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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 913520

Who is cris, I keep hearing about this guy, but never seen any posts about him or from this guy, is he real or is it a meme?

Anonymous No. 913531

there is like 3 people that post here and he is one of them

Anonymous No. 913535

I am loathe to waste the keystrokes explaining who and what Cris is, but...

Cris is some autist from some brown shithole country, but that's the absolute least of his problems.

Cris talks as if he as master of his craft, despite the fact that he is obviously completely talentless. He is talentless, and he refuses to learn how to do anything better. Improvements that might take your average 3D newbie a week take Cris the better part of a *decade*.

Yes, he has been here for that long. I know it looks like he's 13 and just getting started, but no.

He's a plague both here and to a lesser extent on /vg/, where he can occasionally be found shitting up the /agdg/ thread with his 'AAA workflow' and 'patented' or 'revolutionary' 'new' 'techniques'.

Many have offered Cris real advice over the years, but it's pointless to even try. If you tell him anything that's counter to his current understanding, you're wrong, no matter how much better your results are than his. He simply cannot be helped, because he refuses to learn from anyone else.

Even if you can't identify his uniquely ugly art style, you can identify him by the the phrases he uses, or sometimes you will see the filepath in his blender screenshots, showing his name under the user directory.

He's the worst poster on the board because he not only continuously makes new threads about the same fucking garbage (Sphere-sculpting schizo at least sticks to his own thread, just like /ic/'s pixel-scribbling schizo), but because he continually fools newcomers who aren't yet familiar with him into thinking he can be helped.

I've wasted time typing this, but not nearly as much time as people have wasted trying to help Cris.

Anonymous No. 913552

You are going insane bro, dis you forget to take your daily siesta?

Anonymous No. 913554

Fuck off Cris.

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Anonymous No. 913555

I'm honestly kinda sad that the duckfag left. I wanted to see him fight with cris and/or scribbler.

Anonymous No. 913570

I'm not him I wanted to know what people were talking about for ever about that guy I never seen post here.

Anonymous No. 913580

He's 100% real:

Sometimes the quality of his posts makes me think he's just an incredibly dedicated troll, but that dedication also makes me think he simply is just another schizo. What's weird is that he can kinda draw decently, but that drawing skill he has doesn't work its way into his 3d stuff. If he actually put some effort into his models, they could look less ugly, but he doesn't want to try.
He seems to make some people on this board frustrated with his antics, bragging about his shitty models and calling people chudtiles, but his posts are so stupid it's hard for me to get mad at him. Sometimes people pretend to be him and that affects his reputation, but you can usually tell if it's him or not because they don't quite have the same essence that a genuine crispost has to it.
I don't really mind him that much, because at least he makes the board more interesting. I'd rather have a cris thread to laugh at over more doomposting, software arguing, or "Why is this guy more successful than me" threads. His frogposting is annoying though.

Anonymous No. 913585

>His frogposting is annoying though
I remember the days where 30 or so frog threads were constantly necrobumped so they appeared on the front page.

Anonymous No. 913588

>I'd rather have a cris thread to laugh at over more doomposting, software arguing, or "Why is this guy more successful than me" threads.

pure blendlet cope

Anonymous No. 913590


Anonymous No. 913592

osti de criss de tabarnak

Anonymous No. 915384

You are suck too monogatari French schizo

Anonymous No. 915515


Anonymous No. 915519

Esti de criss de câlice de tabarnak

Anonymous No. 915624

Cris is not a person but rather an idea. When a someone call you a cris be it online or in real life, they are insulting your artistic skills

Anonymous No. 916827

cris is a myth a legend and a monster, they say that just looking at his art will make your progress go backwards up to 4 months, the longer you look at his models the worse the effect becomes... until you start thinking and modeling like cris... and then - you become cris. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

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slash three slash.png

Anonymous No. 917074

>Who is cris