->9 figure ports that will be sold.

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Anonymous No. 919108

Did you just misgender them?!

Anonymous No. 919109

Damn, I remember being here for the Gen8 shitposting.

Anonymous No. 919110

> RAMlets btfo!

Anonymous No. 919113

Seems like it might be cool for extreme creature/monster morphs but other than that G8 is already more than adequate for my purposes and I prefer the lower poly count on the unsubdivided base.

Anonymous No. 919116

>How much VRAM do you have?
>I have been dragging my feet on upgrading due to the ridiculous markups
oh I get that. Fuck Ngreedia but there is no way around those scum
>Also, didn't you post a link to a website where you posted your optimization process or am I misremembering?
Cant remember. Might have. Or maybe I just wrote it here in a previous thread. But will if you optimize correctly you can shave 50%+ of your VRAM needs off and increase render times considerably.

Anonymous No. 919123

Based feet poster

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Anonymous No. 919131

Genesis 8 fags on suicide watch.

Anonymous No. 919135

How long does a d-force simulation like this take you?

Anonymous No. 919139

The feet, hands and mouth (teeth) literally looks the same as G8 or even worse. So im the case of the feet, very bad and ugly.
And if you had some morphs to fix those areas for G8, well fuck you because G8 morphs will not work on the gen 9.

The face looks quite nice. So just hide the feet with shoes, keep the mouth closed and hide the hands behind the character back and it's nice.

Anonymous No. 919140

figures genesis 9 announcements brings the satania posters out of the woodwork

Anonymous No. 919141

>it was just gen 9 after all
I told you.
>i-it will be d-daz 5!

Anonymous No. 919142

There's no point in using it then.

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Anonymous No. 919143

as a gpulet nothing beats 10 second hi-resolution filament renders

Anonymous No. 919144

Dude looks like from Fifth Element.

Anonymous No. 919148

about 4 mins if you make sure there are no hard breaking the mesh collisions. That is the only real problem with dforce. You really need to make sure the mesh is working correctly and that there are no extremes.

Anonymous No. 919149

Stupid question, but where are Genesis 4-7?

Anonymous No. 919151

Nonexistant. It skipped from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 and G8 is almost exactly the same as G3 with some minor tweaks.

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Anonymous No. 919153

>meanwhile at Daz3d Headquarters

Anonymous No. 919164

I don't know the boomer lore, but my guess is it started with Victoria 1-4, back then there was no unified figures so everything had its own body shape. Then Genesis 1 came out and had Victoria 5 for Genesis 1. V6 for G2, and V7 for G3. I imagine they wanted to stop this nonsense so they decided to just make it Genesis 8 so that the numbering matched.

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Anonymous No. 919169

What's his endgame?

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Anonymous No. 919175

oh no no

Anonymous No. 919179

well it has improved somewhat now looks like second life anno 2006

Anonymous No. 919180

Why nobody make a new Cashcow9 thread

Anonymous No. 919183

So Final Fantasy rules.

Anonymous No. 919184


Yvonne? face looking good.

Anonymous No. 919187

yep. I need her for some Mass Effect stuff

Anonymous No. 919198

DAZ models in Unity or Unreal look the same without custom shaders. Hair is especially bad because standard rasterization cannot handle stacked transparencies as well as path tracing.

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Anonymous No. 919199

does anyone know what hair is this?

Anonymous No. 919200

Looks more like Dall-E than Daz.

Anonymous No. 919201


it is daz, the guy does crappy lookalike models for it. I just want the hair.

Anonymous No. 919220

looks like this one?

Anonymous No. 919239

to coom, most likely

Anonymous No. 919240

I wonder what 3rd party genital grafts for G9 will look like.

Anonymous No. 919245

Like sleeve of Wizard

Anonymous No. 919246

Got any more of this character?

Anonymous No. 919247

not SFW

Anonymous No. 919250

There's always /aco/

Anonymous No. 919264

any threads up where I dump stuff?

Anonymous No. 919270

Someone make the /aco/ thread so EmmaAnon can dump his NSFW renders, plox.

Anonymous No. 919273

I can make one myself then. Just wondering if there was one up.

Anonymous No. 919274

dumping here for you anon: >>>/aco/6754456

Anonymous No. 919275

Nice i'll post the few iRay renders I have, though I've mostly been doing Filament renders as previews for characters due to being a GPUlet.

Anonymous No. 919281

Dang bros... EmmaAnon's lighting and composition skills are getting really good.

Anonymous No. 919285

>The hairy isn't absolute horrible.
Well, maybe one day some fix Filament transparecy problems...

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Anonymous No. 919291

Don't be hard on people over 40 who make sexy renders, they basically finance our huge pirated libraries.

And some seem to be nice people like >>919169

Anonymous No. 919315

Is it just me or zonegfx is getting crooked soon? Site is lagging as fuck, barely anything new got posted these days. Where we are gonna go once it deaths?

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Anonymous No. 919319

>Site is lagging as fuck
Same shit here but now it seems to be running smoothly again.

Anonymous No. 919320

New bread when

Anonymous No. 919321

Five weeks from now when this one finally prunes.

Anonymous No. 919332

Is there a tone mapper configuration(Shutter Speed, F/Stop, and Film ISO) that's generally the best? Or at least widely used? I want to be able to mix lights with hdris without having to set the lights to a gorillion lumens.

Anonymous No. 919333

Only 3 more days

Anonymous No. 919335

So wtf does unified mess mean? Some techies buzz word to bait boomer(me) into buying it?

Anonymous No. 919340

Forget about the tonemapper. You want to render with a canvas (mostly beauty) and those ignore tonemapping.

Anonymous No. 919342

Probably that there will be one figure instead of two or that they at least share most of their meshes.

Anonymous No. 919344

You mean Victoria 8 and genesis 8 doesn't have same meshes?

Anonymous No. 919345

Any links explaining what you mean?

Anonymous No. 919346

it simply means that both male and female models are made of 100% the same mesh. Which means that you dont need clothes for men and clothes for women are they fit both and stuff like that.

Anonymous No. 919347

I found this one, is it correct?

Anonymous No. 919351

I only use a beauty canvas because you get a 32 bit image which is better for postwork in photoshop etc.

There are many different canvas options.

Anonymous No. 919394
