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๐Ÿงต Which one of you chuds did this

Anonymous No. 913490

Anonymous No. 913491

>pay sub
>download a private vimeo downloader extension plugin on google chrome
>download every video and content
>cancel sub

It only ever got attention when it was uploaded in cgp but the small boys have been doing it way earlier. Also her fault for using vimeo kek seethe and cope more.

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Anonymous No. 913492

71 comments on CGP laughing at him, lel.

Anonymous No. 913493

Also, how can anybody watch this video and think "yeah, this is a woman"? Do Americans really?

Anonymous No. 913494

Wtf is Outgang?

Anonymous No. 913497


CGP chuds are easily tricked, they'll NGMI

Anonymous No. 913498

What a retard. Making people aware of the torrent. I will dl it now, thanks. Glad I got my invite way way back.

I thought he was a woman. Until he spoke.

Anonymous No. 913502


Anonymous No. 913503


So heckin' valid

Anonymous No. 913504

You gotta admit that this tranny has amazing skin. I wouldn't be surprised if it has some Patrick Bateman skincare routine every morning

Anonymous No. 913505

Hehehe, I'm seeding this. Didn't watch yet and not sure i will. Making the troon seethe.

Anonymous No. 913512

Why does he talk like a robot? Doesn't even sound human.

Anonymous No. 913513

The guy that leaked it should use him lmao
Threatening someone like that is a crime in the EU.

Anonymous No. 913514

>That voice

oh no no no trannybros...

Anonymous No. 913516

>created a fundraiser on his site
pirated shit isn't lost sales. Why are retards even donating? You could literally just lie about the severity of the piracy (which let's be real, is not severe at all) and get free cash.

Anonymous No. 913523

>All of Outgang's content has been pirated a few days ago

How fucking retarded do you have to be announce this?

What a braindead move. Why would you TELL EVERYONE that they can get your content for free?

*clicks video*

And it's a tranny. No wonder it's a self-sabotaging moron.

God, I miss the days when there wasn't a fucking tranny on my screen every day. It wasn't long ago.

Our society is dead.

Anonymous No. 913524

He just wanted attention and he got what he wanted, now more people will buy his stuff so he can get more tranny pills.
And you chuds fell for it.

Anonymous No. 913529

>How fucking retarded do you have to be announce this?

He's a tranny. A subspecies known for poor decisions, lack of self-awareness, suicidal tendencies, homicidal tendencies, and pedophilic tendencies.

Anonymous No. 913534


Anonymous No. 913536

kek, gonna go download it purely out of spite for troons.

Anonymous No. 913537

This board used to have better quality work before you brain rotten conservatives took over.

Anonymous No. 913538

also, we all know you guys secretly jerk off to traps. You only need to look at /b/ for 10 seconds to realize this. Grow up.

Anonymous No. 913542

>put webpage in yt-dl
>yt-dl downloads all media on the website
how is this hard. why do you need plugins and shit

Anonymous No. 913546

first rule of getting your content pirated?
don't do this. no one really cares. no on wants to see how much money you make.

either don't acknowledge it or go to cgp and say "hope you guys can support if you like the content and can afford it."

Anonymous No. 913548

Voice changer

Anonymous No. 913550

>using google chrome
embarrassing idiot

Anonymous No. 913551

Take your culture war bullshit back to >>>/pol/, amerilard.

Anonymous No. 913557

that veiled doxxing threat removed all sympathy from me.

as a media company, your shit is going to get pirated. if you want to keep up, you need to provide extra value or convenience that simply cannot be pirated. you also need to understand that the people pirating your content were unlikely to be customers if they couldn't pirate your content.

Anonymous No. 913559

>When I started Outgang in 2020, I took a gamble. I took the gamble that I could use my experience as a professional character artist and as a teacher to help those who want to break within the games industry, but cannot afford the usual expensive price of character art online education to do so while also myself making a living out of it. I gambled that it could convince enough people to subscribe to that I could make enough money for myself to live off of it through volume as opposed to through premium pricing. I've set the price of the Outgang membership at ten dollars U.S. per month, and that price has not increased for the last two years.
Looks like you took a gamble and you lost, then.

