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Anonymous No. 913287

>It's been 3 months ever sicne I startead learning 3D
>Don't have a single good looking character
>just pic related
I give up, how can I rip models and modify them into getting what I want?

Anonymous No. 913311

Looks pretty good to me. Can you give us a breakdown of how you did it?

Anonymous No. 913330

But it looks pretty much exactly to what you're trying to accomplish, what's the problem here? Just finish it.

Anonymous No. 913337

Nice joke, how about you two fuck off?

Anonymous No. 913349

No, seriously. It looks great. Tell us a bit more about your thought process.

Anonymous No. 913350

Are you the OP? WTF is your issue? Do you want me to tell you to fuck off as well? The model looks perfectly fine to me, I mean it. Proportions look decent, it's incredibly simple low poly geo - hard to mess this up when you also have a reference. Stop whining and finish your work.

Anonymous No. 913625

You're supposed to study anatomy