Anonymous No. 913560

From the thumbmail it looks like a woman

Anonymous No. 913561

Hey lady, remove the dirt cheap monthly subs and only offer the annual deal. Poors won't pirate what they can't afford, most videos circulating online are ones you can access for $50 or less, if stuff is locked behind a $100+ paywall there's a good chance it'll never get pirated unless it's super popular.

Anonymous No. 913564

You underestimate the power of the trans community and how much money flows in their pockets. It's like giving money to the Unification Movement in this case "her" with a perfectly viable and brainwashing belief that piracy is le-bad you should feel sorry for me I am losing muh money despite "her" having a meme tesla. This is already a win-win for both sides but only poorfags keep seething.

Anonymous No. 913566

Until he spoke i was actually fooled that was a woman. I'm still in favor of them wearing a tranny flag mandatorily.

Anonymous No. 913568

ok schizo

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Anonymous No. 913582

>>Applies for Unreal Grant
>>Gets Rejected
>>reeeeeee it's because I'm a troooooooon

you'll never be a real woman and there's much better training available, paid and free.

cope seethe dilate maximally you trannyfaggot

Anonymous No. 913614

The size of his Adam's apple is astounding

Anonymous No. 913618

clicks first time
detects that something is off with the voice
think maybe somebody is playing back audio over some video since the lips aren't very in sync
actually realities it's the person talking
still as confused as i came here

Anonymous No. 913621

education should and NEEDS to free no matter what

Anonymous No. 913655

Where's the magnet link?

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Anonymous No. 913656

>You underestimate the power of the trans community
More like Twitter.

Anonymous No. 913666

troons stop thinking about gooning for 5 minutes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

Anonymous No. 913688

As a burger I agree he can fuck off.

Anonymous No. 913706

Every time without fail, you say that we're gay nazis. You say that we have one joke but you have one retort/cope. Also our artists are better than yours, cris is a lib

Anonymous No. 913714

Fucking based lmao

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 913715

why is there a creepy doll in the background

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 913716

is this guy also a vtuber that does blender shit on twitch? his voice sounds really familiar

Anonymous No. 913751

there's direct dl links on the main CGP site. You can get it there with a decent debrid service.

Anonymous No. 913815

not sure why anyone would waste their time watching that shit when they can watch better. The 'art' is really unappealing, downright creepy in fact.

Anonymous No. 913820

>video is now unavailable
What did they mean by this?

Anonymous No. 913824

I hope someone pirated his video kek

Anonymous No. 913829


Anonymous No. 913846

Thanks, I don't even touch 3D software but in clover /3d/ is always the first board that pops up when I open the app so sometimes I browse just for the hell of it; I'll take this advantage to practice just for fun

Anonymous No. 913857

>downloaded one vid
>no sound
what am I supposed to do with that?

Anonymous No. 913880

Is it a timelapse.

Anonymous No. 913881

lmao what an insecure faggot

Anonymous No. 913902

chuds i need the video where is it?

Anonymous No. 913904

it's not

Anonymous No. 913936

They just justified piracy

Anonymous No. 914792

Is there even anyone who made it in the industry who doesn't have a cgpeers acc?

Anonymous No. 914817

yeah some faggots who paid for 3d school.

Anonymous No. 914869

I'm so sick of everything being treated as a monolithical community nowadays. The 3D community. The speedrunning community. The gaming community. The streaming community. The trans community.
Everything is just lumped together onto these faceless, expressionless, singular entities. I don't recall ever signing up to be considered a part of any communities but I'm sure that I'm part of quite a few at this point purely by mass association.

Anonymous No. 914906

Divide and conquer.

Anonymous No. 915087

You should switch to the yt-dlp fork, websites like youtube actively fuck with downloaders (you get like 50kb/s at some point) and yt-dlp circumvents the fuckery